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    Pleasant Suprise

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    What a pleasant suprise to see Amey pull up this morning and start cutting back the tree's and brambles on the green at the bottom of Glastonbury Close.


    Painting The Oval Hereford

    Frank Smith
    By Frank Smith,

    I am sorry to be negative here, but how vile is the colour paint that they have used around The Oval? it's like a cheap yellow! Could they not of come up with just a pale cream or something, anyway besides that,, I thought that it was all being knocked down?? so why are they wasting more of our money on this pointless scheme, I mean it's been okay for the past 20 years or more so why decide to paint it now? Thumbs-Down.png

    Belmont Voice Now Over 100,000 Site Hits!

    P. Rowe
    By P. Rowe,

    Congratulations to Colin, Belmont Voice has today gone over 100,000 website hits, now that is incredible in less than 2 years! fantastic. :Happy_32:

    BRPC Annual Report 2011

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    BRPC Annual Report 2011


    Annual Meeting May 11 Minutes.pdf

    Alternative Bus Route in Newton Farm

    Glenda Powell
    By Glenda Powell,

    Alternative bus route will be in operation in Newton Farm due to resurfacing of following roads.


    On 30th Aug until 31st Aug the Newton Farm bus will not travel along upper Brampton Rd and Kilpeck Ave, pick up point will be in Treago Grove or Brampton Rd opposite the Brampton Rd Stores.


    1st Sept until 2nd Sept due to road resurfacing and closure, buses will travel up Goodrich Grove from town and return the same way. Buses WILL NOT pick up or drop off in Masefield Ave, Charlton Ave, Broxash Drive, the Oval or corner of Goodrich Grove.

    PC Minutes - 30th June 2011

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    Liz has kindly sent me the most recent approved PC minutes from the meeting held of June 30th 2011. I have asked her if she would kindly forward me the more recent ones once they have been approved.


    June 11 Minutes.pdf

    What A Joke! It's No Wonder There Is So Much Fly Tipping

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    I drove to the tip earlier in my company car (back is kitted out with samle ceramic tile boards)with 5 bags of old kids toys and a bag of garden grass waste. I was told this is trade waste and I need to pay or collect a permit from the council. I explained and showed the man that this is household waste, but he refused to let me in. There was a car there with about 20 full bags of rubbish, but because he was in an estate car (which was actually bigger than my car)he was allowed through??


    I came hom and phoned the council, they said we will put you through to waste department, eventually I got through to the council offices in Bromyard? I asked the woman if she could give me th number to the Oval offices, she explained that she did not know of this office and suggested that I call the swithboard again. I again called the swichboard and explained what had happened and again asked for the waste department, this time I was put through to planning! :Angry_32: the guy explained that he knew a lot about waste, so I asked him how I go about getting a permit, he said I needed to go to Garrick House (City Centre) but I needed to take the vehicle registration doucuments?? I explained that this was a company car and that I did not have the documents, then he said that I needed to provide a letter from my company explaining that I had permission to use the vehicle and it was ok to use it to drop off waste, what the hell has that got to do with the council?? I have decided that I will leave all the rubbish on the street and the bin men can take it on Monday and if they refuse it will stay there!! what a joke! It's no wonder that all this fly tipping happens, the council do not make it easy for you do they.


    I cannot be the only person that has a pickup. images.jpg

    This is what happens when requests are ignored...

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    This is what happens when requests are ignored...

    Do you all remember when I asked for the Tree's at the bottom of Glastonbury Close to be cut down and bushes cleared? Well after many discussion between myself Cllr Powell and Amey eventually, a few men were sent up to clear the open space area. (Nov 2009) At the time the supervisor from Amey suggested that they only need cut back the tree's, both Cllr Powell, myself and other residents said it would be better and safer (preventing kids climbing on the spiked metal fence surround McDonald's) if the tree's were cut down totally, but no he insisted that they would leave stumps... I told them then that they would need to come back within a year or so, no no no he said it will be at least 4 or 5 years before they need pruning again.

    Well this is what they looked like when Amey had completed their work


    And this is what it looks like today


    I guess it's time for another call to Amey eh..

    Where exactly is South Wye?

    By Alex,

    I was having an argument with a friend. Can someone please clarify what area is considered as South Wye and what is Belmont and the difference when the word ward is added?

    Minutes of meetings?

    Victor Wright
    By Victor Wright,

    I have send a message to BRPC to ask her if she could email across the last minutes of meetings held, hopefully Colin can then publish these for us.

    Police Action Around the Wards

    Roger Edwards
    By Roger Edwards,

    Police Action Around the Wards


    It would be very nice if we had a weekly record from Police as to what is going on, in the wards.


    Any chance Glenda you can arrange for this to happen, as I think it would be very useful as to keep as aware as to what is going on.



    BRPC and Websites

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    I am disappointed that the only active councillor on this website is Cllr Powell. I have personally invited Cllr Edwards, John Newman, & the recently elected Dawn Killeen. Andy Myatt has registered but has yet to post.


    Surely this website is an ideal vehicle for direct communication between your elected councillors and their constituents, (I think there are some silly politics going on behind the scenes to be honest.)


    I have just read the minutes from the BRPC 's last meeting with reference to websites.

    87/10 Websites


    (a) Belmontrural.co.uk


    As requested at the last meeting, the Clerk has ascertained that the voluntary website www.belmontrural.co.uk will continue to be maintained and to include items of interest in the immediate future. The e-mail exchange forum however will remain closed for the foreseeable future.


    HALC have been approached for advice on website and have provided guidance notes, a copy of which was provided to Members. It was agreed that no further action would be taken at this stage but Members were invited to provide further comment to the Clerk once they have considered the HALC guidance provided to them.


    (b) Belmontvoice.co.uk


    The Clerk advised that following some incorrect statements on the Belmontvoice website, she has registered to use that site in her official capacity as Parish Clerk in order to correct statements regarding the extent of the Belmont Rural Parish and matters relating to BRPC. It was formally agreed to ratify the Clerk’s action.


    Why is it that Cllr Edwards and other councillors were happy to post regularly on the old (now not used) BRPC website yet they seem to need permission to use this one?


    This is a real shame and in my opinion a big let down to their constituents, who are clearly seeking advice and correspondence with their elected councillors via Belmont Voice.


    If there is a reason for there absence could it be made known? so that we can move forward and all work together for our community.

    New Estate Manager for Newton Farm

    Glenda Powell
    By Glenda Powell,

    As of Monday 4th July Newton Farm has a new Herefordshire Housing Estates Manager John Ingles, he will be in place until September when Collette Cutter, (the estate manager for Hunderton) will take over the full time position in Newton Farm. With Mr Pugh taking over as estates manager for Hunderton at that time.

    My thanks goes out to Peter Grayer for his work in the time he was with us, and I wish him well in his new post in Legions Way.

    Challenge Church Activities

    Glenda Powell
    By Glenda Powell,

    Since 1996 Challenge Community Church has been serving the people of Hereford with a special heart and love for South Wye, which has always been our home. In July 2008 we purchased the old Royal British Legion Club on Belmont Road. In July 2009 we moved into our new home! We would love you to come and visit us.

    Listed below are a host of ways in which Challenge is involved in making a difference in people's lives.Why not come and find out for yourself.


    Sunday Morning Service

    Our main church service is at 10.30am-12 noon each Sunday, our band leads us in worship with contemporay music and songs. There is a creche for pre-school children, and a Sunday school for 4-11 year olds.


    Sunday Evenings.

    A variety of events are run on Sunday evenings. These vary from our monthly Challenge Coffee Club to training events, and from communion to regulat prayer times.


    After school Club.

    This is run each Wednesdays at Marlbrook Primary school, and is open to all pupils of Marlbrook.


    Young People.

    Our Friday night club is for 9-12 year olds. Activities include table tennis,pool,Wii and play station games and trips out.


    Men and Women.

    Special events are run for either just men, or women. These are run on a regular basis, and include things like jewellery eveninggs (for ladies) or football nights (for the men).


    Koffee and Kidz

    This group runs one morning each week as a parent/carer and toddler group. There are always lots of toys and crafts and a healthy snack for children, and hot drinks and cakes for parents and carers.


    Coffee Mornings

    These are held regularly during the week, giving a comfortable place to sit, chat and enjoy a great coffee.


    Community Projects

    Thesr include 'store house' which provides emergency groceries to those in need, and Action Projects (APs)

    which helps people with gardening and house clearing.


    Family Worker and Debt Support.

    Challenge support families in all shapes and sizes, who are struggling with all sorts of issues. Our family worker has established and ADHD parents support group, and we run courses on 'parenting' 'drug proofing your kids' amongst others.


    For more information Tel: 01432 277676 church office or 07711 590034 Martin Erwin.

    Daughters New Website

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    My daughter has entered several local talent competitions. She won Junior Text Factor in December last year and was a finalist in Hereford's Got Talent this year. It is her 16th birthday today, so I have created a little website for her, feel free to check it out


    Steph James


    Colin James
    By Colin James,




    All the Fun of the Fair (for disabled people that is!) Project

    For over two years now we have been campaigning to improve disabled access to the Fairground Rides and other attractions on offer at the Hereford May Fair plus other similar events around the County which involve fairground type attractions. We believe that our campaign is probably the first time in the history of the Hereford May Fair that any serious attempt has been made to ensure full inclusion for disabled people and their carers at such events.

    We have thoroughly researched the case for full inclusion and the detailed aims of our campaign are underpinned by our personal lived experience of disability, plus a range of informative statements in documents published by the Health and Safety Executive, Equality and Human Rights Commission, Disability Rights Commission, Improvement and Development Agency, Disability Law Service (with reference to the Disability Equality Duty in the Public Sector), United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and now also the recently published Herefordshire Council Herefordshire Equality and Human Rights Charter 2010.


    Full details attached below

    HEREFORD ACCESS FOR ALL May Fair Leaflet.doc

    Newton Farm Community Hub

    Guest Andy Thompson Associate
    By Guest Andy Thompson Associate,

    Dear all,


    I am currently working with Newton Farm Community Association, The Kindle Centre and Herefordshire Housing on a business plan for the development of a community hub on the site of the St Francis of Assisi church on Goodrich Road in Newton Farm. I came across this forum whilst looking for the local election results and thought it would be useful to to register and pose a few questions.


    I have spoken to quite a few people so far about this project as well as conducting a piece of community research (my colleagues and I recently surveyed over 100 people in the Newton Farm area trying to identify what concerns people had for the area, what their aspirations were (both for themselves and Newton Farm) and whether they supported the idea of having a community hub) but I want to broaden the evidence base a little further if possible.


    I would be really grateful if you would spend five minutes in replying to this post (either on the forum or privately) to tell me the following:


    1. What do you think are the big issues for Newton Farm?


    2. What can be done to address them?


    3. What would you like to get out of a community hub?


    4. what would you like to see operate from their/be offered there?


    5. Is the St Francis site the most appropriate site in Newton Farm? If so, why? If not, where is?


    6. What is your involvement in Newton Farm? (i.e. do you live, work or represent the area)


    7.In what capacity are you speaking to me? (i.e. as a local resident, councillor, professional etc.)


    Thanks again for your time.


    Best regards



    Please Sign The Petition

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    We should be allowed to photograph & video our kids during school plays and sports events etc...Without the fear of being stigmatized as some sort of pedophile!



    If you agree with This Topic

    Please be kind enough to support our campaign and sign the petition HERE

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