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    BBC H&W Broadcast Details Of Our Traffic Lights Petition

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    Our Turn Off The Traffic Lights campaign has now been kindly highligted by BBC Hereford and Worcester. I was Interviewed live this morning by Nicola Goodwin, tune in all day long to 94.7 where you will here the whole interview and more...

    More details can be found on the BBC Hereford and Worcester website http://www.bbc.co.uk...test-programmes


    I have also added the MP3 versions further down in this topic.

    St Francis Church

    Frank Smith
    By Frank Smith,

    I have noticed that St Francis church has been closed for sometime, what is actually happening there does anyone know?

    Register For Herefordshire Public Services

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    Register For Herefordshire Public Services






    There are some very useful links. I will add this site to the sidebar for future use.

    Traffic Lights Works

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    Traffic light works in Hereford


    4:33pm Friday 16th November 2012 Hereford Times


    REFURBISHMENT is to start next week on a set of traffic lights in Hereford.


    The overnight work on Eign Street will begin on Monday and will take around six weeks to complete.While the work is being undertaken, temporary traffic lights will be in operation and diversions in place.


    (I have reposted this article for megilleland as is was posted it in a seperate topic)

    The Changing Face Of Hereford. The Subject We Fear To Discuss.

    By bobby47,

    Due to past political social engineering we've all been conditioned to not say anything for fear of being branded a bigot or racist. And now, in homes, pubs, streets, wherever local people gather the one subject that is sure to be muttered is the settlement of the people from East Europe.

    For my part, I admire and like these people from Eastern Europe. They are well educated, hard working, they do the jobs we no longer want to do and to an employer, they are very reliable and will work for low wages. Personally speaking, if I'd been born under the fist of grinding poverty and the remaining affects of communism, I'd be doing the same thing. I'd be here in Hereford with my family trying for a better future. Who can blame them?

    But of course, for all these positive things, there are consequences and one is there is a growing intolerance and anger toward the East European people and a view by local Herefordians that they are being taken for granted, our Country is being asset stripped and they cannot say anything because they will be branded a bigot. Local people complain that the East European people are taking all the jobs, much of the social housing and we are haemorrhaging vast sums of money every week when our guests send money home to prop up their home economy's.

    Our Hereford community is becoming increasingly disconnected from local government and local people feel they have no voice and nowhere to turn to. Personally speaking, I have noticed that this anger is increasing and local people are desperate for change. They feel that their local public services are being swamped and understandably they worry that institutions like the NHS are not going to be there for their grandchildren.

    Quite simply, I believe that if we go on not talking about the new reality to our changing society then we are going to meet disaster. Somehow or other we have to talk and be able to discuss this issue without any fear of being branded racists or bigots.

    I want readers to offer their views on what we can do, how we can move forward and how we can communicate genuine concerns to local government and to the East European community without there being any hurt on either side of the issues that are sat in front of our community.

    More than anything, I want to read constructive comments regarding our future community cohesion rather than mindless ranting and raving.

    No Confidence in Hereford Council

    By bobby47,

    My forthcoming comments are not intended to hurt the feelings of those Councillors on this site who I am sure are hard working and do their best for their constituents. My view is aimed at the collective who I believe lurch from one badly thought out scheme to another.

    I hope that most readers will accept that we, Our home Hereford, is not flourishing and our recession is compounded by the fact that in the past poor decisions were made that has left us with little or no infrastructure.

    For my part, I really do resent much of the secrecy that surrounds the decision making of our Council. I feel that the Council are delivering their form of democracy which does not involve our participation.

    Despite the Hereford Times repeatedly airing stories regarding the Council doing things secretly, they take absolutely no notice of public objection and simply just carry on.

    The reported waste of our funds by the Council is in my view staggering. They recently commissioned at great expense new signs that are intended to announce to the visitor, HERE WE CAN instead of the old signs that simply said, WELCOME TO HEREFORD.

    The result was, amongst the cynics which include me, Here we Can what? Have no job. Have no shops. Have no infrastructure. This was a crazy badly thought out gimmick and frankly we have so many problems its pointless for the Council to keep slipping us the public a gimmick. We simply can't afford anymore of this crazy blue sky thinking.

    I want the Council to wake up to the new reality. We have no more money to waste and we cannot afford to allow this Council to continue leading us all toward the abyss.

    Once again, my views are not intended to offend the Councillors who are members of this forum.

    My very warmest regards.

    Shanty town

    By megilleland,

    Taken from "Have your Say" Hereford Times this week:


    I WISH to draw your attention to the potentially dangerous situation at the junction of Goodrich Avenue and Waterfield Road.


    For no obvious reason a number of container-type cabins, presumably used for storage, are parked on the greensward adjacent to the fairly new police sub-station opposite the entry/exit of the service road for Millard Close.

    For the activities involved in using these cabins – which, in themselves, obscure or distract attention from other traffic approaching that junction – vehicles service the cabins and are parked on one or both sides of Goodrich Avenue and Waterfield Road, with workers moving to and fro.


    That no incident has already occurred is, I think, entirely fortuitous.

    It has occurred to me that the siting of these cabins might and certainly ought to have incurred an application for at least temporary planning consent as I doubt whether it would have been granted in view of the hazardous situation they cannot avoid causing.


    DAVID J JORDAN, Millard Close, Hereford




    I think he has got a valid point. This area of safeguarded open space has been turned into a large builders compound. Herefordshire Housing sure know how to ruin a decent green area for local people. No doubt they have plans for other open spaces bearing in mind the present governments approach to relaxations of development rules. It is a pity that they can't keep their estates tidy - the whole area is sinking fast. The area once had a youth club and church - useful community assets.

    PC Minutes - August 2012

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    Please find attached the minutes from the parish council meeting held on August 2nd 2012


    August Minutes.pdf

    PC Minutes - June 2012

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    Please find attached the minutes from the parish council meeting held on June 28th 2012


    June Minutes.pdf

    PC Minutes - May 2012

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    Please find attached the minutes from the annual parish council meeting held on May 17th 2012


    Annual Meeting May.pdf


    Annual Meeting May2.pdf

    PC Minutes - April 2012

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    Please find attached the minutes from the parish council meeting held on April 12th 2012


    April Minutes.pdf

    PC Minutes - March 2012

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    Please find attached the minutes from the parish council meeting held on March 1st 2012


    March 12 Minutes.pdf

    PC Minutes - January 2012

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    Please find attached the minutes from the parish council meeting held on January 19th 2012


    January 12 Minutes.pdf

    Police & Trading Standards

    By bobby47,

    During the past few years I've noticed a worrying increase in the use of children by the Police and the Local Authority, who are recruiting kids, giving them money and tasking them to enter a licensed premises store and purchase alcohol in order to gain evidence to support either a Licence being revoked or a criminal prosecution.

    These Test Purchases are conducted under the control of the Police and the Trading Standards and at some point following a successful Test Purchase of alcohol, these kids must presumably provide witness statements and their personal details or false names must be incorporated into a file of evidence that will support a criminal prosecution.

    For all intents and purposes these kids become Covert Intelligence Sources and I suppose, must be filed and logged as Police Informants.

    Now I ain't no expert on any of this but I do ask myself, 'is this entirely necessary' given that the Police and Trading Standards could quite easily carry out a successful prosecution by simply carrying out observations on the shop and catching a few kids who have purchased alcohol from the Licencee.

    My worry is that to save the Police and Council a lot of man hours doing these observations, they are taking the easy option and using children.

    My personal view is that we shouldn't be exploiting children in this way. I accept that some would say the kids are volunteers but when they are that age, do they really know and understand what is being asked of them?

    I felt this for a long time and I'd bet anybody that one day the wheel is going to come off and this will become a major Policing issue and will be something that we will, with hindsight regret ever doing.

    I say, leave the kids out of it and get your evidence in another way.

    White Cube Mountain Bike Stolen - Masefield Ave

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    Shed Broken into last night at Masefield Avenue. A white cube Mountain bike was stolen. Blue writing black seat.

    Any info please contact our local police.

    Dead Posts St Martins

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    Here are a few from St Martins and Putson

    This first one is along Hinton Road

    This one is just outside the funeral directors

    Vortex Youth Centre?

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    What is happening about a new youth centre for Newton Farm? there was some talk of the former vortex site, but not heard anything since?


    Can anyone give us an update?

    Extraordinary Meeting

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    Extraordinary Meeting of Belmont Parish Council

    Will take place on

    Friday 2nd November 2012


    Belmot Community Centre

    Eastholme Avenue, Belmont,


    Commencing at 7.30pm

    For the sole purpose of discussing and making comments on plnning application reference S122747/0, being outline planning consent for a development of 85 homes on land at Home Farm Hereford.

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