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    Daughters New Website

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    My daughter has entered several local talent competitions. She won Junior Text Factor in December last year and was a finalist in Hereford's Got Talent this year. It is her 16th birthday today, so I have created a little website for her, feel free to check it out


    Steph James


    Colin James
    By Colin James,




    All the Fun of the Fair (for disabled people that is!) Project

    For over two years now we have been campaigning to improve disabled access to the Fairground Rides and other attractions on offer at the Hereford May Fair plus other similar events around the County which involve fairground type attractions. We believe that our campaign is probably the first time in the history of the Hereford May Fair that any serious attempt has been made to ensure full inclusion for disabled people and their carers at such events.

    We have thoroughly researched the case for full inclusion and the detailed aims of our campaign are underpinned by our personal lived experience of disability, plus a range of informative statements in documents published by the Health and Safety Executive, Equality and Human Rights Commission, Disability Rights Commission, Improvement and Development Agency, Disability Law Service (with reference to the Disability Equality Duty in the Public Sector), United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and now also the recently published Herefordshire Council Herefordshire Equality and Human Rights Charter 2010.


    Full details attached below

    HEREFORD ACCESS FOR ALL May Fair Leaflet.doc

    Newton Farm Community Hub

    Guest Andy Thompson Associate
    By Guest Andy Thompson Associate,

    Dear all,


    I am currently working with Newton Farm Community Association, The Kindle Centre and Herefordshire Housing on a business plan for the development of a community hub on the site of the St Francis of Assisi church on Goodrich Road in Newton Farm. I came across this forum whilst looking for the local election results and thought it would be useful to to register and pose a few questions.


    I have spoken to quite a few people so far about this project as well as conducting a piece of community research (my colleagues and I recently surveyed over 100 people in the Newton Farm area trying to identify what concerns people had for the area, what their aspirations were (both for themselves and Newton Farm) and whether they supported the idea of having a community hub) but I want to broaden the evidence base a little further if possible.


    I would be really grateful if you would spend five minutes in replying to this post (either on the forum or privately) to tell me the following:


    1. What do you think are the big issues for Newton Farm?


    2. What can be done to address them?


    3. What would you like to get out of a community hub?


    4. what would you like to see operate from their/be offered there?


    5. Is the St Francis site the most appropriate site in Newton Farm? If so, why? If not, where is?


    6. What is your involvement in Newton Farm? (i.e. do you live, work or represent the area)


    7.In what capacity are you speaking to me? (i.e. as a local resident, councillor, professional etc.)


    Thanks again for your time.


    Best regards



    Please Sign The Petition

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    We should be allowed to photograph & video our kids during school plays and sports events etc...Without the fear of being stigmatized as some sort of pedophile!



    If you agree with This Topic

    Please be kind enough to support our campaign and sign the petition HERE

    Trying to settle an argument Tesco garage 24hr

    Victor Wright
    By Victor Wright,

    I am trying to settle a small argument here, did the Tesco garage used to be open 24 hours?

    Cheap Street Signs

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    I have been somewhat confused for sometime about our street signs. They always used to be quite nice, for example like this one;


    But none of them are the same, they vary quite a lot, I would assume that it would make sense and look smarter if they were all of the same format, but they are not. Whitefriars Road, the sign as you approach on the left is the one above (green) but the one exactly opposite it is like this one from the other end of the road;


    As you drive around you then come to Chancel View, again a different sign;


    Then you get to Glastonbury Close, now the one on the right as you approach is this one;


    But the one exactly opposite is this one (which needs replacing)and they are getting cheaper...


    Just an observation, but I just thought that it would be nicer to have them all in the same format, obviously the 1st green ones are the smarter more attractive signs but they have got cheaper and more tackier over the years. So is there a standard format to street signs?

    To me, it is false economy to use the cheaper signs with stickers as they have to be constantly replaced, the last sign has been replaced a few times as the lettering just wears off. Surely it makes more sense to use more solid robust painted signs that last for years and years.

    New Members Please Read

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    As new members you are very welcome at Belmont Voice. Please take a few moments to complete your profile, this helps other members know who you are etc.. also you can add a picture or avatar or both. Look at your profile their are lots of settings you can use with plenty of features. You can subscribe to any topic, create your own galleries plus lots more. If you need any help check out the help section it is very informative, failing that please just ask away or email or send me a private message and I will do all I can to assist you.

    In the meantime please enjoy using the site. :Happy_32:

    Councillors please make me aware that you are registered as you have different privileges and I will need to place you in a different group.

    Traffic Lights Out Today & Traffic Was Fine

    Bill Thomas
    By Bill Thomas,

    The nighmare traffic lights at the Asda roundabout were out of order today for a short time and the traffic moved better when they were off. What does that tell you...

    Newton Farm Town Green Action Group

    By megilleland,



    People may remember that a meeting was called four years ago (February 2006) to highlight the threat to open space at Argyll Rise by development from Herefordshire Housing. At that time it was agreed to pursue an application to turn this piece of land into a town green and protect it for future generations.


    Newton Farm Town Green Action Group made an initial application to create this green and following a public inquiry in July 2007, it transpired that we met all the criteria (4 points), except one, which was that the residents were using the land "by right" and not “as of right". Herefordshire Housing was delighted with this result and urged Herefordshire Council to refuse the application for town green status.


    Surprisingly, ignoring the inquiry inspector's report, Herefordshire Council's lawyer recommended that the Council registered it as a town green. However, Hereford Housing's QC at the council meeting (November 2007) argued that Herefordshire Council would be wrong in going against the inspector's report. The Council followed the inspector's advice and rejected the application.


    It would appear that the saving of this piece of land would be lost, except that NFTGAG had a second application in hand, due to a change in the law, and this was submitted to Herefordshire Council for consideration (October 2007). Herefordshire Housing is again opposing the second application and NFTGAG are submitting new evidence that we hope will overturn the original decision to not create the green.


    Due to the protracted delay in dealing with this second application, a complaint was made against Herefordshire Council through the Local Government Ombudsman. This has resulted in the Council ensuring it gets advice on the law of town and village greens from one of the country's most experienced barristers in this field, Mr Vivian Chapman QC.


    The hearing is to be held before the Regulatory Committee at Brockington, Hafod Road on Tuesday 2nd November 2010 at 2.00pm. Mr Vivian Chapman QC will advise the Committee with Miss Morag Ellis QC for Herefordshire Housing and Christopher Whitmey for Newton Farm Town Green Action Group.


    Any public support for this cause on the day would be extremely welcome.

    Yellow Boxes Needed

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    I initially suggested this back in May 2008!! not heard anything more since...


    Here was my original post on another belmont forum;

    I have lived in Belmont for over 19 years, and as the years have gone by, the traffic has got worse. My biggest gripe is when I try to take my children to Kingstone School in the morning. Approach the roundabout from the Tesco side and you are faced with a long line of traffic coming from the Abergavenny direction. I need to go right but traffic is so bad I cannot cross the roundabout until someone lets me out or if I force my way across. We need some yellow boxes here! This would keep the flow of traffic moving. I am surprised that something like this has not yet been enforced.


    C James

    May 26 2008

    Belmont Golf Club - New Club House

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    THE owners of Hereford's Belmont Golf Club will be launching a drive for a new, separate clubhouse.

    Golf Inns Limited's managing director, David Milton, is re-focusing on running and developing the existing golf and hotel business.


    Milton believes a new clubhouse, for which they will be applying for planning permission, would help secure golf in Belmont” independent of Belmont House.

    A new clubhouse will free up the house for development without the complication of the existing clubhouse operation, said Milton.

    He said the sale of Belmont, agreed back in December 2009, had not happened and it had led to uncertainty for the club and their members.

    Milton said: Further uncertainty is not in anyone's interest, so Golf Inns Ltd will instead now concentrate and re-focus on running and developing the existing golf and hotel business at Belmont.

    “In the short term, we will be moving forward with a number of improvements and investments which have been on hold for some time, including exciting new initiatives for golf at Belmont and phased improvements to both the course and the Lodge Hotel.

    He added: "With the uncertainty behind us, a clear strategy identified” including a commitment to golf members remaining at the heart of the business” and with a whole host of new initiatives and a programme of further investment already underway, this promises to be a very exciting time for all involved at Belmont.


    General manager Mark Suddes will be staying at the club to oversee the programme.

    Campaign! I should be able to photograph my kids

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    Every time I want to film or photograph my kids, whether its at the school athletics or if they are performing on a stage your told you cant! why not?? It's not like there are other kids walking around in skimpy swimming costumes or naked, it's pathetic! We will have no memories of our children when they get older.


    I think that we should challenge all schools and authorities who prevent us recording these precious memories.


    I am sick and tired of being told, "oh I don't think your allowed to photograph or film here" or "have you got permission?"


    I feel so strong about this, that I want to start a campaign, looking for some direction and advice on the local councils views on this subject...


    People with such corrupt minds as to see perversion everywhere they look are the ones with the real problem. The vast majority of people are decent, well-meaning and caring. If paranoid parents or organisations don't want to allow photography of children that is up to them but stop using non-existent laws to make decent human beings feel like they have done something wrong when they haven't.


    The Childrens Act makes it illegal to take INDECENT photos of children or to create INDECENT pseudo images of children (under 18's).


    Why do people find that so hard to understand.


    Children in bathing costumes or babies at bath times are not indecent as long as there is no sexually suggestive content.









    People who find them sexually suggestive have the problems not the children nor the photographers.

    Archive Forum Created

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    I have created a "read only" forum with all the old topics and posts which are now obsolete. This forum will store old archived threads for reference only, you will not be able to start any new topics or reply within this forum.

    Crime Statistics shown on New Police Website

    By megilleland,
    This website provides you with helpful information about crime and policing in your area. Updated each month. Covers the whole country. Makes an interesting read.

    Tesco Belmont Planning Application

    Frank Smith
    By Frank Smith,

    Ref: DMS/102577/F

    Site: Tesco Stores Limited, Abbotsmead Road, Belmont

    Development: Proposed expansion of existing bulk storage area

    Comments: Plans have been circulated. Members had several comments and recommended refusal on the grounds that the development would have an adverse impact on neighbouring properties. Full details of the objections raised are on the letter, a copy of which has been provided to Members.

    Hereford StreetScene

    Colin James
    By Colin James,


    Littering in a public place is not only unsightly but it is also an offence. If you are caught dropping or leaving litter, you may be issued with a £80.00 Fixed Penalty Notice or prosecuted. This can easily be avoided by using the litter bins provided or taking your rubbish home. It is worth noting that chewing gum and cigarette butts dropped onto the ground are also considered as litter. However, whilst in isolation the size is small and may appear insignificant, the cumulative effect is massive and as such Herefordshire Council takes a robust approach towards such littering. Herefordshire Council works closely with Amey in order to keep Herefordshire clean and tidy.


    Although not a regular occurrence, if you find a discarded syringe or needle in the community please do not touch it. Simply contact us immediately and let us know the location of the item so we can arrange for it to be quickly collected and removed.


    However, if you find a syringe, needle or drug paraphernalia within the grounds of an educational institution, please report it immediately to staff on the premises who are trained to deal with such matters.


    If you identify an area where litter has accumulated and is causing concern you can report it to Herefordshire Council by calling 01432 261761 or E-Mailing info@herefordshire.gov.uk. Alternatively you can contact Amey Streetscene directly on 01432 261800 or streets@herefordshire.gov.uk.


    You can also report sightings of large pot holes, due the the severe cold weather recently to StreetScene.

    Rubbish collection times vary!

    By jane1968,

    I wish the local dustbin men would come at a similar time each week, most weeks they are here around 10am, but sometimes its midday, which is ok too, but today they came at 8.15am and I missed them, they have done this before :Thumbs-Down: trouble is if I leave my rubbish out the night before the cats open all the bags.


    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    Create a FREE private and secure portfolio of all your personal property.


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