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    Royal Visit To South Wye

    Glenda Powell
    By Glenda Powell,

    HRH the Earl of Wessex will be visiting South Wye tomorrow morning Friday 12th July 2013.

    He will be visiting the Hereford Academy, Oval Information Centre, where he will be meeting ward councillors for Belmont, Hinton Centre and Kindle where he will be having lunch with South Wye pensioners before going on to Rotherwas before returning to London. he will arrive at the Oval at midday.

    Welsh Water Open Evening Hereford July 15th

    Victor Wright
    By Victor Wright,

    Welsh Water is to hold an open evening in Hereford to explain its plans to invest £2 billion in the region.
    The event will be at the Kindle Centre at 6pm on Monday, July 15.
    The firm will also be displaying information stands in High Town between 10am and 6pm from Monday and Wednesday of that week.

    The Right Worshipful the Mayor of Hereford, Councillor Phil Edwards

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    Congratulations to Councillor Phil Edwards on becoming Hereford's 632nd Lord Mayor.


    No14 Youth Club Drop In

    Colin James
    By Colin James,


    Recycling question

    Victor Wright
    By Victor Wright,

    I am confused as we are told that we cannot put plastic lids in the recycle bins but its plastic? and also not allowed to put polythene bags either yet I noticed that a lot of people still use the polythene bags when their bins are full and the bin men take these and throw them onto the recycle refuse truck?

    Carpet Fitter

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    Carpet Fitting Service - Dave James Tel 07765504746 or 01432 851397

    New Carpets Supplied - Old Carpets Re-Fitted - Free Quotes!

    Supporting Councillors who deserve support.

    By bobby47,

    During the latter part of 2012, Colin James invited Hereford Times Posters to register with Belmont Voice. For one reason or another, I became the only blogger from the Times to register and take part in your wonderful social platform.

    Three things struck me when I first visited these pages. Firstly, you all are part of a truly wonderful tool that allows you to discuss and resolve the issues that directly affect your neighbourhood. Secondly, Megilleland was here who I know is a prolific blogger and thirdly and finally, how lucky you all were to have Councillors regularly contributing to your discussions.

    In this day and age, it's no easy task to get elected Councillors to emerge from their burrows and say something that might come back to bite them, yet, Belmont Voice was fortunate to have two Councillors, namely Bridges and Powell who contributed toward the issues affecting their constituents.

    In the case of Councillor Glenda Powell, I was astonished at how much she contributed toward her community and this social forum and its fair to say that I have always been impressed by her dedication, her hard working ethic and her willingness to address any problem and give it her best shot.

    You might be thinking, ' sounds like this fool Bobby47 is a close friend of Councillor Powell's. Well, truly and truthfully, I've never met this Councillor, I've no idea whether or not she and I would share the same political values and I've no idea whether she and I could become friends.

    However, what I do know is that for the past twelve months, bloggers on the Hereford Times have been objecting to our current ruling elite and we desperately wanted to find Councillors who spoke their mind, were not afraid to emerge from their burrows and could evidence that they worked hard for their constituents.

    During my visits to these pages I have genuinely been impressed with the industry and hard working ethic of Councillor Powell and her willingness to grasp a stinging nettle and do something. Not talk about it. Not hold a meeting. Not waffle and flower things up that are meaningless and of no help, but to actually, get on and do the job.

    It seems to me that Councillor Glenda Powell displays all the attributes of a public servant who gives her very best and she deserves a little help and recognition for her hard work.

    Why am I mentioning all this? Well, through rumour, the grapevine and some inside knowledge, I have learned that some Councillors have orchestrated a complaint against Councillor Powell. Apparently, because of an issue relating to an old thread of news on BV sanctions are being sought to reprimand Councillor Powell because she took hold of a complaint by a constituent, she ran with it, did something which was to the annoyance of her fellow Council colleagues and failed to follow protocols.

    Some might say this has been done because Councillor numbers are to be reduced and by getting rid of Councillor Powell it's one less Councillor to cull and safeguards the survival of others.

    Me? I think all of this has been done in haste. I think those who have wielded the knife may feel that their actions were somewhat hasty and unwise.

    Whatever the reasons, I would like those involved to end this farce and concentrate on the issues that are important to us all. Holding this bloody Council to account for all the money they have wasted on gimmicks and pointless schemes that have brought about our fiscal ruin.

    In an effort to support Councillor Powell , I respectfully request that all the Belmont Voice Posters who have reason to be grateful to her contribution to this forum and her constituency, you simply note this message and state that you appreciate her hard work.

    My very warmest regards to you all.

    Hereford's Great Western Way Transformation!

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    Well to be fair, credit where credit is due, I was walking along the Great Western Way earlier today and was pleasantly surprised to see this.

    Remember this lot?

    Well this is how it looks today, beautiful in comparison.

    Amey contract up for grabs

    By Mick,

    HEREFORDSHIRE Council will not renew its contract with highway and parks partner Amey, it was announced this morning.

    The local authority said a 12 month tendering process will now begin ahead of the Amey contract ending next summer.

    The new company would be involved in various projects, possibly including the much-talked-about city bypass.

    Geoff Hughes, the Council’s director for places and communities, said the authority wants to provide the best value for money, adding there is nothing stopping Amey from applying for the new contract.


    More here;


    Belmont Rural Parish Council Meeting Dates For 2013/14

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    Meeting dates for the forthcoming year are agreed at the Annual Parish Council meeting which is held in May each year.

    For 2013-4, the following dates have been agreed:

    ​I have added all of these dates to our Community Calendar, which you can download or subscribe to here

    27th June - Belmont
    8th August - Northolme
    19th September - Belmont
    31st October - Northolme
    12th December - Belmont

    23rd January - Northolme
    6th March - Belmont
    17th April - Northolme
    29th May - Belmont

    Community Cyber Cafe at Hereford Academy

    By megilleland,

    Community Cyber Cafe at Hereford Academy


    I called in at the Hereford Academy and noticed a useful facility of benefit to those of us over 18 years of age and may want to get computer literate.


    The Cyber Cafe is open to the public five days a week at various times when you can use computers free of charge to read and send emails, shop on-line, search for a job, write letters, practice your IT skills, tax your car or do just about anything on-line. You can also follow a course through the Cyber Cafe even if you are a beginner.


    Opening times do vary but include at least two or more evenings per week. There is no need to book, but we recommend you call the Cyber Cafe on 01432 373575 or e-mail community@theherefordacademy.org.uk to check availability.


    Opening hours from 3rd June 2013

    Monday: 9.30am to 1pm & 3.30pm to 5.30pm

    Tuesday: 9.30am to 5.00pm

    Wednesday: 9.30 to 12 noon (tutor available) & 12 noon to 5pm

    Thursday: 3pm to 5pm & 5pm to 7pm (tutor available)

    Friday: 9.30am to 1pm

    PC Minutes - April 2013

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    Please find attached the minutes from the parish council meeting held on 4th April 2013



    Minutes 04:04:13.pdf

    PC Minutes - February 2013

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    Please find attached the minutes from the parish council meeting held on 21st February 2013



    Minutes 21:02:13.pdf

    PC Minutes - January 2013

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    Please find attached the minutes from the parish council meeting held on 17th January 2013



    Minutes 17:01:13.pdf

    Albert and The Ring Road

    By megilleland,
    - a nice little video produced by a chap called David Bishop from Ewyas Harold about a couple's visit to Hereford and encountering its traffic. I heard this today on BBC H&W Radio.

    Stabbing incident at Broxash Drive 16th May 2013

    By megilleland,

    Community Update from Superintendent Ivan Powell, West Mercia Police concerning stabbing incident at Broxash Drive 16th May 2013


    As the policing commander for Herefordshire I think it is important that I communicate clearly with local residents following the events of this afternoon, the 16th May 2013.


    At approximately 1525 on Thursday 16th May 2013 we received a telephone call from the ambulance service telling us they were responding to a report of two men who had been stabbed. We have established that this occurred in a private address in Broxash Drive, Hereford.


    A significant number of police resources were deployed to the location. These resources included firearms officers, plain clothes and uniform response officers and dog units.


    At around 15:40 only 15 minutes after the call, two men were located at a private address in

    Golden Post Hereford where one was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder. After a short stand, off another man was arrested at the same location.


    This was a fast moving investigation that required the deployment a significant number of police resources. I would like to re-iterate some key messages:


    • We have two men in custody, and there is no longer any threat to the community.


    • Those arrested are believed to be known to the injured men.


    • We have significant policing resources committed to investigative interviewing, forensic investigation, crime scene searches and house to house enquiries.


    I would like to thank the local communities in Hereford for their understanding and support during this police operation.


    Whilst the identity of the injured men is known to some members of the community, police will only be confirming these identities in due course. Whilst both men were seriously assaulted, their respective conditions are not believed to be life threatening. We are providing support to them and their families at this time.


    It is important for me to acknowledge that these were very serious incidents, but please be reassured there is no longer a threat to the community of Herefordshire.


    Members of the public who believe that they have information that may be relevant to the police investigation are to contact West Mercia Police on 101 and ask for officers at Hereford, or please approach any of my staff who will be patrolling your areas whilst they conduct house to house enquiries over the next few days.

    Timber Dumped! Newton Farm

    By megilleland,

    There is a load of timber which has been dumped behind the electric sub station which I reported to the council a few weeks ago, but nothing has been done so far. On Monday I asked some Amey operatives who were emptying the waste bins in the street if they would move it, but they said it would be Herefordshire Housing's responsibility. Herefordshire Housing estate manager obviously doesn't do a regular walkabout otherwise he would have seen this. This is the rubbish the kids are throwing around every day.









    Belmont Roundabout Keep Clear Signs

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    I cannot believe how the new signs look. This is the result of the new KEEP CLEAR signs
    How useless is that! restricted to one lane, so cars coming from Abergavenny will completely miss this and will still continue to queue preventing vehicles from Belmont getting onto the Belmont Road as you can see, this defeats the whole object and anyone trying to edge their way out from Belmont will cover this little sign!

    So I thought I would help Amey out by giving them a little clue on how it should look...


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