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    Exodus from the Hereford Times

    By bobby47,

    My God! I've just this minute logged in and I can see that there are a whole bunch of H.T. Posters who've registered with Colin James and the good people of Belmont Voice.
    To those who don't pay any attention to the Hereford Times Posters, and personally speaking I can't blame you, we've gone on strike.
    Our demands were to not pay us, give us no fringe benefits, treat us with the contempt we all deserved and reinstate one of our comrades who'd been banished into the ether.
    The management of the Hereford Times had no difficulty whatsoever in agreeing to the first three demands but alas, thus far, they have refused to release the rotting corpse of our fellow poster who was thrown off the site and allow him/her to be reinstated.
    Untill they reinstate this poster or at the very least post us his finger, a toe or better still, his right clubbed foot, we have downed tools, not that we have any, and are refusing to post. Sadly for the good people of Belmont Voice, the banished poster and his/her colleagues have built there nest here amongst you.


    By bobby47,

    Since my colleague announced his/her arrival, I've been thinking about this issue and perhaps I am wrong in my personal approach to these very important social issues.

    What we could do, and it'd require some work, would be to gather up all our homosexual men, lesbian women, our bisexual community and those others who have some other sexual orientation and tell them that, 'whilst you all are not as normal as us, hence the reason we've gathered you all up here together in High Town, what's bloody left of it, we want you to know, that despite the fact you are not as normal as us, we want you to enjoy the same rights as everyone else. How about that Biomech? That'd be sure to sort the whole issue out.

    We could go further, instead of ticking the box that asks about sexual orientation, we could simply pose the question, 'Are you normal or are you abnormal'. That would cut down on administration and it'd certainly make the collation of social information more straightforward.

    Yeah! This idea of normality is beginning to win me over. Of course, when they protest and say,'this is unfair and we feel humiliated', we simply say, 'but your argument is flawed, you cannot have children. You need a normal person to produce your offspring which confirms why we now choose to call you abnormal'.

    That'd sort it all out!

    School Double Decker Buses for South Wye

    Glenda Powell
    By Glenda Powell,

    Information I received from Amey

    Some of the bus routes which school pupils will be travelling when the new term starts in September, you will see in the attached a lists of roads where Amey will be carrying out tree works (some crown lifting and balancing of trees within South Wye)to facilitate double decker buses travelling through.


    Works are needed to facilitate the safe passage of the buses and so need to be done promptly. The following streets which is indicated in RED will be done first, YELLOW second, no colour when required.


    Newton Farm



    The Oval both sides

    Masefield Ave

    Charlton Ave




    Waterfield road.



    (no colour code)


    Ross road,

    Marlbrook road

    Walnut tree Ave





    Winston road.


    However, as tree works of any kind are often emotive any queries / complaints please contact me.

    No Confidence in the Herefordshire Council

    Neil Jeffery
    By Neil Jeffery,

    If you, like me, are sick of the way the ruling council cabinet is taking decisions, please sign my petition:

    Amey works to be carried out in Newton Farm and Belmont

    Glenda Powell
    By Glenda Powell,

    Over the past three weeks I have requested Amey to carryout works in Newton Farm, Hunderton and Belmont, the flaying of trees and undergrowth along the whole of the GWW will be completed by Friday this week,lighting has been checked and repairs done where needed, a meeting has been arranged with the PCC Mr Longmore to take place next week to ask for CCTV on the GWW.I Will update you on this after the meeting.

    The Newton Brook in Newton Farm is in the process of being cleared and trees cut back, this work will carry on into Hunderton, The Brook From Northolme road through and along the CH7 in Belmont will be done at the same time, Amey is aware of a Badger set in Northolme road so care will be taken not to disturb the Badgers. The trees / undergrowth and grass will also be cut in Glastonbury Close open space along the boundary. This additional work I have requested will be completed within the next two weeks.

    The trees and undergrowth will be cut back where necessary along the Shaw Walkway, also I have had a site meeting with Phil Pankhurst from Amey in the past week to look at the condition of trees in the nature reserve in this area
    some work will be carried out.

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank the following people Neill Davies, Phil Pankhurst and Adrian Hall for work that has been carried outso far, and in the process of being carried out.

    I have been on a site visit this morning in Newton Farm, Hunderton, Belmont and GWW with Amey checking work in process.

    Question about VAT

    By Biomech,

    This seems like a good place to ask as I believe there are a number of councillors present.


    This is something that has always baffled and upset me - why do we pay VAT? Well no, I know why we pay VAT, because the government want more or our well earnt money.


    Really my question is, what do we get in return for the VAT that we pay? Where is the "Value"? What "value are we getting?


    While I'm sure it all goes towards the big pot of public spenditure, that's not really the issue.


    Let's say a small business that is not VAT registered sells.... little plastic Colins and Bobby47's for £10 each. And then company number 2 who are VAT registered sell the same figures, at either £10 or £12. Now what extra value are we getting by paying either the same or extra for the same product?

    632nd Mayor of Hereford v Widow Twankey

    Bill Thomas
    By Bill Thomas,

    This is not intended to offend anyone but I just could not resist, but does the new Mayor of Hereford in this picture look remarkably similar to Widow Twankey in the other ha ha

    post-157-0-50631600-1372175954.jpg post-157-0-28188100-1372176012.jpg

    Hi, I'm new :)

    By Biomech,



    I thought I'd just splash out a quick post for those who don't know me.


    I was banned from the Hereford Times website and threatened with legal action for pointing out that their staff write about their friends and family at the demise of actual news pieces. In particular one "Jess Phillips" who I strongly believe is the daughter of Editor Fiona Phillips.


    Consequently, I've ended up here. I don't know how active I'll be but I thought I'd make an entrance :)


    I'll warn you now that I'm outspoken, opinionated, passionate and blunt. I very often see red and type a poostorm that may well be better worded the next day :)


    I'll frequently bash people if they refuse to use their brain - particularly when people play the racism card instead of looking at facts and logic. There are some things that you just cannot argue against... for example, homosexuality is NOT normal. That's not to say it's wrong, that it's not acceptable or that *** people should burn in hell, of course not! It's simply saying that when you look at the human form, biological and evolutionary science... it is not normal. The majority people are not ***, if being *** was normal, humans would be extinct......... I can already feel the eyes beaming down ready to tear me a new one ;) But stop and think about it for a second :)


    So, if you'll have me, I'll stick around :)

    Have your say on £1bn incinerator

    By megilleland,

    From Hereford Times today:

    Have your say on £1bn incinerator

    OPPONENTS of the incinerator plant pitched as the future for the county’s waste will hold a meeting at Hereford’s Kindle Centre on Tuesday from 1.30pm.

    Herefordshire councillors have been invited to attend to attend and all members of the public are welcome.

    The PFI project at Hartlebury, Worcestershire, had been approved and could eventually cost ratepayers up to £1 billion.

    The incinerator would take waste from the county that would otherwise go to landfill, saving Herefordshire Council millions of pounds in government imposed fines.

    Sounds like a lot of money to get rid of waste - more needs to be done to get it recycled. We recycle our household waste, but the council sends all its litter bin waste to landfill and council tax payers pick up the bill.

    The tax is charged by weight and there are two rates. Inert or inactive waste is subject to the lower rate. The present rates are £64 a tonne and £2.50 a tonne for the lower rate. This is going to rise to £80 a tonne by 2014.

    Traffic Chaos Asda Roundabout!!

    Glenda Powell
    By Glenda Powell,

    Did anyone else witness traffic chaos Sunday morning, traffic was backing up on new bridge because confusion about new route road for Asda, after all the money spent they did not put up any signs as to which lane to go in for Asda or Belmont Road, everyone stuck in the middle, three lines of traffic all going one way. It block Belmont road and Ross road as well!

    Hereford Times appears on EDL facebook

    By Biomech,

    I'm new - I'm guessing the open forum is for general stuff? If not, just let me know :)


    So there is a fake news story going around right now about a pub in Leicester that has apparently banned the British forces so as to not upset the immigrants. Naturally I was appalled upon hearing this and did a little digging. It's fake and the photo is from a pub in Knutsford. My research led me to the EDL facebook page were they have announced the fakery and all commenters fully supporting facts, common sense, decency and the pub landlords who are under attack.


    Browsing the page (I saw a post about Pat Condell who I happen to be a fan of) I notice that 14 hours ago they posted a piece from the Hereford Times.


    For anyone interested, the post can be found here:



    Reasons Why BRPC No Longer Link To Belmont Voice!

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    Taken from the minutes dated 27/06/2013 - Item 092/13

    * A complaint has been received from the administrator of the Belmont Voice website regarding the decision to remove the link to that website from our website. The complainant has been advised that the parish council may choose which sites to link to and the decision is considered final in accordance with the formal agreed policy on website content.

    You see this is what happens when you publish something that they do not like...and in particular what their Clerk, Liz Kelso more or less demanded I should remove! She really tried to put all her weight (and a lot of it in my opinion)in her pathetic attempt at threats if I did not remove this post, funny though as most of these tossers are as nice as pie to your face! Well their choice and clearly no loss to this website, the regular unique website visitors we have just go to prove that but they better make sure they keep everything squeaky clean or it will be published on here! Another reason they did not want a LIVE website, hence their glorified notice board!

    I have just obtained all of the minutes from the NCC since the centre was opened, which also makes for interesting reading so don't worry, I will make sure that all of these finance topics are kept on the front page and I will write to the Hereford Times and Hereford Journal asking for their comments too...

    Finally, Here is the full content of the pm 's between Liz Kelso and me for you all to read at your leisure

    Sent 23 April 2013 - 09:27 AM

    Mr. James, on 13th March Councillor Vaughan-Powell posted a comment regarding the Northolme Kick About area which BRPC believes is libellous. The post was first created at 10.47 on 13th March and edited by Ms. Vaughan-Powell on 14th March at 08.47. Having asked the Councillor to remove the post, she has not done so and formal action is now being taken by BRPC to resolve this. In the meantime, the post remains on the site and I would request that it be removed by you as adminstrator.

    As this matter is now the subject of formal proceedings, may I ask that this message be kept confidential and not forwarded or discussed with anyone.

    Liz Kelso
    Belmont Rural Parish Council


    • Administrator

    Sent 25 April 2013 - 12:18 AM
    Hi Liz,

    I have locked the particular topic out of courtesy to your request but it is still available to view.
    This is a forum and although, where possible, I monitor for abuse or swearing etc.. it is the individual members responsibility for the content and wording of what they post.
    I hope that the libelous that you are referring too is not about what was posted on here? If it is, that's a real shame as I am of the opinion that this is forum for all discussions and debates and thus entitles the author 'freedom of speech' I hope that still exists... some topics do become heated and members may get their facts wrong and if that is the case any effected member has the right of reply. I really do not want to go down the very sad road of members not being able to discuss topics frankly and openly.

    Now that I have locked the topic no further editing will be possible.

    I will of course treat your PRIVATE MESSAGE as a PRIVATE MESSAGE that goes without saying. I hope that you feel that I have been fair in this instance.


    BRPC Clerk

    Sent 25 April 2013 - 08:34 AM

    Colin James, on 25 April 2013 - 12:18 AM, said:

    Hi Liz,

    I have locked the particular topic out of cutesy to your request but it is still available to view.
    This is a forum and although, where possible, I monitor for abuse or swearing etc.. it is the individual members responsibility for the content and wording of what they post.
    I hope that the libelous that you are referring too is not about what was posted on here? If it is, that's a real shame as I am of the opinion that this is forum for all discussions and debates and thus entitles the author 'freedom of speech' I hope that still exists... some topics do become heated and members may get their facts wrong and if that is the case any effected member has the right of reply. I really do not want to go down the very sad road of members not being able to discuss topics frankly and openly.

    Now that I have locked the topic no further editing will be possible.

    I will of course treat your PRIVATE MESSAGE as a PRIVATE MESSAGE that goes without saying. I hope that you feel that I have been fair in this instance.

    Thank you for your message. Whilst I entirely agree that freedom of speech is important, a statement that is untrue and damaging is libellous. For the parish council, a statement by someone who would be considered to be aware of the facts that is untrue and states that as a result of parish council negligence a child has been hurt, goes well beyond an appropriate use of freedom of speech. As I have said, formal action is now being taken on this and your comments have been noted.



    • Administrator

    Sent 05 June 2013 - 03:30 PM

    Dear Liz,
    I am somewhat confused, please see all messages above, I did all that I could with your request in fairness to both parties as I saw it. We often have comments made from members of the public saying things like, "This rubbish has not been removed yet or the council have still done nothing about it" etc.. So are all members therefore libelous in their comments at some point? That said, You requested that I keep our discussion private


    As this matter is now the subject of formal proceedings, may I ask that this message be kept confidential and not forwarded or discussed with anyone

    I then notice that bobby47 has recently made comments about so called demands made by the BRPC etc. in a recent thread and I have asked him how he knew or seemed to know about our PRIVATE discussions that we had previously had as I have NOT spoken with ANYONE about it, as per your request. I notice that the BRPC have though! And have also published the fact in their recent minutes. It would have been courteous maybe to be informed of the outcome... I also notice that your receptacle link to my website has now been removed as a direct result? Even though it had been previously agreed to link sites and noted in the minutes of February 21st 2013, so before I address this, am I to believe, that if every time I receive a request from BRPC to change, remove or delete a post that someone may have made, If I refuse, my link is then removed from BRPC as some sort of punishment? Seems a little childish in the circumstances from where I am sat to be honest.
    The original post in question will soon be archived anyway...

    (085/13 It was also noted that further requests for the offending website article to be removed had been refused both by the website administrator and author. Accordingly it was felt that further links to the website from the Parish Council website would no longer be appropriate.)

    I would also like to point out that an author does NOT have the facility to remove a post that they have made; only the administrator has this facility available to them, the author has a small window of time in which edits can be made.

    I would kindly again request a link back to Belmont Voice from the BRPC Website and an explanation as to why the link was removed in the first instance within 14 days if possible.
    I would kindly request information on how the BRPC website is funded, as a tax paying member of the public, I feel, that I may be being possibly discrimination against by removing my link, so I await your reply with anticipation.
    I may end up contacting the Hereford Times for their view on matters and also possibly seeking legal advice. I really was hoping it would not come to this, but it all seems to be rather misplaced and could of been resolved differently perhaps, however, we still have time to rectify this small issue, so I look forward to response.

    Finally could you please confirm the date and venue of the next meeting, is it the 27th?

    Kind regards



    And this is in my opinion the reason they (Liz Kelso) no longer wish our websites to be linked..


    kma1.png kiss_my_ass copy.png

    Suspected Murder In Ryeland Street Hereford

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    Ryeland Street update: Police confirm to locals that they are responding to a suspected murder in the area.


    Just driven past and Police everywhere roads closed off and Ambulance in the street.



    (Photo courtesy of Gareth Jones)

    PC Minutes - June 2013

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    Please find attached minutes from parish council meeting held on Thursday 27th June 2013


    Minutes - 27.06.2013.pdf

    Annual Meeting of Belmont Rural Parish Council

    Colin James
    By Colin James,

    Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Belmont Rural Parish Council Held on Thursday 16th May 2013 at Northolme Community Centre, Northolme Road, Belmont Hereford.


    Annual Parish Council Meeting Minutes - 16.05.2013.pdf


    Annual Parish Meeting - 16.05.2013 - Minutes.pdf

    Roadworks at 6am

    Guest smartieno1
    By Guest smartieno1,

    Can anyone explain why TESCO are being allowed to dictate when AMEY carry out roadworks on Abbotsmead Road?......this week they decided to start at 6am....to avoid disrupting the deliveries....idiots!!

    Local Politics.

    By bobby47,

    Not so long ago I couldn't have cared less about local elections and the purpose of Councillors. I used to think that I'd vote at the General Election, which I allways did, and the rest of it was a load of rubbish which I wasn't interested in.

    Now? Ive changed my mind. National Politics have become very distant to me, I get the impression they are moreorless the same, and, with the exception of UKIP, they have nothing new and original to say.

    Nowadays, since I've been blogging and I've learned a great deal about how local power is used, I've come to the conclusion that local politics is much more important than the politicians and mandarins that flounce around Westminster and Whitehall and I've decided that whatever 'we' want or need, they ain't going to deliver it to us and therefore, we've gotta get hold of power and pull the levers ourselves.

    That means, we've all gotta start taking more interest in our local politics and take more care about who we elect and who we want to pull the levers of local power.

    The next time we hold our local Council elections, when some shiney bloody happy clappy person comes trotting up your path and says, 'vote for me because I live around the corner and I look lovely in a suit' ask them questions and make them earn your vote.

    They've had it easy for to long (not you Glenda) and its about time we, the little people started using our collective strength and began to hold some of these elected Councillors to account.

    I've been to some of these Council meetings and I've seen at first hand how dull and unimaginative many of these Councillors are. They are not clever'er than us, they've not got more wisdom than us and believe me, some of them struggle to say anything other then Yay or bloody Nay. In short, many of them are thick and some are completely unsuitable to be anywhere near power and the levers of power that they can pull in the name of local democracy.

    My idea of a Councillor is of course someone like Councillor Powell. A grafter who earns the right to be called Councillor. It's not someone who takes the money, sticks their bloody hand in the air and votes away another twenty million bloody quid on something that we don't want or don't need.

    I say we've gotta start looking in different places to find our leaders. The ones who've walked in our shoes and are able to stick their hand up in the air and say, 'No. Get stuffed. We don't need things we can't afford and things that we don't bloody need'.

    My conclusion is, the safest bet is an Independent and someone who ain't driven by political dogma and are not slaves to a political party that dresses themselves up as good, kind and understanding but they are really out for themselves and the glory that comes with being called Councillor.

    We've gotta change things. We've all gotta start thinking more about local politics and we've all gotta start taking more care about who we elect as a leader.


    Earl of Wessex at The Oval Hereford

    Victor Wright
    By Victor Wright,

    The Earl of Wessex during his visit to The Oval Hereford today.


    Prince Edward, has visited several locations in Hereford today. The royal visited the Hereford Academy, the Oval in Newton Farm, Hinton Community Centre and the Kindle Centre.
    He met residents from South Wye for a community lunch and was treated to dance and choir displays from students and a local dance group, among other things throughout the day.

    Picture curtesy of the Hereford TImes

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