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Herefordshire Council Elections 2015


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Hello jeanharris and mikefitz, welcome to Hereford Voice.

Mikefitz, if you stick around long enough I am sure IOC will get a tounge lashing at some point if they are caught out telling lies or misleading the electorate then it will come back and bite them. GVP gives as good as she gets on here and people don't always agree with her but she is respected because she will actually engage. I'm sure if a Conservative Councillor were to post on the Voice they would be shown the same curtesy as all new members. I agree the site does seem to favour IOC but again they take the time to engage so again have earned respect from the members. If you trawl through the threads you will see they are not always given an easy ride. Anyway please keep posting its great to have new members.

My warmest regards to you both

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Hi Jean, I and Its Our County are totally against the southern relief road as it is another of this councils roads to nowhere and also comes with strings attached like houses, I would love to meet you In person and don't worry I don't look like my picture I just can't upload one of myself as they are to large apparently, if you would like to email me at James.Stokes@itsourcounty.org then we can set up a meeting and talk more about your concerns.

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@ Mike Fitz. Welcome.


I can confirm that this Hereford Voice website is not financed by 'It's Our County (I think poor old Colin's carpet fitter brother, has to stump up most of the cost!).


As to the site's political leanings (if we could go nautical now), I'd say the majority of the passengers are standing on the port (left) side of the vessel, as it steams into Hereford City Harbour on 7th May, hoping to see the captain and his crew, wearing purple and green uniforms, step down onto the quay, to be greeted by the port's a-political Harbour Master, Dippy Hippy.

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@ Mike Fitz. Welcome.I can confirm that this Hereford Voice website is not financed by 'It's Our County (I think poor old Colin's carpet fitter brother, has to stump up most of the cost!).As to the site's political leanings (if we could go nautical now), I'd say the majority of the passengers are standing on the port (left) side of the vessel, as it steams into Hereford City Harbour on 7th May, hoping to see the captain and his crew, wearing purple and green uniforms, step down onto the quay, to be greeted by the port's a-political Harbour Master, Dippy Hippy.

and I'm sure Dippy will be looking for some very special boots for that occasion!

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Well you won't find many labour councillors in the county because labour are now on the endangered list, they are nearly extinct in herefordshire only one standing in the local elections?…will we be able to save this rare species from vanishing from the county altogether? Or will they just go the way of the dodo never to be seen again in this fine county of ours?

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Tee Hee, Green Knight!


Any excuse for a new pair of boots!


Oh, and where are my manners???


I have already welcomed Jean..... but I would like to offer a very warm welcome to Mike!


There's always plenty going on here at Hereford Voice..... it's great that you have jumped straight in!


Hope to hear lots more from you, I'm sure your views and opinions will prove to be a great addition!

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Hi Jean, I and Its Our County are totally against the southern relief road as it is another of this councils roads to nowhere and also comes with strings attached like houses, I would love to meet you In person and don't worry I don't look like my picture I just can't upload one of myself as they are to large apparently, if you would like to email me at James.Stokes@itsourcounty.org then we can set up a meeting and talk more about your concerns.

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Afternoon Denise!


Well, we have a Conservative candidate, who has just signed up - Sebastian Hope. So  we have representation from quite a few groups now!


For my two pence worth, it's great to see so many councillors and prospective councillors, getting stuck in.....I really welcome the contributions!


(And I would never shout at you.)

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Actually Denise I have to agree with you, I didn't join the voice nor do I post because of any political allegiance to any party. The site is in danger of becoming a political springboard and I suspect we will see few Councillors answering questions or debating once the election is over.


If Councillors are really interested in change then get involved in some of the more contentious threads, you will get a lot more respect than hovering around this particular thread. In my opinion it's more likely to win you votes.

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Actually Denise I have to agree with you, I didn't join the voice nor do I post because of any political allegiance to any party. The site is in danger of becoming a political springboard and I suspect we will see few Councillors answering questions or debating once the election is over.


If Councillors are really interested in change then get involved in some of the more contentious threads, you will get a lot more respect than hovering around this particular thread. In my opinion it's more likely to win you votes.


It will be interesting to see who remains active on HV after the election.

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hi all


glad to have found this site/thread and i hope to be quite active on here should i be elected!


im a PhD student studying criminal crime series patterns, and im getting into politics because i want people to have the option of honest ethical and responsive representatives. i see a lot of complaint about the "old school", crop who are overwhelmingly post middle age, white, middle class and out of touch. i want to get involved before i become that, i want people to know i am living in the same world as they are when i make my decisions. i abhor red tape and closed-doors and will do my honest best to relay information as accurately as i can.


i will be standing in Holmer ward alongside one independent and one IOC candidate. my details have appeared on neither of the north or south conservative sites due to minor complications and should be up in due course! until then, if you want a chat drop me a message on twitter of facebook or similar and ill try to pick them up. @Sebaileyus_PhD (moderators let me know if i've overstepped a boundary posting this). it is my intent to be as involved with social media and related forms of contact


enough about me, i dont want to be canvassing online :)


just to clear up any queries about whos standing and where -

http://www.herefordtimes.com/news/12883621.CONFIRMED___Candidates_for_the_2015_Herefordshire_Council_election/ , and their source:



the council site will also let you see each ward in detail i believe, so you can check your ward (some of the boundaries have changed)


i look forward to meeting and talking to any of you.

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Welcome to Hereford Voice Seb. If its crime, Modus Operandi and illicit trends and patterns of criminal activity that interest you, you've tipped up in the right place.

One of the most pressing problems we are all experiencing, other than what the senior Directors are getting up to within Plough Lane is the rapid and overwhelmingly vast growth of local Dogging Associations. Your Ward, the Holmer district is the safe haven for the Holmer Horde. A group of men and women who have chosen to openly engage in lewd acts of sexual gratification in any place they choose. Moreoften than not, it's my back garden and frankly, whilst at first it was a novelty and I did enjoy watching, now I'm utterly sick of it. Despite my howling through the window, 'clear off. Be gone. Go make love in some other garden', it's getting me nowhere.

Thus far I've had no help from the Police, the Council or the local clergy who seem to me to be happy that these grown men and women are writhing around ejaculating, climaxing and fornicating on my property.

Now, whilst I understand that my written words can be read and taken with a smile and a pinch of salt, this whole Dogging thing is a problem and I'd like to know if you succeed and win the seat at the Holmer Ward, will you do all you can to stop these Seekers of pleasure from carrying on their unwelcome activities. Where do you stand on this issue?

I don't think its right and I'll be damned if I have to put up with it anymore. My very warmest regards to you.

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this whole Dogging thing is a problem and I'd like to know if you succeed and win the seat at the Holmer Ward, will you do all you can to stop these Seekers of pleasure from carrying on their unwelcome activities. Where do you stand on this issue?

I don't think its right and I'll be damned if I have to put up with it anymore. My very warmest regards to you.


Hi Bobby, thats a foul thing to have to put up with. i will certainly raise the issue if elected, and see what can be done.


i suspect the police have the line that "it isnt harming anyone" but that is wrong. this is indecent exposure at its minimum and possibly a s.47 offence of the OAPA if its causing you psychological distress. do they have a specific meeting time or recurring pattern? if you can get photos of the problem and get car license plates, faces etc, we can proceed from there with the police. its always best to take evidence with you. first priority of course is that you remain unharmed, so try to avoid any confrontation. in your position i would be tempted to install a raspberry-pi cam and a security light. that way you involve any interaction. hopefully we can get them slapped with asbos or restraining orders of some sort.


you can of course always raise a tort claim in civil court as well, but i doubt this would work and would be expensive!


in short, i have a few ideas and id love a chance to kick this kind of disgusting behaviour.



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Bobby I almost choked on my Special K!


Welcome to the voice Seb, as you can see people on the voice have some serious issues that if you're elected you will need a strong stomach and an even stronger sense of humour!


im looking to work in what i believe churches identify and sum up as "servant leadership", i want to be the voice of my ward (social media being an excellent medium) and a shield against the detritus of the world. it would be my genuine pleasure to resolve these problems everyone has. its my nature to help people, and im delighted to be giving it a shot on a larger scale. i help job seekers with IT literacy, i help people move house nd now i hope i can put larger problems to rights too :)


and my sense of humour is pretty good, everyone i threaten with a beating thinks so. ;) (JOKE)



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I'm more concerned about the chronic lack of capital letters and full stops from seb with a little S than I am about what goes in bobby47's back passage! IT literacy - dear Lord!


Welcome, Seb!


my apologies, my handwritin, though messy, is better punctuated. Dyslexia is something i have to contend with daily, but no use crying over split milk ;)

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Sebastian another very enthusiastic  youngster look for election and using Hereford Voice for your platform.  I will leave it to the others to wrap your knuckles on this I had my say on the matter last night.


You mention church are you very religious or did I misunderstand your remark? 

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i would use another platform if i could find one, but this is the first place (except pavement pounding) that ive been able to engage with people and talk issues over


 i welcome having my knuckles wrapped, i dont want to go around shouting my head off and winding folk up. that said, im quite good at it!


im very widely read on a few issues, before i put my name forward for election i read about the role of councillor and any public representative, and then the roles of leaders. it just so happens that the article i read on church leadership, i.e. servant leadership, struck a chord with me. the concept of serving the community who elect you instead of ruling them is one that makes sense to me.



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Seb, welcome to HV, that said we all have our own opinions about matters regarding Herefordshire and how it is governed. There is an old saying if you cannot stand the heat, keep out of the kitchen. Just so that you know Jesse and I have worked together in 2007 to stop the post offices from closing in Herefordshire, taking a 10,000 signature petition to Downing Street. Since then we have respected our different political views and accepted them.

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