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twowheelsgood last won the day on January 19 2023

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  1. Ask the Council and let us know the answer? 40 tonnes doesn't seem right.
  2. We certainly need a change to the status quo, but the options on offer hold out little hope of better times.
  3. All public transport is subsidised - trains for instance by many Β£billions - as such Β£50k is an absolute bargain for that many journeys. The wider picture for Beryl is the contribution to health, traffic reduction and so on.
  4. Eight year term? Have the Council learnt nothing form being locked into these long term contracts (BBLP for instance)? It would seem not. Let's hope there's some sort of performance review after a year and penalty clauses for failure to deliver (or, rather, take away).
  5. Any property asset transferred away from this Council for community use is a very good thing. Friends of Castle Green have a fantastic track record.
  6. I understand that β€œThe council awards a contract to S C Joseph Ltd for the Fire Precaution & Risk Assessment works at various Car Parks in Herefordshire following a successful tender. The council approve the expenditure of up to Β£526,113.50 on the works, which includes a 5% contingency of Β£23,914.25, and 5% internal and external professional fees of Β£23,914.25." β€œThe approved funding to undertake this work, is not sufficient. Therefore, we are requesting a further Β£186,113.50, which will be taken out of the Fire Precaution & Improvement Works within the 23/25 programme.” Increase in cost of 35% to Β£712,227 before it evens starts ... what on earth?
  7. Possibly in the light of the recent fire at Luton Airport car park (and another a few days ago at Bristol Airport, too late for this inaccessible report). Electric vehicles and oversize/weight SUV's are certainly heightening the risk in concentrated spaces for fire or collapse in historic multi-storeys. That said Herefordshire Council only has Garrick House (I think). Β£0.5m seems typically over the top for this Council, but I'm sure consultants won't be saying we can do it for less (and Plough Lane seems only to act as a clearing house for jobs to consultants these days). Contrast this amount with the paltry sum they are spending on the homeless (ironically sited in a car park).
  8. 'Living'? No window, no water, no heating, chemical toilet - have we really sunk this low? Is this all we can offer fellow human beings? The most heinous of prisoners do a lot better than this. Shame on Herefordshire Council.
  9. Mmm, agreed, bigger is rarely better. Lots of meetings, little achieved. That said, if Powys could pop over the border and take over repairing what's left of our Highways, that really would be a win!
  10. Yes, it's a bit of mish mash at the moment, this certainly updates and smartens it.
  11. The speech is there on youtube. Ironic that Bridgen should be complaining on the platform formerly known as twitter, an autocratically censored site, where everyone is answerable to the owner.
  12. Part 3 of the ongoing 'you REALLY just can't make it up' saga of this debacle. The 9 week remedial works outlined above have now been going on for 28 weeks and appear to have been abandoned, with areas fenced off and left unfinished. Enquiries to both the ward councillor and the cabinet member have not been answered. Local residents have today received yet another letter from BBLP advising the whole length of the road will now be CLOSED for YET MORE overnight working from Monday 9th October for 5 nights. They appreciate our patience! Who knows, the works may even be completed before Christmas at this pace. I repeat, the original works were programmed at 16 weeks and it's now been over a year since they were started and still no end in sight. It's not even as though it's a good (or even safe) scheme! Why does no one in authority give a monkeys?
  13. We're seeing the consequences of a lack of investment in schools (and other public buildings) in the news at the moment. Pulling money away from them for questionable update of facilities which saw Β£1.92m spent on the building just 6 years ago seems, at best, foolish. It also warrants close questioning of those in Plough Lane commissioning such works (and indeed how they awarded the contracts).
  14. Really sorry and shocked to read about and see the extent of your injuries, purely as a result of being a good citizen and trying to do the right thing. That the police weren't interested is shocking, especially with all the recent publicity about the knife sculpture. Sadly, the country continues its seemingly unstoppable slow decline, with lawlessness at every level left unchecked. The tories are too busy filling the pockets of their mates to care, or even pretend to care, and labour, well, who knows. They can't be any worse, can they? The trouble is, with so much damage done over the last decade, it's going to take more than four years to start to turn things round.
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