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Everything posted by Biomech

  1. Oh yeah old what's his face Jesse Norman has been popping up a bit of late, what with the elections on the way
  2. I just can't agree with this, it's ludicrous., McDonalds is open in the day - are Greggs across the road suffering? What about the Mokka Bar, Ascari's? How about Subway? They are a major global fast food corporation of the same ilk as McDonalds - why are you not arguing for them to close? On the same topic, Subway is open and yet the small "The Lunchbox" is rammed, so clearly having a big player open isn't that much of a disadvantage to local business. More food sources means a lower density of people per area, which, as we know from the facts, causes a reduction in violent outbreaks. What makes you think that the majority of people will go to McDonalds? Not only is it in the opposite direction of the main taxi rank for the area, it's also more expensive to the £pound when compared to something like chips. I'll be honest, I think you have a problem with McDonalds, maybe you're a fruitcake vegan (no pun intended) or you've had a falling out with McDonalds in Hereford, I don't know. But, in the nicest possible way, it is very clearly clouding your judgement.
  3. It baffles me how Hereford, the home of the most globally renowned beef, has to open a generic steak house and an americanised BBQ place.
  4. Oh I haven't seen that ^^ But that's what they have in town though right? I'm surprised Starbucks or Krispy Kreme didn't get in on the OLM According to the staff, the shop in town is closing and moving all stock to the OLM. I spoke to someone in there and she said she wasn't looking forward to having to move all the stock :P Not that I can blame her
  5. I'm going to disagree there - simply because I haven't found a single reason to go back to the OLM after my first look around. I'll probably use the cinema ... at some point. And might try the food places once or twice, despite all of the bad reviews. Until H&M moves to the OLM, I find no use for it. Sure it looks shiny and it is much much better than what was there before, but at the end of the day it's just a tonne of clothes shops and some food places.
  6. Also, in the interest of "multicultiuralism" and "equality", they should keep it all out, not put it all in. I'm sure Islamic football teams can't wait to celebrate Christmas with their "multicultural" colleagues...
  7. Oh for f*** sake, come on. The ******* club are sitting on the floor with a single rug eating off paper plates - what needs to happen for these ******* people to understand that the club is fucked?
  8. Oh I'm always here :) Just been a tad busy at work that's all :) Getting a bit tired of the same issues though to be honest - the council never listen, the councillors only chime in when it makes them look good, they rarely answer questions, and the problems never get fixed - I guess things never change in this city :P
  9. It's part of the "Choose How You Move" Campaign; Like many, I choose to get in the car and avoid the overhanging trees, potholes, glass and being crushed by other road users.
  10. I thought I would enjoy the sun recently with a leisurely ride on my bike. Coming out of Rotherwas on that relief road (heading away from Rotherwas), the lane is absolutely covered in glass for about 1 mile from the Rotherwas roundabout end. I don't know why this is, but there is A LOT of it, perhaps a special glass waste lorry drives past? Anyway, it flicks up in to my legs and embeds itself in my tyres - as well as everyone one elses who uses that road I imagine - is there any chance that once a fortnight or something one of those road sweepers could head along the "hard shoulder" of that road and suck it all up?
  11. I have absolutely no doubt, what so ever, that they will claim it was in no part down to the grass. Despite the grass being the very thing on fire.
  12. So which **** said that long grass that was cut and left to dry wouldn't be a problem as long as we didn't get summer? I'd love to hear what you have to say about it now - let me guess, the grass fire wasn't because of the grass right? https://www.facebook.com/YourHfdshire/photos/a.452936028176885.1073741829.451112681692553/457830044354150/?type=1
  13. That's pretty cool, I really like that and at least you would know what's happening instead of ALL the lights sitting on red at a junction with no one being able to go (cough Broadleys) The only downside I could see is that it would encourage.... rushing.... if you knew how long there was left on green as people approached
  14. So.... we're paying a company to cut the grass and because they aren't fulfilling their contractual obligations, the council is going to pay the public to cut it. So the council are paying twice. And if they can find the money to pay the public to cut the grass, why are they citing monetary budgets as the reasoning for reduced maintenance? As for the Surrey based firm, I'm assuming that they were subcontracted by Ballflower Betty because either: A: Ballflower Betty can't live up to their agreement B: Ballflower Betty win the contract then sub contract the work to another firm at a lower rate, thus generating profit without doing the work
  15. Someone commented on facebook recently that the new owners family are all in property development heh
  16. Biomech


    We seem to have a new family in the street. This is the first year I've noticed the screaming kids and constantly, very loud, barking dog. It used to be fairly quite around here :P And you know that they are the type that will be the first to complain if someone else has a BBQ
  17. War is about logistics, facts, results. Like it or not, women are influenced more by emotions - it's just how they are built. And this could become a problem on the battlefield. It's not sexist or prejudice, it's logical, in the same way that you wouldn't put a blind tank driver on a battlefield. There's no place for political correctness or pandering to social idiots during times of war. That said, I've always been of the opinion that it doesn't matter who someone is as long as they get the job done properly.
  18. hah, looks like I was right, got some junk mail about his campaign through the post the other day
  19. "...statistics from the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) reveal that serious crashes on 20mph roads increased by 26% last year to 420 and accidents causing slight injury rose by 17%." http://hm.sunshineradio.co.uk/news/uk-news/20mph-zone-road-crash-casualties-rise-by-26/
  20. Speaking of Parking, can anyone tell me where the cycle lockups are in the OLM (not including the ones in the middle of the main road)? I found 4 outside Waitrose so far.
  21. There were black bin change people on a stand in high town the other day - I wonder what they have to say about it. I'd still like my black wheelie bin though, that would come in useful :) I can see it now - spend a fortune on black wheelies, 6 months late, weekly collections reinstated :P
  22. It is true, you have to pay for quality and I have absolutely no problem paying for people who get results. But that's the problem, we're paying these rates and NOT getting the results. Furthermore no one is held accountable when they screw up, they STILL receive their bonuses and high pay rates. Public service workers like council members, consultants for councils etc, should be paid on a performance basis. I'd rather them paid £50k/yr with a (measurable) £50k perfomance package than just given them £100k no matter the outcome
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