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Everything posted by Biomech

  1. Is it just me or is it that every time you decide to pipe up the first thing you do is bash other councillors? I'm pretty sure every post of your's I read starts with "I don't know where XX got that info", "XX is wrong", "XX is lying". And you think that's acceptable? They work for YOU, YOU are the ones in contract with them, YOU are essentially their boss and it's YOUR job to get answers. Jesus Christ, Imagine being in a job where you didn't have to answer to your boss or clients. Get a ******* grip. If you can't do the job for which you've been elected and paid for, leave and let someone who can do the job take over.
  2. Can't blame him really, far too much hassle and **** for what it's worth
  3. Let's not be fooled by a false win. If they cut the grass, people are going to be calling it a victory - but they are going to cut the grass anyway. Just not as frequently. So after the first false victory, it's just a waiting game as it over grows again before the next scheduled cut.
  4. Call me insane, but surely the HC can cut this grass and by selling the cuttings to compost manufacturers in bulk, recuperate money - or even make a small profit?
  5. I wonder how many thousands they paid some consultancy to come up with that redundant acronym
  6. I've only seen "private" contractors doing the work they are contracted to do while the council and Ball-flour Beatty sit on their arses doing nothing
  7. I haven't seen the works since that evening, maybe it was some temporary thing? There are still cones around the entrance to the petrol station though
  8. Not to mention trying to do manual labour and customer facing services. I'm dreading the day when they finally cut it and kick up all the pollen into the air :/
  9. I do hope they forward on an invoice for the work to HC. In other news, my hay fever is playing havoc for the first time in about 15 years - perhaps this is now becoming a public health issue?
  10. Yeah, but the potholes and traffic pi*% me off, I don't live and breath Hereford traffic, consuming my every second with the smallest of details. :) The HT tweeted earlier the new bosses son is training for/with the trials, if that means the new bosses son gets a place on the team for being the bosses son, things aren't going to get better any time soon :P
  11. lol... did you see the giant red P sign? Still no idea what that's supposed to be Can't find it in the manual
  12. I appreciate that, but they seem to be saying/making out that it's the end of HUFC, yet from where I'm standing they are just being relegated and will continue to play and use the ground - or am I wrong? That is something I really can't get my head around. I understand some people are passionate about things or like things a lot, but some of these people literally breath and eat HUFC, they know nothing else and spend every bit of their lives consumed by the smallest of details. I've never understood that.
  13. The works yesterday were around the petrol station. In all fairness, I've never seen any issue of surface water on that part of the road. Perhaps anyone who dares to venture outside today can let us know what that part of the road is like?
  14. Is going on there? There are orange barriers all over the road, HC's yearly quota of traffic cones, lanes have been reduced to 1 and now have temporary traffic control with short changes. One sign said "for 4 weeks", I'm not kidding, if that is there tomorrow morning, there are going to be some SERIOUS traffic problems. 8.30pm tonight and it's backed up to the bridge and past the Broadleys. And, to be quite honest, I'm starting to get really sick of having to take long detours to get to where I need to be just to avoid sitting in traffic. Go take a drive down there now, I dare you!
  15. Can someone explain this to me? From what I understand, the club had/has debts, which were sold with the club for £1 to someone. The debts to ?? haven't been paid, so the club has been relegated. If HUFC have just been relegated to play in a lower league - and football will continue with the grounds being used to host matches, why are people getting so ridiculously upset?
  16. Tell them to f*** off and that if you're forced to cut THEIR ******* grass, you'll dump it unbagged outside their ******* office
  17. It doesn't really matter anymore does it, they got what they wanted, people are now outside cutting the grass and paying the council for the ******* privilege
  18. and the local council can't even be assed to do anything.
  19. Heading south over the new bridge the hole at the lights has opened up again, hit it hard yesterday, and when I looked in my mirror the 4x4 behind me dropped about a foot of the left side as it went it.
  20. Who are "Monmouthshire Grounds"? I'm guessing that they aren't part of HC, because there was a guy outside this morning cutting public grass. Sitting on his ride on mower, in thunder and lightning, with rain so torrential that he had to re-zip his jacket up past his face so only his eyes were showing. About 5 minutes later a utility truck came speeding up beeping. To pick him up I assumed, due to the adverse conditions. Oh no, a guy jumps out of the van with a huge petrol strimmer and starts to cut the edges! Given that I've never seen this grass long and the weather - which I'm sure you all saw - these people can't be part of of HC right?
  21. And how much are all of the law suits and legal fee's for negligence and endangering lives going to cost? Of course, not that it matters, they've just make us pay for it
  22. I had 2 lots of people stepping out in front of my car at the Costa crossing the other day. Both of them were shortcutting the crossing and not paying attention to either their or my lights. I find the crossings fine if you open your eyes and cross where you're supposed to. I don't know why the Next end crossing is staggered as this just leads 90% of people to cross the road between the cars and not at the lights.
  23. They had a go at my gardener once. Needless to say he told them were to go :P
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