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A plea to the Council on behalf of Rosé Tinted Rags.


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I've just returned from a visit to Rosé Tinted Rags, situated at The Tann Brook Centre, Rockfield Road, Hereford.

On this visit I noticed a marked change in the moral of the staff. Last week they were optimistic, happy and certain that the Council, particularly a man called Tony Featherstone, who began this process of eviction, would display some compassion and understanding and extend their tenure so that they could have the time to find alternative and suitable premises. That was last week!

This week is an entirely different state of affairs. The fully abled members of staff were depressed, fearful for their future and utterly convinced that they are not going to be helped by the Council. As for the staff with disabilities, they are frightened. Many are tearful and as is common with those that have a disability, their concerns and fears are multiplied many times because of the cards they were dealt with at birth.

Frankly, its awful to witness and to know that all this is being done by a group of highly paid, able bodied people who, as far as I can see, simply do not care. The initial explanation from Mr Tony Featherstone, 'we only had to give them twenty four hours to go', pretty much sums up the position and mindset of this group who rule us and shape our lives.

Can I get the Council to even answer questions that this issue raises? No. They don't answer because they are not concerned. They are not concerned because they've never been touched by difference.

These good people are not begging. They are not out for a free ride and they are certainly not using 'disability' to win compassion and favour. They simply want a fair crack of the whip and time. Just time. That's all. They've no problem paying their way. They simply ask for time. Just a few more weeks of time. It's not much to beg for is it. And that's what they and I are doing. Begging! Yes, begging a huge organisation to show a little compassion and social responsibility.

Oh they'll off this, that and the other as inducements to get 'big business' to trade in Hereford. They may even allow some retail units a rent free tenure for a few years, but they'll not lift a finger to help those of us who live their lives with a disability.

To think that I cannot get the Chief Executive to look at this. This issue is on his desk. It's been there for awhile now but he won't look at it because he and others of his ilk ain't interested in anything other than 'business'. Yes, business. Money. Profit and the mighty pound. To think we live in times such as these. It's so depressing, so dreadfully unkind and its been delivered up to this good group of people by the very same organisation that is supposed to care for and support them.

If there is anyone out there who can get Mr Featherstone to shift his ground and be kind then please do it and do it now because this little business, Rosé Tinted Rags is going to go under together with the hopes and dreams of those who simply want the chance to meet their friends at work, form friendships, produce wonderful art works and products and just for one day, one brief moment in time, to feel that they are valued and they are worth our time and thoughts.

Please help Rosé Tinted Rags. My very warmest regards to you all.

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That mr featherstone sounds like a nice chap saying they only have to give 24 hr notice for rosé tinted rags to get out?! I feel that HC have a duty to help them relocate instead of using bully boy tactics to throw them out onto the street!… it's bloody discrimination that's wot it is....I just wish I was rich enough so as, I could buy them there own place but unfortunately I'm as poor as a begger!

But I can send mr featherstone an email telling him of my disgust @ the way HC are acting towards the good folks of rose tints rags!

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Cambo, You're going to go to heaven kiddo. Thank you so much for posting a comment. The mighty Grid Knocker got me involved and I'll be forever thankful he did. It's a joy and an honour to help them.

One day, if my Grandaughter makes the progress we hope she makes, I'd like to think Rosé Tinted Rags was available for her to attend. It's truly terrible how the weak and the vulnerable are required to pay the price for mismanagement of public funds.

Once again pal, thank you for taking the time to do this.

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Bobby , your words must pull on the heart strings of anybody with an ounce of compassion , that to my mind must include the majority of the people that live in this County. I thank my blessing that our two lads are both fit and well , I cannot start to think how hard it is for the parents and grandparents of innocent children who have a disability . What I do know is that we have a duty to ensure that the less able are given every chance in life - they will , of course need the help and support of the Statutaty Agencies as well as the layman - hopefully Social Care etc are working in the background to resolve this sad situation soonest.


Bobby , I know that if anybody can keep this in the public domain you can , keep banging on , my friend .

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Perhaps this lot need a reminder that there are elections next year - if any of them have a hope in hell of getting back in, they need to start listening.

Personally, I can't wait until May 2015, lets see the back of this bunch of self serving buffoons.( This cabinet has got to go!!)

 Maybe then, the most vulnerable in our society will finally have some say in events which affect them so very much.

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Hi guys sorry for the late response on this I have been very busy,I spoke to Helen Combes head of adult social care last week and she has assured me a new building will be found, the building they currently occupy was earmark for a business to relocate to from the proposed link road that company now wishes to move that was why they were asked to relocate I will be keeping an eye on this one.

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