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Old Market Shopping Centre Delayed For 2 Weeks!

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I have heard from a very reliable source that the Old Market Shopping Centre will not be ready by the 17th and the opening has been delayed by 2 weeks! New opening date is May 9th.




The developers will have penalties of up to £60,000 per day.


Remember we're you heard it first!

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The Germans have a lovely word for it: Schadenfreude.  And the Chinese, bless 'em, even have an appropriate saying (mind you, they've got a saying for just about everything under the sun) which goes: "There is nothing more enjoyable that seeing your neighbour fall off his roof."


Transpose 'neighbour' for King Bobby's old sparring partner John Jarvis, and make 'roof' that absurd metal pointy job atop the OM's Bastille-like edifice, and yes I could easily have a good chuckle.  Why?  Well because it was the self-same Jarvis who called a special Press Conference to announce that demolition work on the old cattle market was to be postponed until after the Queen's Jubilee visit to Hereford, so that she wouldn't be offended by the sight of huge piles of concrete rubble.  None of Jarvis's flunkies (observing the Brockington dictum known as 'emperor's clothes') had the nerve to point out to him that the royal motorcade wasn't going anywhere near the Tesco roundabout.


It will be fascinating to see what far-fetched excuse Cllr Johnson's media minders come up with next week.  The smog, perhaps? 

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Apart from my lad telling me I saw it on Your city your say on facebook a few days ago :Happy_32:

Yes, well we have all been talking about the project being late, only difference here is that the 2 week delay has come from an official source, so based on that I think I agree with Rebecca in that we have the scoop on the time of the delay, it's 2 weeks. :)

I'm sure that there will be an announcement over the next few days.

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Aylestone Voice is right. I am pleased! Its an omen you see. A sign of things that will come to pass, may come to pass or won't ever come to pass because Im reading the signs all wrong and I know next to nothing about anything.

I'll never enter the place. Never! Not while I've digits to tap on this keyboard and the ability to present a juicy Hallibut pellet to a passing barbel, who like me, couldnt care less about this salty bloody hulk.

I'd sooner starve or take my chances and live off the land than let one single coin pass from my hand into a cash till of that Empire of Dirt. And they can forget dispatching the paper boy to my house, posting me leaflets that tell me that if I buy one I won't get another free. If he comes up my path and even contemplates shoving his load into my letterbox he'll find it nailed shut. And if he's one of those keen sorts, with a tidy haircut and a strong work ethic and he starts creeping about my dwelling to find an open window in order to deliver me his bloody glad tidings I'll attack him with a pointy stick shouting, 'clear off. Be gone. Go bother someone else.'

I'll never enter that monstrous place and anyone who says I might if Im desperate is someone who knows next to nothing about me and my determination to spend my funds in High Town and create wealth for a local trader rather than some asset stripping suit who couldn't care less about me, my home, my heritage and the quality of fishing on the Wye.

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TK Maxx still have posters up in there, almost empty, store proclaiming that they will close on April 16th - and open at the Old Market on Thursday 17th!!

Maybe they should sign up to Hereford Voice!

I asked a member of staff, and they were completely unaware that a delay in opening was on the cards!

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The developers will have penalties of up to £60,000 per day.



Someone else asked - who gets the penalty money?


Because the council don't have a habit or writing penalty clauses into contracts :P It's probably some trade off somewhere, like £60k off the developers next land purchase :P

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HT site updated - 'UPDATE: Contrary to rumour and speculation, Stanhope will not face financial penalties due to the delay. Opening in May would still be months ahead of the agreed date in the contract programme, at which point any penalties may come into play."


Would that be rumour and speculation on Hereford Voice do you think? :Surprised_32:

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Rumours that Eli Goulding is to open Debenhams we are being informed are untrue and merely speculation as her sister works at Debenhams in Gloucester. The Hereford Mayor will be opening Waitrose.


I also notice that the HT have removed quite a few comments from their original headline including some from HV... they have merely created a new update topic but the old one has gone.

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This from BBC Hereford & Worcester



Hereford Old Market shopping centre opening delayed
The revamp of the old market site includes 600 car parking spaces

The first stores in a new £90m shopping centre will open in Hereford next month, three weeks later than planned.


Developer Stanhope said the delay at Old Market was due to "exceptional weather" earlier in the year and the subsequent impact on building works.


Waitrose, Debenhams and TK Maxx will now open on 9 May, with other retailers and restaurants to follow.

Stanhope added the centre would deliver 18 big-name retail brands, eight restaurants and a six-screen cinema.


It said Old Market was 93% let and under offer.


Retail landlord British Land, which has funded the centre, will manage the scheme from the opening of the first stores, Stanhope added.


The revamp of the old market site also includes a car park for 600 vehicles and new public squares.

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Was Liz Hurley also unavailable??


What about Richard Hammond??


Or John Challis???




Oh well. The Mayor it is then.

How extremely exciting.......!


I will take my autograph book and camera along for the big event. Is it still Councillor Edwards or has he now passed the baton over to another person looking for some extra kudos in their life?

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Get there early "H", the crowds of folk waiting to see Herefords Mayor opening a supermarket will be unprecedented!

News helicopters will be hovering overhead, Sir Trevor McDonald will be reporting live, and the police will be armed with tasers that they ain't afraid to use, should the mass of people become over excitable!

Just to be on the safe side - you should camp out the night before!!

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Although Stanhope might not face financial penalties for delays that doesn't mean to say contractors doing the work for Stanhope won't face penalties for delays themselves??

As I was speaking to a friend of mine last sat, who works & lives in London. He was saying, that they(Stanhope) would of screwed HC right down on everything…no doubt they would of done the same to any contractors carrying out work on the OLM too??

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Although Stanhope might not face financial penalties for delays that doesn't mean to say contractors doing the work for Stanhope won't face penalties for delays themselves??

As I was speaking to a friend of mine last sat, who works & lives in London. He was saying, that they(Stanhope) would of screwed HC right down on everything…no doubt they would of done the same to any contractors carrying out work on the OLM too??


The developers are paying compensation to some of the tenants for the delay, this I have had confirmed but unfortunately that is as much as I can say at this time.

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