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Everything posted by ragwert

  1. Anyone who travels up & down Perseverance Road in the last four years will have seen these cones that have made a home next to the 2nd hand car dealers. Why they are there and who puts new ones back in the same place when they get mown down is a complete mystery to me. There are slight depressions around the drains but nothing that warrants traffic cones. Also they have been there for more than four years so if there was a problem around these drains surly it should of been fixed by now.
  2. I would bet that around 90% are used for storage Glenda.As Dilligaf said you cannot get a modern car in them.
  3. Why is the word g a y blanked out?
  4. I don't think you're welcome if you are gay. Gary Snowzell when addressing the New Spring Church, South Carolina said... Homosexuality is a sin… I believe it,†he said. “Because the Bible says that we were all born sinners… Just because you were born that way doesn’t make it right for you to act on the way you were born.†And: “Maybe there would be less homosexuality in the world today if there were less greedy Christians who actually cared enough to tithe and spread the gospel.â€
  5. I don't know what to think of the Freedom church.Their main topic is the gospel saying the message is sacred and not to be altered. I hope they don't take the same stance with the old testament which is full of murder,hate,pedophilia,lies and contradictions. Thank God I'm an atheist
  6. On reading the transport assessment 7b referring to public consultation I see non of the 221 people who responded to the questionnaires no one commented about a by-pass.Also q7 please ad any other comments not one refers to a by-pass.Anyone find this strange because I do. The main part and the whole idea of the SLR with all its packages is to reduce congestion.Well the SLR won't do anything.A bloody bus lane certainly won't do it.And as for the tree lined boulevard to encourage people to walk....Come on,seriously
  7. Who thought up this bloody bus lane crap? We really do have utter clueless stupid idiots in the planning dept.
  8. Picture on estate agents website showing the cottage cleared out. http://www.mccartneys.co.uk/4-bedroom-property-for-sale-in-Herefordshire-HR3-mccrps-HAY140171-1410255443
  9. The cottage sold for £160,000. Picture of cottage taken end of March
  10. The cottage sold for £160,000. Picture of cottage taken end of March
  11. Someone must be reading this post about the 9 second lights as they have been fixed.Lights are on green for around 23 seconds.
  12. Worcester have had this system since Feb 2014.
  13. I have found the wonder cure for our traffic woes and it's ......Scoot MC3 http://www.scoot-utc.com/SCOOTMC3.php?menu=Versions
  14. I'm just p**ed that we are paying £22,000 a year for something that's dead
  15. OK.Anyone out there from Herefordshire Council please respond to this post. We have had this SCOOT system I think since 1986 and we pay something like £22,000 a year for its upkeep. Can you find out why we are still paying for something not just outdated but also broken.It's been broken for over 10 years has been set on two time sequences for all that time. The diagram below shows how this system works,clearly it's not doing this.
  16. I don't think they are thinking about defaulting they will as they don't have the money. There are more than a few reasons to leave the EU but there are more reasons why we should stay in.
  17. Accident was just before Texaco garage and the vehicles hit belonged to the houses.
  18. That would put it right through the Hereford to Gloucester canal route which will terminate at the rear of the timber merchants
  19. The area they are looking at is the BP garage,the building next to it (bubbles car wash at rear) and the wasteland to the right next to footie ground
  20. I'd like to see them all in one place,fire,police & ambulance. I'd also like to see the bus station where it should be next to rail station and the new link road with roundabouts not traffic lights.Oh look,me having one of my fantasy dreams again
  21. Would they not battle through Whitecross Road then over the new bridge to get to Newton Farm/Red Hill from by Cattle market ?
  22. So they build it near the cattle market but that's miles from Newton Farm.Redhill. Edgar Street is pretty much centre ground for Hereford
  23. Looks like Edd Miliband has a new job already
  24. Well Dave has been back in Downing St 24hrs and there are protests already.(funny how this is not on the news)
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