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Weekly list of planning public notices affecting the city


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List of planning public notices affecting the city

It is a legal requirement for the council to give public notice of certain types of planning application and other planning matters by the display of an advert in a local newspaper.
If you wish to comment, please follow the advice contained in the notice.
The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) 
Order 2010 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, Sections 67 & 73 
Application Types: 
P - Planning permission 
L - Listed Building Consent 
AC - Conservation Area Consent 
SL - Affecting the setting of a Listed Building 
AC - Affecting a Conservation Area 
D - Not in accordance with the provisions of the Development Plan 
RW - Affecting a public right of way 
T - For a telecommunications mast 
Provision of a pedestrian and cycle link between the southern end of Station Approach and the northern end of Canal Road. Requiring demolition of existing store building in builders merchant. Proposal includes street lighting and associated landscaping at Jewson Builders Merchant, Canal Wharf, Canal Road, Hereford 
Extension to changing room at Bowling Club Rear Of Asda, Belmont Road, Belmont, Hereford 
Insertion of windows to the north, east and west elevations at Left Bank, Bridge Street, Hereford
Making safe existing garden and boundary walls at Hereford Cathedral School, 29 Castle Street, Hereford 
Site for the development of up to 135 homes (including 46 affordable homes), public open space, new access (including demolition of 144 Aylestone Hill). Structural landscaping, sustainable drainage including balancing ponds and infrastructure and associated works at Land at 144 Aylestone Hill and land to the east of Aylestone Hill, Hereford 
If you wish to make representations or comments you can during the period of 21 days beginning with the date of the publication of this notice quoting the relevant number: 
By the Website: Using the online comment form 
By e-mail to: planning_enquiries@herefordshire.gov.uk 
By post to: - Planning Services, PO Box 230, Hereford, HR1 2ZB 
ANDREW ASHCROFT (Assistant Director) – 10th April 2014 


Interesting applications concerning Left Bank, Cyclelink and land to the east of Aylestone Hill. Not sure where you find the online comment form?

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  • 4 weeks later...
List of planning public notices affecting the city


It is a legal requirement for the council to give public notice of certain types of planning application and other planning matters by the display of an advert in a local newspaper.


If you wish to comment, please follow the advice contained in the notice.


The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) 

Order 2010 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, Sections 67 & 73 


Application Types: 

P - Planning permission 

L - Listed Building Consent 

AC - Conservation Area Consent 

SL - Affecting the setting of a Listed Building 

AC - Affecting a Conservation Area 

D - Not in accordance with the provisions of the Development Plan 

RW - Affecting a public right of way 

T - For a telecommunications mast 



Rear extension at 14 Redbrook Close, Hereford 


Demolition of single storey entrance and erection of two storey extension. 2 no. fascia signs at Hereford Sixth Form College, Folly Lane, Hereford 



Partial demolition and reinstatement of north elevation and works to make good existing elevations, Old Market Inn, New Market Street, Hereford 


Change of use and conversion of garage to provide single storey 1 bed accommodation, Garage at, 52 Bodenham Road, Hereford 


If you wish to make representations or comments you can during the period of 21 days beginning with the date of the publication of this notice quoting the relevant number: 


By the Website: Using the online comment form 

By e-mail to: planning_enquiries@herefordshire.gov.uk 

By post to: - Planning Services, PO Box 230, Hereford, HR1 2ZB 


ANDREW ASHCROFT (Assistant Director)

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dippy - yes its listed (the L in the application number) and yes it’s the old New Market Tavern, now the Old Market Inn, in the new Old Market development!


Formerly owned by the Council, hence its shockingly neglected state prior to the development, I suspect this valuable freehold and free house was bundled into the giveaway deal to British Land.

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  • 2 weeks later...
List of planning public notices affecting the city


It is a legal requirement for the council to give public notice of certain types of planning application and other planning matters by the display of an advert in a local newspaper.


If you wish to comment, please follow the advice contained in the notice.


The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) 

Order 2010 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, Sections 67 & 73 


Application Types: 

P - Planning permission 

L - Listed Building Consent 

AC - Conservation Area Consent 

SL - Affecting the setting of a Listed Building 

AC - Affecting a Conservation Area 

D - Not in accordance with the provisions of the Development Plan 

RW - Affecting a public right of way 

T - For a telecommunications mast 



Refit of retail unit including new shop front and signage at 24 High Town, Hereford 


Demolition of garage and the erection of a new single storey building. Water View, 15 Cantilupe Street, Hereford


If you wish to make representations or comments you can during the period of 21 days beginning with the date of the publication of this notice quoting the relevant number: 


By the Website: Using the online comment form 

By e-mail to: planning_enquiries@herefordshire.gov.uk 

By post to: - Planning Services, PO Box 230, Hereford, HR1 2ZB 


ANDREW ASHCROFT (Assistant Director)

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List of planning public notices affecting the city


It is a legal requirement for the council to give public notice of certain types of planning application and other planning matters by the display of an advert in a local newspaper.


If you wish to comment, please follow the advice contained in the notice.


The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) 

Order 2010 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, Sections 67 & 73 


Application Types: 

P - Planning permission 

L - Listed Building Consent 

AC - Conservation Area Consent 

SL - Affecting the setting of a Listed Building 

AC - Affecting a Conservation Area 

D - Not in accordance with the provisions of the Development Plan 

RW - Affecting a public right of way 

T - For a telecommunications mast 



Construction of brick wall under ramp. Ventilation grilles and louvers. Fixed and retractable bollards at the entrance to the rear yard and replace existing car parking spaces on the south elevation with a paved area. at Herefordshire Council, Schools & County Library Shirehall, Union Street, Hereford


Granny annexe at 1 Braemar Gardens, Hereford 


Change of use and refurbishment of existing school house building to a ‘free school’ together with associated demolition of timber clad hutted rear extension and replacement with purpose built replacement classroom building and associated works. Robert Owen Vocational School, Blackfriars Street, Hereford 


If you wish to make representations or comments you can during the period of 21 days beginning with the date of the publication of this notice quoting the relevant number: 


By the Website: Using the online comment form 

By e-mail to: planning_enquiries@herefordshire.gov.uk 

By post to: - Planning Services, PO Box 230, Hereford, HR1 2ZB 


ANDREW ASHCROFT (Assistant Director)

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Have any of you walked past what was the Blackfriars building recently?


There are hoardings surrounding it, and an artists impression, of what the building will look like when completed, emblazoned on the side.


The original red brick building is intact, and to my untrained eye, it actually looks rather lovely...old and new, side by side. One enhancing the other. If only this could be done with The Boys Home.


Taking the handing over of this building to a Free School - that I am still not convinced we needed - out of the equation, the plans for Blackfriars would seem to show a much rosier future, than the plans for the Bath Street site!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Useful information here:

Welcome to the home of the National Planning Policy Framework for England and planning practice guidance.
For the first time, planning practice guidance is easily accessible and available online at http://planningguidance.planningportal.gov.uk/


Try it again I have just checked it.

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Useful information here:
Welcome to the home of the National Planning Policy Framework for England and planning practice guidance.
For the first time, planning practice guidance is easily accessible and available online at http://planningguidance.planningportal.gov.uk/


I can't change it in the original quote (post 14) as it is outside the edit period. However every other link after works.

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List of planning public notices affecting the city


It is a legal requirement for the council to give public notice of certain types of planning application and other planning matters by the display of an advert in a local newspaper.


If you wish to comment, please follow the advice contained in the notice.


The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) 

Order 2010 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, Sections 67 & 73 


Application Types: 

P - Planning permission 

L - Listed Building Consent 

AC - Conservation Area Consent 

SL - Affecting the setting of a Listed Building 

AC - Affecting a Conservation Area 

D - Not in accordance with the provisions of the Development Plan 

RW - Affecting a public right of way 

T - For a telecommunications mast 



Erection of illuminated shop front fascia and two internal promotional 'fins'. Unit 23 - Vodafone, Garrick Lane, The Old Market, Hereford 


Taking down of lean-to store and existing single storey extension, internal alterations and new single storey extension. Change of use of ground floor to A1/A3 use. Repairs to windows and building fabric. Modification to existing fire escape. 14/15 High Town, Hereford 


Installation of a new chiller and freezer unit, extension to the van loading canopy within the service yard. Asda Supermarket, Belmont Road, Hereford 


Installation of 4 new internally illuminated fascia signs, 1 new non-illuminated fascia sign and 1 new externally illuminated projecting sign. 5 Trinity Square, Hereford


If you wish to make representations or comments you can during the period of 21 days beginning with the date of the publication of this notice quoting the relevant number: 


By the Website: Using the online comment form 

By e-mail to: planning_enquiries@herefordshire.gov.uk 

By post to: - Planning Services, PO Box 230, Hereford, HR1 2ZB 

ANDREW ASHCROFT (Assistant Director)

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The last of those is for Poundland going into the old TKMaxx - internally illuminated signs were a complete no-go in the City until the OLM arrived, and then all the rules were quietly put to one side. Those Debenhams signs are a travesty. I shall object to these outside signs being internally illuminated.

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List of planning public notices affecting the city


It is a legal requirement for the council to give public notice of certain types of planning application and other planning matters by the display of an advert in a local newspaper.


If you wish to comment, please follow the advice contained in the notice.


The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) 

Order 2010 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, Sections 67 & 73 


Application Types: 

P - Planning permission 

L - Listed Building Consent 

AC - Conservation Area Consent 

SL - Affecting the setting of a Listed Building 

AC - Affecting a Conservation Area 

D - Not in accordance with the provisions of the Development Plan 

RW - Affecting a public right of way 

T - For a telecommunications mast 



Proposed residential development (up to 110 dwellings), access, 

parking, public open space with play facilities and landscaping. 

Land South of Hampton Dene Road, Hereford 


Site for proposed erection of 52 residential dwellings, parking, 

landscaping, drainage, and other associated works. Vehicular 

access from A49 at Land to the East of the A49, Holmer 


Proposed change of use of part (129 sq metres) of building from B1 

Office to D1 non-residential institution. Broadway House, 32-35 

Broad Street, Hereford 


If you wish to make representations or comments you can during the period of 21 days beginning with the date of the publication of this notice quoting the relevant number: 


By the Website: Using the online comment form 

By e-mail to: planning_enquiries@herefordshire.gov.uk 

By post to: - Planning Services, PO Box 230, Hereford, HR1 2ZB 

ANDREW ASHCROFT (Assistant Director)


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Big developments are coming thick and fast and no one, least of all Andrew Ashcroft, can stop them. I'd love to be able to look at the applications, but the planning search is borked YET AGAIN - it’s the weekend, its borked appears to be the pattern. Been complaining for two year about this ...


"Unfortunately the document retrieval service is currently unavailable, please try again later. We apologise for any inconvenience caused."

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  • 3 weeks later...
List of planning public notices affecting the city


It is a legal requirement for the council to give public notice of certain types of planning application and other planning matters by the display of an advert in a local newspaper.


If you wish to comment, please follow the advice contained in the notice.


The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) 

Order 2010 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, Sections 67 & 73 


Application Types: 

P - Planning permission 

L - Listed Building Consent 

AC - Conservation Area Consent 

SL - Affecting the setting of a Listed Building 

AC - Affecting a Conservation Area 

D - Not in accordance with the provisions of the Development Plan 

RW - Affecting a public right of way 

T - For a telecommunications mast 




Installation of ATM, condenser and three air conditioning units. 

Externally illuminated totem sign and non-illuminated promotional 

banner. Various signage including 2 no. externally illuminated 

fascia signs, hanging sign, window vinyls and wall mounted 

Welcome tablet. Demolition of porch and installation of 

replacement shop front on eastern elevation. Repairs to rear 

extension including replacement monopitch roof. The Buckingham 

of Hereford, 141 Whitecross Road, Hereford, Herefordshire 


If you wish to make representations or comments you can during the period of 21 days beginning with the date of the publication of this notice quoting the relevant number: 


By the Website: Using the online comment form 

By e-mail to: planning_enquiries@herefordshire.gov.uk 

By post to: - Planning Services, PO Box 230, Hereford, HR1 2ZB 


ANDREW ASHCROFT (Assistant Director)


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Hi Megilleland,


I see that Wye Valley Demolition are currently on site at The Buckingham pub, on Whitecross Road, so no doubt the machine that is Tesco will soon be up and running!


Also seem to recall reading or hearing the other week that The Cotterill Arms pub, has put in for a change of use from a pub to a house.


Two Whitecross pubs gone within 12 months.......The Sunday Circuit will never be the same again.

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List of planning public notices affecting the city


It is a legal requirement for the council to give public notice of certain types of planning application and other planning matters by the display of an advert in a local newspaper.


If you wish to comment, please follow the advice contained in the notice.


The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) 

Order 2010 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, Sections 67 & 73 


Application Types: 

P - Planning permission 

L - Listed Building Consent 

AC - Conservation Area Consent 

SL - Affecting the setting of a Listed Building 

AC - Affecting a Conservation Area 

D - Not in accordance with the provisions of the Development Plan 

RW - Affecting a public right of way 

T - For a telecommunications mast 



Variation of all Conditions on Planning Permission 130426/F

Former Pomona Works, Attwood Lane, Holmer 


Alterations and extensions. Bowling Club, Belmont Road, Hereford 


If you wish to make representations or comments you can during the period of 21 days beginning with the date of the publication of this notice quoting the relevant number: 


By the Website: Using the online comment form 

By e-mail to: planning_enquiries@herefordshire.gov.uk 

By post to: - Planning Services, PO Box 230, Hereford, HR1 2ZB 


ANDREW ASHCROFT (Assistant Director)

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