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Bill Thomas

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Everything posted by Bill Thomas

  1. Long long post, welcome to HV and an interesting read.
  2. Welcome to the club, be good to see some of our new members joining in the debates too, we don't bite (much)
  3. I think it is going to only get worse. I agree with Alex last comment that Angela Merkel has opened pandoras box.
  4. What are your thoughts on what went on in Germany?
  5. Yes getting back to the original topic, I believe that border control within the EU needs to be put back in place, but unfortunately far far too many (apparent) refugees have been let in without so much as a check and I fear sleeper cells will be among them.
  6. I noticed the electronic sign moving about a lot in the wind, would they of needed planning for such a sign?
  7. Lets hope they catch these people. Did the new CCTV not pick anything up?
  8. This is good news for Hereford. Another good scoop Colin, lets see how long it takes the HT to publish this, i'm sure they follow you.
  9. Yes I agree with dippy, calling the police overtime is a total waste of their limited resources, so this is poor advice and surely only a last resort.
  10. I don't like Mr Nenaditch and this lot stinks to me!
  11. First of all welcome to HV. I think he is dangerous, mainly for his comments on Trident in that he would never use it. I share the view that we need Trident, this is our deterrent more so now than ever before. I have other views on JC, he is waaaaaay to left wing for me too. I love the way the lefties state we are bombing Syria, instead of saying we are precision targeting ISIS within Syria. I think JC seems to think he can sit down and have a chat over a cup of tea with these extremists, bloke is in noddy land and therefore dangerous.
  12. Well it must of been bad to ave been closed down, unfortunately subscribers of TripAdvisor only get to comment on the food and service, people never get to see the kitchens and where food is prepared.
  13. The place still looks very tacky and not in keeping with the surrounding area. Two tones make it even worse!
  14. The man is dangerous in my opinion and he needs to go!
  15. This topic is about cleaning road signs, this one looks very clean
  16. FC will probably make more noise and cause more nuisance then any other establishment in Commercial Rd going from past events. Good luck with everything Paul, you run a good pub and with no problems, hope christmas is busy for you all.
  17. Can you clarify a little more Paul, why the additional court case?
  18. I thought this had already been passed?
  19. Well I hope that this is the top coat, it looks a much better than the first attempt. Still quite surprised nobody did a small test area first instead of having to paint the whole frontage before someone noticed it was wrong.
  20. Is this not next to the local police station too?
  21. Both Cllr Bob Preece and Cllr Chris Chappell have been opposed to this garage application since it was first submitted back in February 2012. I stick to my original comments which you will find here. I agree with what K.Butt wrote back then because both Cllr's clearly think there will be additional traffic which is not going to happen in reality.
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