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Happy New Year.(If you're lucky)


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To each and everyone of you. Course,,,,, what comes with it, the bloody New Years Honours List, isn't something that has anything to do with the meek, the bloody mild and those of us who've hit rock bloody bottom and contentedly remain there because we've got no obvious talent that gets us on the television, on a stage, a film set or elected into a position of authority.

You'll have to look long and hard to find the Lollypop Lady, who's stood on the road in all weathers for four bloody decades getting anything like a 'thank you very bloody much'. There'll be no honours for those who go about their daily lives leaving a trail of nothing more than good behind them whilst caring for people, showing some compassion and generally trying to do their best for their fellow man.

No such bloody luck! Instead the great, the good, the bloody ruling elite and those who've become bloody rich on the backs of us the bloody plebs of society, who've been socially engineered into sitting there night after night watching them perform and living a wealthy life way beyond our own expectations within British society. These are the bastards and the recipients of these awards as they get fatter and fatter as they become more and more celebrated for being placed on an upper rung of our social rotten ladder.

They're all there for us. They always are. Every fu.c.king night on the television. Whenever there's a global crisis these narcsestic sycophantic holier than thou takers are first up on the box telling us, who've got next to buggar all to give, give and give a bit more. The same bastards who live and operate in tax havens, avoid paying their way and keep telling us what to think, how to vote and who to 'keep in' as they fu.ck about on yet another pointless celebrity realty television programme. They are the very bloody same ones who can barely stand up straight because of the weight and burden of medals and gongs that the establishment have hung round their scrawny necks as we celebrate their birth, their life and in many cases hopefully their quick death that happily will free up a position for another pointless celebrity who just happens to be associated with their 'must have' charity that evidences just how caring and giving they are.

Bloody Nick Clegg! The bastard! Eammon Holmes, who can't keep off the television, bloody Richy Starkey who's spent most of his life living abroad so that his bank balance doesn't drop beneath fifty million quid, Darcy Bussell who's back legs have gone and who's now a fully paid up member of getting a bloody pointless celebrity to dance before our lifeless sunken eye sockets because we've become addicted to celebrity and the joy of seeing them over and over again as they skip from one programme to another showing us all just why their limited talent got them into the public psyche in the first place, into our easily pleased hearts and up the steps into bloody Buckingham Palace where they get what we are never going to get. Some bloody appreciation from the establishment and the ruling elite!

It makes me sick. I'd like to gather them all up in one place, begin filming Celebrity Survival and every day drag one of them out and shoot them because the great British public voted them out. Now that'd be entertainment! And then, at the programmes end, once the winner has been identified, then and only then, by all means give them a New Years Honour. After surviving that they'd have earned it if anything I say is worth a jot of notice.

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Brilliant, Bobby!


Wishing you, and all contributors and readers, a very happy, healthy and peaceful New Year.


My hope for 2018 is that we can all be a tad more tolerant, and a whole lot kinder to each other. It costs so little - but can mean so much.


Warm regards to one and all.

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Course, thinking about it some more. Bloody Beckham can't buy an Honour can he. His stock and credibility have fallen so far the only way back for him to reposition himself back on the gravy train is to deliberately step on a Landmine. He'd literally have to get himself over to Angola with a film crew and jump about until the untimely explosion sent him two hundred yards upwards and hope that after he'd landed they'd be able to find his face and place his other body parts in some sort of order to accompany his last recorded words, 'I'm begging you that my headstone reads, here lies Sir David Beckham who gave his life so others could stump up more of their hard earned cash to buy my pointless tat and become slavish followers to Brooklyn, Cruz, Harper, skinny Victoria and anyone else associated with our multi million dollar empire known as brand bloody Beckham.'

It wouldn't be so bad if he or these other gimme, gimme celebrities showed some genuine imagination and a need to involve themselves in good causes that most celebrities ignore. Leprosy! They never touch it do they. Not bloody interested. There's a lot of Lepers out there and not one of them has been visited by a celebrity who wants an Honour from the Queen.

I tell you now, if Beckham tipped up at a Leper Colony where the dreadful disease was full blown, airborne, highly contagious and there was a ninety percent chance he'd become an infected Leper because he'd made the decision to visit these poor lepers and highlight the terrible upset it causes when bits of your body begin to rot and fall off, he'd win my attention and admiration and I'd be the first to definitely say David Beckham has earned the right to be Knighted.

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Poor Darcy Bussell! As the daughter of a ballet dancer (no, not my mother) I feel a little protective. At least she has a career of exceptional skill and athleticism behind her - and I'm not sure she's broken any major promises or caused people to suffer - unlike certain others.


To be honest I've never really taken much notice of the Honours list, but always understood it to be for people who have national recognition, and coming from a theatre family saw it as a way of honouring the arts and other areas that have no immediate practical use (note I said 'immediate' - there is evidence that it does fulfil a need of our species). That said, this one seems to be taking the pi...no! I'm not going to use a word you all know but with symbols instead of letters - you all know the word, you can insert it yourselves!.... a bit more than usual.


Perhaps we should have a local New Year's Honours list for people who have helped the local area and/or people?

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