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Everything posted by dippyhippy

  1. Rolo, John! Your last Rolo!! That's what they'll be after! Don't be too hasty in making these rash promises - your last Rolo is a valuable negotiating tool!
  2. Hey John, I was wondering what my Mother had been up to this Christmas - mystery solved! ( I gave The National Trust Homes a miss this year, and went up to The Black Mountains instead, packed lunch in my rucksack!) Still, sounds as if it was an eventful day!
  3. Hi John, hope you had a good Christmas! If you go to the Planning Forum, the thread headed "Oval regeneration decision", Megilleland has posted some excellent information. Definitely worth a read through. Megilleland has also provided some useful links on the "Vortex site going for houses - what a surprise" thread, which I think is in the Newton Farm Forum.
  4. Coloured tarmac?? Who on earth dreamt this up, it sounds absolutely awful - surely stone would be more in keeping, and more hard wearing in the long term?
  5. "I need to win a lot of money..." You and me both Bobby! And should the day arrive when I am in possession of the golden scratch card, I would commission a life sized bronze statue to be erected in High Town. It would depict an important moment in Herefords rich history - namely you firing Jarvis out of a cannon towards the Lugg! There would be much media interest in the unveiling of this work of art, I think I'd get Liz Hurley to perform this task, but should she be unavailable, I'm sure Jim Kenyon would do the honours! Front page of The Hereford Times, and a free colour supplement for folk to keep as a souvenir! In years to come, my grandchildren would stand and gaze up at this statue, and say "That was the day our rightful inheritance was frittered away.....and just who is this Bobby 47?????!!!!"
  6. Should that happen Grid Knocker, I for one would like to know as soon as possible!
  7. Referrals for The Community Larder / Food Bank scheme, are usually made by Social Care, Midwives. Health Visitors, GP's, Children Centres or C.A.B. Anyone needing more information can contact Mrs.J.Boys 373311. The diocese team also have a rota of churches which provide hot meals seven days a week, and Herefords Open Door project is open from Monday 23rd December through 'til Saturday 28th December from 9.00am until 3.30pm. (Based at St. Peters Church House. Normal opening hours are a Monday and Thursday morning 8.30am - 10.30am.)
  8. Yes Flam, you are quite right, there are crisis "loans " available - not particularly well advertised, or easy to find out about. They are generally for folk who find that their benefits have been stopped, and they have no money. They are usually paid out in vouchers, and the value of these is supposed to be paid back at some point. Adult Social Care do the assessments for eligibility, and therefore make the decision about who gets what.
  9. Aside from good health and a roof over your head, having food to eat surely is a top priority. This money should have been ring fenced, and gone to those who need it the most. Like Silent bull, I am disgusted that it hasn't.
  10. Brilliant idea Glenda! Folk would feel a lot safer using this really useful pathway, if it was covered by CCTV.
  11. It wasn't clear from the announcement on Sunshine Radio - I assumed because Asda was mentioned, it was that side, but it hasn't been clarified, and I've been listening all afternoon whilst on mop duty!!
  12. On the radio this afternoon, a large pothole has opened up on Greyfriars Bridge, close to Asda. The report said it was "very large, and very dangerous. Approach with care." Apparently traffic is having to slow right down to try to avoid hitting it.
  13. Good news indeed! I have absolutely no problem with CCTV, I am of the opinion that if you're doing nothing wrong, then it doesn't matter if you are filmed. I do hope though, that the quality of the images can be improved. Too often a crime is committed, and the CCTV images that are released, are so grainy, that you'd be hard pressed to be able to recognise anyone!
  14. All is not lost Bobby! I have received a stream of emails this week from the good folk at the Birds Of Prey Centre. After reading about your quite frankly, astonishing feat, they are keen to book you for their New Years Bash. If your act is well received, they are keen to make your appearances a regular thing in an attempt to boost visitor numbers! The WRVS have also expressed an interest!
  15. Strange, isn't it, how the subconscious works? There I was tonight, sat on the sofa, large glass of red wine in hand, watching Sophie and Brendon whirling around the floor in the final of Strictly Come Dancing, and all I could think about was this story.....was it the sequins? the glamour? the fame that was so nearly yours?? No. It was the music they were whirling around to....Julie Andrews, in full nun mode singing about her favourite things .Such a chirpy, happy, positive song, I instinctively associated it with you.Although, that same instinct tells me that you're not the raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens kind of guy.....so I have taken the liberty of tweaking it slightly, to better represent the man we call King. Needless to say, the tune remains the same! A Few Of King Bobby's Favourite Things! Bobby Forty Seven, A poster of merit, Makes women swoon And can tame a wild ferret, He'll roll you in nettles, And laugh as they sting, This is just one of his favourite things! Undefeated! Not deleted! He's completely mad! This is the world of our very own King, And for that I am truuuly glad!! Bar bending antics, Affairs with Liz Hurley, Dealing with posters, Both grumpy and surly, Digging for Studmarsh, All over the place, Whilst stuffing pork scratchings into his fat face! In his Grans dress! Couldn't care less! He's completely mad! This is the world of our very own King, And for that I am truuuly glad! By D Hippy. (Truuuuly - need to see the full jazz hands when you sing this bit!) I did have a third verse, which rhymed the phrase " Patricia Morgan," with "Bobby's organ", but taste and common decency have prevented me from adding this one!!
  16. Oh those were the days Bobby! I'd pay good money to see you perform once again, just for the trip down Memory Lane! Tell me, are you any further forward with your second book " HT Posters - The Early Years?" I am keen to get my hands on a copy, and am slightly disappointed that it wasn't ready in time to be at the top of my list to Santa!!
  17. Blimey Grid Knocker - I thought Christmas was on the 25th! This is an absolute gift! I can hardly stop laughing, which after the week I've had, is quite simply, the very best present! Brilliant, and thank you for taking the time to make my day!
  18. Finally! Some common ground, and common sense! Absolutely agree with Amanda's comment "The answer is to reduce the amount of traffic and reintegrate road users with shared space, good public transport and cycle provision."
  19. My timing is awful. If I could just have posted that last comment two minutes earlier, it would have directly followed Bobby's,and made perfect sense. Alas, this wasn't to be. Although, having had a quick read through again, it still kind of does! Evening Simon, I am so pleased you found The Lost Archive Of Olwyn Barnett, it makes for a good read! Thanks for posting the link on HT!
  20. Your unique way of "embellishing" facts, is one of the many reasons I love to read your posts! A quite remarkable take on life, which is a breath of fresh air! And the key ingredient.....a cracking sense of humour! You've got to be able to have a laugh.......or we'd all be jumping from the top of the multi storey car park!!
  21. Nettles, I have always thought, are an extremely under rated weapon of choice! I have now given over a not insignificant area of my allotment, purely for the cultivation of said plants. When you need them Bobby - they will be waiting for you!
  22. From reading John Harrington's and Martin Cassini's excellent posts, explaining the benefits of a shared space scheme,(page 2 Lights Out thread) I was under the impression that the road system we currently have would be improved, and would make using this main road better for pedestrians of all abilities and ages and cyclists as well as motorists. So what are we aiming for? A shared space scheme, which I believe would alleviate many of the issues....or an extremely expensive covered footbridge so folk don't get wet crossing the road?? What has priority?? Just asking!!
  23. Agree Biomech, also think folk get a tad confused between a difference of opinion and being"negative!"But it all adds to lives rich tapestry!!
  24. I shall certainly do my best Bobby! Its a little strange to be called negative, when all most of us want is a more positive outcome - but hey ho! You can't please all the people, and I am definitely of the opinion that different views are always a welcome addition! The world would be a very boring place is we were all the same! So....Onwards and Upwards Comrades!!
  25. Genius Bobby! Yes, I shall carry on moaning, in fact having spent the past 24 hours patiently waiting for Patricia Morgan to respond to my questions on HT, I am now going to moan about that as well! (She hasn't, if you're interested - but Lovely Liz Harvey made a clean sweep and answered all queries!) Yes - its good for the soul, and without it, we'd all be worse off.
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