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Breaking News | Lidl to Hold Public Meeting at Three Counties Hotel on Wednesday 11th May

Hereford Voice

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Lidl are to hold a Public Meeting at Three Counties Hotel on Wednesday 11th May 12:00noon - 19:00

Further to our previous breaking news article here https://hfd.news/bgq regarding the Lidl supermarket planning application to demolish the Three Counties Hotel and change it into a supermarket and immediate backlash this has caused this meeting was inevitable.

Lidl have also confirmed that they plan to have a dedicated website and we will advise once this becomes live.

It is important that anyone with objections to this planning application, send in their individual letters (can be done on the Herefordshire Council planning portal) outlining their concerns and objections based on planning law ie, traffic, local disturbance, noise levels etc.

You can also sign our Petition https://chng.it/bWYtFHb78S

#HerefordVoice | #HerefordNews | #Hereford

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They took away the Vortex youth club, then demolished the local church, There was talk of a community centre to be built as part of the Keepmoat Oval development a few years ago, but nothing. All this development is corporate vandalism and all the authorities are in it together. There was talk of the Council building a new care home in the county and this with its 60 bedrooms would be a more worthwhile project. We don't need all this blight.

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Air Quality Report

Three Counties Hotel

Exceeds two WHO limits

Pollutant one: PM2.5

At this address, the annual average of the pollutant PM2.5 is 8.67mcg/m3. 
The World Health Organization limit is 5mcg/m3.

These particles, which are less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter, can cause asthma, respiratory inflammation and even promote cancers.

Pollutant two: PM10

The reading for PM10 at this address is 14.76mcg/m3. 
The limit is 15mcg/m3.

PM10 can cause wheezing, bronchitis and reduce lung development.

Pollutant three: NO2

The reading for N02 at this address is 12.04mcg/m3. 
The limit is 10mcg/m3.

Long term exposure to even low levels of this toxic gas increases mortality rates and contributes to the development of asthma, and other respiratory issues.


And this is before they could add more traffic in the area.


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On 27/04/2022 at 16:06, megilleland said:

I have been told there will be a special meeting to discuss this application at Belmont Parish Council, Kindle Centre on the Thursday 5th May 2022 at 7.30pm. I hope it will be well attended.

The next meeting of Belmont Rural Parish Council is scheduled to take place on Thursday 5th May 2022 at 7.30 pm and will be held at the Kindle Centre, Asda Supermarket, Belmont Road, Hereford HR2 7JE


1. Apologies
To receive and consider apologies for absence.

2. Written requests for Dispensation
To consider written requests for dispensation.

3. Declarations of Interest
To receive declarations of interest on agenda items.

4. To pass a resolution to suspend Standing Orders
To agree to suspend the standing orders for agenda items 5-6

5. Public Participation
To receive / consider questions & comments from the public on agenda item number 6.

6. Planning Application
Three Counties Hotel , Belmont Road Hereford HR2 7BP (221090) 
Hybrid application for demolition of existing hotel and associated structures and erection of Class E foodstore with associated access, parking, servicing, drainage and landscaping (full permission sought) and erection of drive-thru unit with associated internal access and circulation (outline permission sought).

6a–To agree to the formal response to Herefordshire Council on the planning application and as to whether this is supported or objected to by the Parish Council, giving reasons in both cases.

7. Confirmation of Date, time, and Location of the next meeting
Thursday 12th May2022 @7.30 pm Belmont Community Centre
Meeting convened by Councillor Adrian Bridges (Chairman Belmont Rural Parish Council), Dated: 24thApril 2022.


Please contact the Clerk - Tony Ford, Parish Clerk, Belmont Rural Parish Council e-mail: clerk@belmontrural-pc.gov.uk

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