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Tough New Restrictions in the UK after PM Addresses the Nation

Hereford Voice

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Prime Minister Boris Johnson has used a national TV address to set out strict new measures aimed at protecting people from the coronavirus outbreak. This is his statement in full:




"Good evening,

The coronavirus is the biggest threat this country has faced for decades - and this country is not alone.

All over the world we are seeing the devastating impact of this invisible killer

And so tonight I want to update you on the latest steps we are taking to fight the disease and what you can do to help. 

And I want to begin by reminding you why the UK has been taking the approach that we have.

Without a huge national effort to halt the growth of this virus, there will come a moment when no health service in the world could possibly cope; because there won't be enough ventilators, enough intensive care beds, enough doctors and nurses.

And as we have seen elsewhere, in other countries that also have fantastic health care systems, that is the moment of real danger. 

To put it simply, if too many people become seriously unwell at one time, the NHS will be unable to handle it - meaning more people are likely to die, not just from coronavirus but from other illnesses as well. 

So it's vital to slow the spread of the disease.

Because that is the way we reduce the number of people needing hospital treatment at any one time, so we can protect the NHS's ability to cope - and save more lives.

And that's why we have been asking people to stay at home during this pandemic.

And though huge numbers are complying - and I thank you all - the time has now come for us all to do more. 

From this evening I must give the British people a very simple instruction - you must stay at home. 

Because the critical thing we must do is stop the disease spreading between households.

That is why people will only be allowed to leave their home for the following very limited purposes:

*  Shopping for basic necessities, as infrequently as possible

*  One form of exercise a day - for example a run, walk, or cycle - alone or with members of your household;

*  Any medical need, to provide care or to help a vulnerable person; and

*  Travelling to and from work, but only where this is absolutely necessary and cannot be done from home.

That's all - these are the only reasons you should leave your home.

You should not be meeting friends. If your friends ask you to meet, you should say no.

You should not be meeting family members who do not live in your home. 

You should not be going shopping except for essentials like food and medicine - and you should do this as little as you can. And use food delivery services where you can. 

If you don't follow the rules the police will have the powers to enforce them, including through fines and dispersing gatherings.

To ensure compliance with the government's instruction to stay at home, we will immediately:

*  Close all shops selling non-essential goods, including clothing and electronic stores and other premises including libraries, playgrounds and outdoor gyms, and places of worship

*  We will stop all gatherings of more than two people in public - excluding people you live with

*  And we'll stop all social events, including weddings, baptisms and other ceremonies, but excluding funerals

Parks will remain open for exercise but gatherings will be dispersed.

No prime minister wants to enact measures like this.

I know the damage that this disruption is doing and will do to people's lives, to their businesses and to their jobs.

And that's why we have produced a huge and unprecedented programme of support both for workers and for business.

And I can assure you that we will keep these restrictions under constant review. We will look again in three weeks, and relax them if the evidence shows we are able to. 

But at present there are just no easy options. The way ahead is hard, and it is still true that many lives will sadly be lost and yet it is also true that there is a clear way through. 

Day by day we are strengthening our amazing NHS with 7,500 former clinicians now coming back to the service. 

With the time you buy - by simply staying at home - we are increasing our stocks of equipment. 

We are accelerating our search for treatments. We are pioneering work on a vaccine.

'Halt the disease'

And we are buying millions of testing kits that will enable us to turn the tide on this invisible killer. 

I want to thank everyone who is working flat out to beat the virus. Everyone from the supermarket staff to the transport workers to the carers to the nurses and doctors on the frontline.

But in this fight, we can be in no doubt that each and every one of us is directly enlisted. Each and every one of us is now obliged to join together. 

To halt the spread of this disease. To protect our NHS and to save many many thousands of lives.

And I know that as they have in the past so many times, the people of this country will rise to that challenge and we will come through it stronger than ever. 

We will beat the coronavirus and we will beat it together and therefore I urge you at this moment of national emergency to stay at home, protect our NHS and save lives.

Thank you."


We have also attached the PM's full speech in a PDF format.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson Statement.pdf

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I actually saw a female Police Officer in Churchill Gardens today. Wearing a baseball cap. Obviously Police visibility is increasing as that is unknown in my area in recent times. She had no sense of urgency. She was, I assume, sent out on a 'visibility' mission. 

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Another day ..... More random Police appeared on foot in Aylestone Park. Two together. Obviously not 2 metre's apart as they are 'invincible' from the bug in that Organisation. Probably got an eye on 'non essential' car use to take a dog for a walk. One said hello. One was ignorant. I should have asked them what they would normally be doing. I doubt it would be walking where they were! 

I may update tomorrow. But I might not! 

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There has been some online chatter about the leaflets left on cars at Aylestone Park by the local cops. It's even made the HT. These leaflets say you 'entitled to exercise once daily'. They also say 'You should not be driving to a location away from home to carry this out'. Both of these statements are factually incorrect and I'm dumbfounded that some supervisor authorised this approach. This sort of 'inappropriate' enforcement has forced the College of Policing to rush out new guidance to the Police ~ some of whom quite clearly don't know what they're doing. 

The new guidance reminds the Police that you can't use checkpoints/roadblocks to stop vehicles under Coronavirus Regulations. They also remind Police that there is no limit to the number of times you can go out to exercise. They say that travelling a 'reasonable distance' to 'exercise' is allowed and should be left alone. Most importantly they have been told to enforce the 'law' as opposed to what they were doing which was to enforce the 'wishes' of Govt. Ministers' ~ which, of course, have no weight in law. 

The Guardian has an article which explains the new guidance here

Aylestone Park.jpg.gallery.jpg

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I’ve come to the conclusion there’s a very good chance that the entire global population are being deliberately misled and that corporate supranational decisions were made long ago to quickly dismantle our past way of living and create a new world order. A new world that dismantles economies, politics and Nations and to be replaced by a way of living, trading and governing that’s completely new to humanity.

To do this and succeed all they have to do is employ Goebellistic propaganda and get the population afraid. Like any species we are hard wired through hundreds of thousands of years of evolution to be afraid. It’s in our nature to be herded and be frightened of a threat. Tell the people often enough that they should be frightened and eventually everyone believes it. Indeed, like the recent threats aimed at the people, whether it’s Brexit, Climate Change or even Aids, Ebola and anything else that stirs the human base fears, we all react to it to a point where if you dare question the sincerity of the fear you’re branded a radical or a heretic. We simply do and think as we’re told. We can’t help it.

Ask yourselves this. Only a couple of years ago a child from Sweden with some mental health issues suddenly decided to skip school every Friday because of her rational or irrational fear of global warming. Now, within only a short space of time, financially supported by huge corporate organisations, this youngster has become a global icon and has helped to create horrific mass fear and hysteria amongst millions of little children. Worse, adults and world leaders, keen to please the howling masses, just go along with the hysterical behaviour and make the socio phenomenon worse. How is it possible that plastic, a commodity that we’ve been using successfully for many decades with  great economic benefits to modernity can suddenly turn into a material that we no longer want to use? The answer is we’ve all been subjected to a vast social engineering programme that’s succeeded in making everyone scared of anything associated with a fossil fuel.Is it possible that the supranational wealthy conglomerates have another agenda and are in possession of technological patents that require everything we once knew and took for granted to be destroyed, wiped away and replaced by a car engine that’s fuelled by water?

They tell you that ‘weve’ done all this to save millions of lives. Yet, in years ahead, because there’ll be no money left to care for the sick and the vulnerable, millions of people across the globe are going to die anyway because we’re all fiscally knackered and skint. Don’t think for a moment that all this will be similar to 2008 or other past economic recessions. It won’t be. The consequences of this will be felt for decades to come. The NHS, your Pension and your life as you know it will never be the same again. Nothing you once held dear will survive the fallout of their decision to destroy our economy and take us all back to the post war years of the early fifties.

I’m not for a single moment denying the severity of this Coronavirus. But, in the past we dealt with Diptheria, Tubercolis, Typhoid and a raft of other diseases that threatened our lives. Back then, we carried on, took the losses and advanced toward social and technological advancements. Now, today, it seems likely to me that ‘they’ might just want to turn the clock of modernity back, allow everything to be destroyed and start again from scratch.





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So, what does Bill Gates say about “digital certificates” for the coronavirus vaccine?

Gates gave similar responses in his thread posted on Reddit. He said countries that do a good job with testing for the virus and remain in quarantine begin to see improvements in just weeks, after which he believes they should reopen and return to normal. However, his most controversial comment was the one he made about “digital certificates” that would record whether or not someone has been vaccinated against COVID-19.

“Eventually, we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine which has received it,” Gates wrote on Reddit.

Gates is possibly referring to quantum dot tattoos that are currently being developed by researchers at MIT and Rice University.

These tattoos are designed to store each person’s “health record.”

Last December, researchers at the two universities stated that they were developing these tattoos after Gates urged them to find a solution to identify those who had not been vaccinated against various diseases.

Didn't the Nazis tattoo their concentration camp victims. There may be some idiots already sporting tattoos who think this will be one worth having. I suggest it is stamped on their foreheads in day glow ink. It won't be just your health record that is stored. All that data collected from your smart phone will be available when you are scanned by the security services when you are allowed back on the streets.


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Update: Lone person told to remove themselves from a bench in Churchill Gardens today. No one within 100 yards of him. Churchill Gardens seems to be a focus of enforcement activity recently. This virus enforcement has gripped the imagination of the Police. What was unachievable a month ago is now the temporary 'norm'. 

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