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Bill Thomas

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Posts posted by Bill Thomas

  1. Hi Bill..if you are making reference to the events in Cologne well a friend of mine was parked up in a hotel across the front of the station on New Years Eve with his girlfriend and admits it was scary. They had come up from Dusseldorf. If you want to create an image of gangs of men pleasing themselves and police numbers powerless to do anything..Well that's what it was like.

    This single event is swaying opinion in Germany.


    I think it is going to only get worse. I agree with Alex last comment that Angela Merkel has opened pandoras box.

  2. I'm not sure I'd advise calling the police every time there is noise!


    Surely it's better to try other routes first?


    Calling the police out regularly will most definitely inflame the situation.... and I'm pretty sure that at this time of year, all three emergency services have other priorities.


    Yes I agree with dippy, calling the police overtime is a total waste of their limited resources, so this is poor advice and surely only a last resort. 

  3. Hi,had to comment after reading this thread as politics tends to be a pet subject of mine . Bill,may i ask you a question? what makes Corbyn so dangerous in your opinion?

    Is he any more dangerous than Cameron and all his cuts to the NHS,police services,council serviced etc?...


    One could make the argument that the labour partys extreme turn to the left is a reaction to the conservatives hard thatcherite policies over the past five years.my point is political extremism seams rife these days in both wings of politics


    Personaly I don't trust any of the current crop of politicians,they all seam to be in it all for themselves


    First of all welcome to HV


    I think he is dangerous, mainly for his comments on Trident in that he would never use it. I share the view that we need Trident, this is our deterrent more so now than ever before.


    I have other views on JC, he is waaaaaay to left wing for me too. I love the way the lefties state we are bombing Syria, instead of saying we are precision targeting ISIS within Syria. I think JC seems to think he can sit down and have a chat over a cup of tea with these extremists, bloke is in noddy land and therefore dangerous. 

  4. I can't comment any more sorry but business as usual. It a shame the hop pole is not open for Christmas to add some more nightlife to commercial road. I don't think FC in the old fusion site will be adding to the night time economy.


    FC will probably make more noise and cause more nuisance then any other establishment in Commercial Rd going from past events. Good luck with everything Paul, you run a good pub and with no problems, hope christmas is busy for you all. 

  5. Both Cllr Bob Preece and Cllr Chris Chappell have been opposed to this garage application since it was first submitted back in February 2012. I stick to my original comments which you will find here.



    I could not agree more. The issue is the traffic and the councils failure to deal with it, this should have nothing to do with Asda's planning application.



    I agree with what K.Butt wrote back then because both Cllr's clearly think there will be additional traffic which is not going to happen in reality. 

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