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St Owens Street proposed re-vamp

Denise Lloyd

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St Owen Street consultation


The proposals include a contraflow system for cyclists and improvements to parking and pedestrian provision as part of the wider improvements of Hereford City Centre.


The St Owen Street consultation page will display all of the information relating to the consultation from the consultation launch date, 19 July 2017.


We are holding a public consultation event at the Assembly Hall, Hereford Town Hall on Wednesday 19 July from 12 noon to 7pm. On display will be outline drawings indicating the design proposals and staff will be on hand to discuss the design plans and answer any questions you may have.


If you are unable to attend the event please come back to view the scheme proposals and give us your feedback on the plans from 19 July until 30 August 2017.


No greenery?

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I have looked at this short youtube video. I appreciate that this has all been released ahead of the consultation, but if I were approaching from Bath Street how on earth am I supposed to join the cycle lane? Do I have to mount the pavement to join the cycle path, whilst cycling contrary to a "no entry" sign? At least the Police, who are not too far away could increase their funds with arresting cyclists at this point.

If I get onto the proposed contra flow I see that I am  then confronted by cycling directly into cars coming the opposite way as there is no protection for cyclists using this lane. I wasn't keen on the King St cycle path but now that alot of people use it the parked cars do provide some protection when you are cycling contrary to oncoming motorised traffic, especially lorries and buses. Quite a few children and parents use it because it feels safe. I cant say the same about this proposal.

At the City centre end of St Owen St again how do I get to cycle left into Offa St? There appears to be a large pavement blocking my way, pushing me out into the oncoming traffic as it goes around St Peters Square memorial. Perhaps the arrow is to direct me straight into Tanners for a stiff drink after surviving this stretch of road! Once again I feel that this film is all very "corporate" but could we have some sensible plans, also showing how this links into other cycle routes - Will Offa St now be made 2 way for cyclists (plenty of road width and a simple short stretch of road that could do this)? Or has the budget for this been blown on the cost of the video?

Where will there be good bike parking? Will there be extra, covered cycle parking at The ShireHall and Town Hall? This might encourage councillors and staff to get on their bikes more and lead by example, saving us on paying them mileage.

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  • 1 year later...

01/03/2019 - Hereford City Centre Improvements - St Owens Street - Recommendations Approved

Following extended informal consultation with residents, businesses and other stakeholders,this report seeks authorisation to propose Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO’s) and other measures subject to formal consultation/notification, for a scheme to improve cycle access to Hereford city centre from the east via St Owen Street. The following regulations and measures are proposed:

*  To introduce a One way street except cycles south-eastbound on St Peter’s Square (west arm) and St Owen Street from Union Street to Bath Street.

*  To introduce a One way street except cycles on Mill Street southbound from its junction with St Owen Street to its junction with Cantilupe Street

*  To introduce an updated Bus only restriction on the eastern arm of St Peter’s Square from its junction with Union Street to its junction with St Owen Street

*  A rearrangement of the waiting, parking and loading restrictions on the north-west section of St Owen Street and around its junction with Cantilupe Street and Mill Street.

*  To install vertical traffic calming in the form of two flat top tables as informal crossings on St Owen Street and a raised table at the junction of St Owen Street with Cantilupe Street/St      Ethelbert Street.

*  To designate a section of footway as shared use on the north-western side of the junction of St Owen Street and Mill Street. Also as part of the extended footway design, to redesign the traffic signal controlled crossing approaching the junction with Bath Street south-eastwards from St Owen Street, to include a pedestrian call and display.

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 01/03/2019

Effective from: 08/03/2019



(a)    the advertising of a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) proposing movement restriction changes in St Owen Street, St Peter’s Square, Mill Street and Green Street (as shown on the TRO Plan at Appendix 2) be approved;

(b)    the proposing of a TRO to advertise new arrangements of waiting, loading and parking restrictions in Cantilupe Street, St Owen Street, St Peter’s Square and Mill Street (as shown on the TRO Plan at Appendix 3) be approved;

(c)    notification and consultation over the provision of vertical traffic calming measures, in St Owen Street and at its junction with Cantilupe Street / Ethelbert Street (as shown on the Traffic Calming Plan at Appendix 4) be approved;

(d)    notification and consultation over the shared footway designation with a proposed change to the pedestrian crossing facility at the junction of Bath Street, Mill Street and St Owen Street (see Appendix 2) be approved; and

(e)    in the absence of any unresolved objections, the making of the Traffic Orders be approved;  and

(f)     subject to recommendation e above being implemented installation and/or amendment of traffic signs (including road markings) and associated engineering measures up to a value of £235,000 be approved.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Mairead Lane

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  • 2 years later...

I've been told today that this has once again been abandoned as the costs are 'way beyond' the £300k allocation. Why has the cost risen £70k+ in 2 years when nothing has happened, if anything the specification has been reduced?

After 21 years of 'community engagement', meetings, survey, more meetings, designs, outsourced pretty (unrealistic) drawings from Latvia, it's all come to nothing. Again. Under a Green Council committed to green travel with cycling at the top of it. Appalling.

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