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All I have heard, is that Keepmoat are not permitted to further build until 100% of snags on existing properties have been fixed. Whether this has come from Keepmoat HQ or HH I cannot say.

But i can say that it took 17m for all my snags to be fixed!

I have a colleague that is awaiting to move into her plot on the flats that are still standing; she was given end of May initially. This was then promptly moved to end of August 2017. The date that the whole development was due to be completed, roughly 100 days time! I think not.

I will ask her for an update if she has one.

Also I have not received a HH newsletter recently with Our Fils words of wisdom!

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 again the rumour going round is the reason for the delay is that they have not been paid, either by Keepmoat or HHL. in the last 3 months.

Not true Glenda.The reason is because they have had trouble with a  live gas main running through the flats that are about to be demolished.

And that's pretty much from the horses mouth as they say.

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Ragwert, my information came from the horses mouth so it is true. Non of the services have been cut off gas, water, electricity as yet. and Dilligaf is also correct in what he has said. The regeneration of the Oval has been a shambles right from the start 6 years ago, nothing but problems in every house, flat and bungalows. From the roof costing £26,000 to repair on the one block of flat not a year old at the time when the repair had to be done. I am still being contacted by residents almost on a daily basis, although I am nolonger the councillor for the area.

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