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Core Strategy

Denise Lloyd

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Perhaps its because the council are up to their sneaky tricks (*as below)? It can't be incompetence, because we are paying for 'the best' officers (a lot of money) can buy.

Perhaps its because the chances of them actually listening to the public are, as we know only too well, close to zero.

Not even the press can be bothered to attend.


*From Here for Hereford;

There was much frustration shown at the end of a long day on Tuesday when after 5pm the public and developers were told that Herefordshire Council had posted new evidence on their website. One of these documents, an HRA report (prepared by LUC working for Herefordshire Council ) had been in the Council’s possession since Sept 2014, but the Council had failed to make it public until the day before the issues to which it related were due to be discussed.

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Spot on Twowheelsgood!


People will have attended on the first day realised it was the same old s.h.i.t. , and decided it was a waste of time! The officers responsible for withholding the document should be dismissed! Let's face it, it isn't the first time! These Officers really are a law unto themselves!


Any chance of a public enquiry ... I doubt it!

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This is a public enquiry and the Inspector seems to be getting a lot from the planners! She is asking in-depth questions and I look forward to reading her report when it is published. Pity more of the public did not turn up today, it is difficult to explain on here what is happening unless you have witnessed it for yourself.

The enquiry will go on till the end of the month, 10am to 6pm, so plenty of time to attend!

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Here for Hereford have a very good report on the days events including the following -

  1. Hereford United Football good not mentioned in Hereford plan policies or listed in sports areas or elsewhere. Plan published summer 2014.

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    Long day at #HfdshireEIP finishing on Hereford policies 5.30pm. Good member of the public HC had omitted Hfd Football Club grounds from plan

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There was alot of debate at the hearing today, but all the developers I heard speak are going to submit their planning applications for houses on the "strategic sites" in next couple of months and not wait for something called the "Hereford Area Plan" .  Herefordshire Council haven't yet decided what the Hereford Area is and werent going to make a decision until the summer! Apparently it could or could not include all the rural areas around Hereford which is odd as I thought this was all open countryside. Well perhaps it wont be after all the planning applications come in the next few months for a couple of thousand houses. 


I heard someone say we had paid £5.5million for Herefordshire Council to produce this big document/Local Plan and yet apparently the map of Hereford City Centre in it still showed the old Livestock Market!!! For all the planners in Herefordshire Council  the street map around the old Livestock market is an historic document not a forward plan for the next 20 years. The Planning Inspector has asked Herefordshire Council to go away and do some homework and rewrite alot of the plan. They have also been asked to include the Hereford United Football club, which the Council had completely omitted to mention anywhere in any of the "policies" apparently. 

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Sadly I'm out of the County most days so appreciate the intel coming in from posters also Here for Hereford. Very strange that there is no media coverage proof can be found by its very absence on the HT site.

Cloudberry I think we know that this so called southern relief road will actually be a service road for thousands off new homes.

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I went up to Belmont Abbey to see this bizarre piece of theatre. The Inspector must have a brain like a computer because she keeps hold of all she has read, and all the facts presented to her, with minimal notes, and asks searching questions of the Council reps. The Core Strategy plan is debated one policy at a time. For any topic related to housing half the reps around the table are developers, as this plan could affect numbers of houses and how fast they can get on with building. Others in the debate are mainly Councillors who care, and Here for Hereford.


So, Greenknight and Megilleland your fears are confirmed. How do you like the idea of approx. 2000 new homes in the rural areas surrounding Hereford? We learn that the Council are working on a Hereford Area Plan, which will make Hereford larger than the existing city boundary. Despite many questions, so far they cannot/will not define the boundaries of this new Hereford.


To find out more, see Here for Hereford and It’s Our County websites, Facebook and Twitter. In addition some of the debate has been flimed, see Hereford Visons Facebook page or directly on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obVJRJq-lFI&index=2&list=PLhXP9ESs4cle6fN45QX9i-QKyqXdGMQ_4


When the inspector is satisfied that all her questions have been answered she will take a couple of months to write a report and deliver her verdict on whether the Core Strategy is “sound†in whole or in part.


The Hereford Times has not mentioned this critically important Examination in Public at all.


Don't forget that in May voting for a change can make a huge difference. Even if the Core Strategy is approved, it is still just a plan and the new set of Councillors can choose not to follow it.

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IOC are blogging updates updates from this, on their Facebook page. My other half showed me, and it's well worth taking a look.If anybody could provide a link..... if this is possible to a Facebook page...... it makes for an interesting read.


It is my understanding that should (fingers crossed) IOC take control in May, they will look again at also the budget, and the huge capitol spend projects, which would see us accruing even more debt. Very sensibly, in my humble opinion, they say there needs to be a halt to simply spending money - our money - which we just do not have.


Roll on May.......!

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