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Hereford City council By-election in Belmont ward

Jim Kenyon

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I was informed today that a by-election was called in the Belmont ward for the vacancy on the city council ten signatures have been handed into the town clerk which starts the process it's our county have at the moment two candidates wanting to stand so we will have a selection process the candidate selected will then be put up as our candidate my group did not call this election however we do have good people in many wards that are prepared to stand up and fight for our county.

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I was informed today that a by-election was called in the Belmont ward for the vacancy on the city council ten signatures have been handed into the town clerk which starts the process it's our county have at the moment two candidates wanting to stand so we will have a selection process the candidate selected will then be put up as our candidate my group did not call this election however we do have good people in many wards that are prepared to stand up and fight for our county.

I only hope that its Our County Gets in so my friends lets vote for OUR COUNTY and save Hereford from the idiots that run it.

Good luck Our County  :Thumbs-Up::Happy_32:  Independents no walk over for Bridges :Thumbs-Down::Surprised_32:  :Happy_32:

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To clear up a couple of questions the former councillor did not attend any meeting for a period of six months which meant she had to stand down a vacancy was then advertised by the city council from that advert ten people that live in the ward have asked for an election so the by-election has now been called the closing date for candidates to come forward to stand is around the 10th of January and the election will take place around 13th feb 2014 as I stated before "it's our county" will carry out a selection process in the next week or so then our candidate will be announced it would be unfair to mention any names at this stage "flam" I hope this explains your query there has to be a vacancy to call a by-election.

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A parish council vacancy may arise for a number of reasons, such as a councillor's resignation or extended non-attendance at meetings.


When a vacancy occurs, the parish clerk will notify Herefordshire Council and arrange to advertise the vacancy for 14 working days. If no valid request for an election is made, the council can choose a councillor. This person must be:


* A British, Commonwealth, Irish, or European Union citizen

* At least 18 years old

* Either on the list of electors for the parish, or during the whole of the previous twelve months has:

  - Occupied land in the parish as an owner or tenant

  - Had a principal place of work in the parish

  - Resided in, or within three miles, of the parish





Although the Hereford City Council sounds rather grand it is no more than a parish council in status, albeit one of the largest in UK. Read more about the city charters granted to Hereford over the years by various monarchs and how its powers were taken away by government reorganisation in 1974 and passed to our present day Herefordshire Council. 

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megilleland said:

Although the Hereford City Council sounds rather grand it is no more than a parish council in status, albeit one of the largest in UK.


Powers and duties of parish councils
Parish councils have the power to precept (tax) their residents to support their operations and to carry out local projects. Although there is no limit to the amount that can be precepted, the money can only be raised for a limited number of purposes, defined in the 1894 Act and subsequent legislation.
Powers to provide facilities
Parish councils have powers to provide some facilities themselves, or they can contribute towards their provision by others. There are large variations in the services provided by parishes, but they can include the following:
Support and encouragement of arts and crafts
Provision of village halls
Recreation grounds, parks, children's play areas, playing fields and swimming baths
Cemeteries and crematoria
Maintenance of closed churchyards
Cleaning and drainage of ponds etc.
Control of litter
Public conveniences 
Creation and maintenance of footpaths and bridleways
Provision of cycle and motorcycle parking
Acquisition and maintenance of rights of way
Public clocks
War memorials
Encouragement of tourism
They may also provide the following subject to the consent of the county council or unitary authority of the area in which they lie:
Bus shelters
Signposting of footpaths
Lighting of footpaths
Off-street car parks
Provision, maintenance and protection of roadside verges
Representative powers
Parish councils must be notified by the district or county council of:
All planning applications in their areas
Intention to provide a burial ground in the parish
Proposals to carry out sewerage works
Footpath and bridleway (more generally, 'rights of way') surveys
Intention to make byelaws in relation to hackney carriages, music and dancing, promenades, sea shore and street naming
Miscellaneous powers
In some cases parish councils possess the following powers:
Withholding of consent to stop up unclassified highways and footpaths
Consultation on appointment of managers of primary schools
Trustees or appointing trustees of local charities
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Megilleland thank you for the comprehensive explanation, clearly I have no understanding of Council structures. In my defence my thought processes are dominated by the Councils stupidity it was only a matter of time before it infected me! 


Seriously though, thank you for taking the time and trouble to explain


My warmest regards 

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