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Everything posted by dippyhippy

  1. There have been some, quite frankly, ridiculous comments made on this thread. Rebecca, if we were to follow your argument, there would be no need for CCTV on the GWW.....because we all SHOULD be able to walk it safely at any time of the day or night. Nobody would have to lock their door, because we SHOULD be able to leave it open. There are lots of things we SHOULD be able to do. But we can't. The suggestion of looking at this as an OPTION, is very sensible in my opinion. I hope Jeremy Corbin is announced the winner of the vote for leadership, on Saturday, and brings back some credibility and humanity to the Labour Party, I was once so proud to be a member of.
  2. Stir that pot Roger! This event is not the first of its kind in this county, and has been a long time in the planning. There are several members who would benefit greatly from understanding just what a hate crime is.
  3. "Vermin" Colin? I really must take issue with that choice of word. It has the same dehumanising tone as "Swarm" so beloved by David Cameron, and several Hereford Voice contributors. Do you really see the homeless, those with addictions, and suffering with mental health issues as "vermin"?? Sorry. That phrase simply has to be challenged. (Apologies to those who so dislike the "loony leftie" point of view..... but this forum is quickly becoming so hard right, it's stomach churning.)
  4. Good Lord. I'm not going to be drawn into debating this point. The politics which have brought us here, have been discussed on several previous threads.
  5. Hi Denise, whatever happens..... more and more folks are starting to question precisely what is going on at Freedom Church. I think people are waking up to the possibility that there are other agendas. That has to be a good thing.
  6. I think that chap - Mark - hit the nail firmly on the head. This council is most definitely NOT fit for purpose, and neither is this Tory government. Perhaps we should ask those members amongst us who voted for David Cameron and his crew, to explain where they think these cuts should be made? After all, they voted for them..... they must surely have the answers???
  7. I do hope that Bill liked the card and gift from The Mendacious Oddities. Many thanks Bill, for your sterling work over the years. Much appreciated by many. You'll be a great loss.... but the very best of luck in your new endeavours!
  8. That's very interesting. As was an earlier comment from another HT poster about FC activities in Wrexham.
  9. Agreed, Cambo! They are not a trustworthy bunch! I'd have far more confidence placing my money in the hands of an IOC administration...... But..... we are where we are, as they say. And in dire circumstances, I would suggest that there are a fair few good souls who would be prepared to dig a little deeper to help to protect the most needed services for the most vulnerable of our residents. (By the way.... great post John Spencer! Nice to hear from you!)
  10. Yes, come on Chris! Armed with the knowledge, and wealth of information that GDJ has armed you with..... go in fighting! You have right - and the law - on your side! They need to do a U - Turn on this one. Be the man to ensure this happens, and put a stop to this shameful saga.
  11. I've completed it on line this evening. I said I would be happy to pay an extra 5% in council tax, if it was guaranteed that some of this extra revenue would be ring fenced to pay for services such as Ledbury Road. I also said that I didn't expect everybody to agree, but perhaps a "top up" payment should be available as an option. Times are tough. We all need to do what we can. Personally, I'm not against an increase in parking charges. As another poster pointed out.... Plough Lane has very cheap all day parking. Folks perhaps need to leave the house five minutes earlier..... and, wait for it...... Walk!! (Shock, horror!) The Tory Government aren't going to hand out any more, are they???
  12. An interesting programme. Impressionable youngsters, being convinced that their parents are against them. Post 17 page 1 of this thread. Gary Snowzell advises youngsters not to speak to their parents about issues/problems they may have....... Even more interesting, over at Heckler, a poster is following Pete Boggs suggestion, and sending links about FC to Private Eye's Rotten Boroughs ...... I see we also have a new HV member, currently being validated, BBC Journo.... Is this story about to be heard by a much wider audience??? Watch this space, folks!
  13. Good grief. Enjoy your perfect, insulated lives. I truly hope that one day you people can step out of your bubbles, and see what life is like for other people. Your words, lack of compassion, empathy, humanity or even common decency make me feel sick to the stomach. You are so very quick to judge and condemn folk without even attempting to put yourselves in their shoes. Topic after topic, thread after thread about Ledbury Road, Blackmarston, bullying, abuse, you all completely ignore. Wrapped up in your own, selfish inward looking lives. Enjoy. I can no longer be bothered to waste my time trying to educate folks who don't seem to have a brain cell between them.
  14. You're absolutely correct, Dan! This is a good group of folks, who have helped many.....without forcing their religious views on anybody. They set up Emilia's Place, which was discussed at length on a thread previously. No dodgy recruitment methods here, just practical help and support. From what I've heard, and what I know, this is a great group of people who will do their best, with NO ulterior motive.
  15. Hi Dan, as my friend Ubique has posted on other threads, any ex military personnel in need of help, can contact SSAFA. They have a help desk in Hereford's Council Offices. Type SSAFA into the search box on this page, and it should throw up opening times and phone numbers. It might be a start to getting this gentleman at least, a little much needed support. (And may I also add my apologies, Paul, for wandering off topic!)
  16. I'm afraid I disagree Green Knight! I've been out drinking with Bobby, I'm not shocked by swearing in any language, and I think a naked body is a beautiful sight to behold! Nothing there to make me choke on a nut cutlet!
  17. Incredibly sad, Dan, I agree. There are folks who have incredibly difficult lives, with very complex issues. But the merest glimpse of this group has been enough to spoil Steve's big night out. That surely is unforgivable.
  18. Sigh. This is not a "huge problem." Plenty has been - and is being done - to help the handful of folks who seem to be referred to as street drinkers. There is an entire thread dedicated to this..Baptist Church Drinkers. Several pages of comments and information.
  19. Families First, is the new name for The Troubled Families Programme. This is a national government initiative. There has been a thread discussing this. Type in "Emergency Grants and Loans" into the HV search box. (Pete Boggs...I couldn't agree more! Perhaps Channel 4's Despatches investigation team would be interested????)
  20. Good morning Denise! I shall whisper this.......yes, it was around The Edgar Street Trees saga!
  21. Ah. Councillor "I don't give a sh*t, what local people think" Price. Why am I not surprised.
  22. Your phrase sums it up in a nutshell, Duffy......a perfect storm. And the storm clouds have been quietly gathering for a good few years. I have posted several times on different threads, about how it would be far more cost effective - not to mention better for both families and young people - if Herefordshire kept those children that require residential placements within county. We have the expertise, and we most certainly have the need. On the subject of Ledbury Road, both MP's appear to be keeping a very low profile. As you say, it is this Tory governments extreme cuts which sees the back of these vital services. Perhaps it's little wonder they have nothing to say. I hope all those who saw fit to vote Conservative in the last election are proud at what their votes have achieved - an attack on the weakest and most vulnerable in our so called society.
  23. Sadly, Ubique, I predict there will be very little in the way of support. When these children reach the age where they are needing to access adult services, it becomes even worse. Any semblance of a safety nets has been removed until families hit crisis point. Things will not get any easier.
  24. It's Jeremy Corbyn all the way for me! Any man that get's Tony Blair spluttering get's my vote!
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