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Everything posted by flamboyant

  1. Ahh I see lol Shame I'm very hairy fairy won't everybody to play nicely
  2. You couldn't make it up could you....
  3. Nope me neither my stomachs doing somersaults! Will someone get me a rope!
  4. Ok can someone explain how the independents are a party? Surely they are independent? Sorry to sound dim but if you're independent you have your own mind your own morals and ideas? I thought the definition was in the title? Isn't that what we need a group of people with their own minds with no party agenda to work to, won't that make a democratic party? The only mantra the ruling party should be chanting is..... we don't have an agenda we represent the majority and we will engage the public on every major decision and we will work for what you want? IOC don't have to like the independents and vice versa you just have to be representatives of the people of Hereford, I can't get away from thinking that joining forces is the only way to go?
  5. Anyone got any updates on Pontrilas? I have everything crossed but nervous this is not gonna go well!
  6. Dip, I agree in part but IOC will only engage when it helps them, think of the times they've engaged and the times they haven't I'm betting they will join this thread in the not to distant future. I'm behind IOC so with you on that but I want the voice of reason the control switch and I think that's within the Independents. And in all honesty am I being hypocritical, do I want either or do I just not want what we currently have? There lies my dilemma and my reason for wanting the Independents and IOC together, because it's new?
  7. I have no political agenda I don't look at the promises one party offer over another. I look at the character and integrity of the people in that party. If they are truly fighting for the good of Hereford with a passion and I see it and I believe it then I will stand behind them. Yes they might campaign for something I have no interest in but if it's got a sound business case behind it and it's for the benefit of our County then I will stay quiet, because I will never agree with every decision a party makes. However they should listen to what the public want and admit their mistakes. IOC may not stand for everything we want and the Independents might not have the same strength in numbers but both parties have a common goal and if either truely cared for the electorate they would stand together! I honestly believe the two parties combined will make a formidable force. IOC are lacking the one thing that might help them pull off the removal of this current Cabinet and that's the Independents. The independents will keep them on the right path! IOC being the bigger party should show commitment to a coalition by conceding Pontrilas on condition the Independents join forces, them we will surely have a party we believe in and will stand with!
  8. Well done Cllr Powell, this must have been a very stressful time for you. I am delighted you were vindicated. Even more delighted it was at the expense of Cllr Edwards and Liz Kelso. Who should now do the decent thing and resign! My warmest regards.
  9. I agree with DIPPY things are going to get very unsavoury for our Council. Paul Cardin is not someone who will take no for an answer and he won't take any crap from the Council as far as trying to delay or block his request. I have personal knowledge of a payments paid to directors and managers for huge sums of money and I will be scrutinizing the Councils response to Mr Cardin and I won't stay silent! Keep an eye on the response from the Council to Mr Cardin's request it might just open your eyes to how low this Council of ours has really sunk! I mean payments to Directors found guilty of bullying disabled employees is as low as you can get isn't it?
  10. Paul Cardin has made a similar FOI request to Herefordshire Council so you will eventually get some answers as to where all the money is going! The incompetence, the bullying the nepotism, the contracts that have cost millions will all be exposed sooner or later!
  11. Yes well done Cllr Powell. I don't know the story but if involves you getting one over on Phil Edwards then you have my respect!
  12. Read more below http://wirralinittogether.wordpress.com/2013/11/14/foi-wirrals-second-vexatious-rebuttal-against-me-bites-the-dust/
  13. Please feel free to distribute! https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/unscrutinised_machinations_permi#comment-45060
  14. Any thoughts on Cllr Bramer picking up Roger Phillips portfolio?
  15. Thank God it would have thrown Herefordshire Council into total meltdown they can't deal with a crisis
  16. HT went down hill when Bobby ran out of steam! Welcome Lukio I always look forward to your contributions on HT. I would never completely abandon HT l would miss conversing with Dippy but this is a very friendly and welcoming forum and no one attacks you if your views are different to theirs which is refreshing change!
  17. Roger the Council wouldn't have thought about terms and conditions in the contract, that would require a level of competence. Besides the Nephew, niece, best friend of the director who got the job to negotiate the terms and conditions won't have been qualified to conduct the negotiations and was probably working from home that day!
  18. mail from Cllr Johnson 2 Oct 2013 ​Posted in the Hereford Times Dear Mr. ***** Cllr. Hamiltons’ complaints were about Councillors in other (non Conservative administration groups) The behaviour of those Councillors is a matter for the leaders of those groups. You may wish to enquire of those leaders what actions they propose to moderate the behaviour of their members bearing in mind that, at this stage, these are still allegations. Where staff make complaints about their treatment by Councillors, those complaints are dealt with by an established formal procedure and, where appropriate, sanctions are applied to the offender. People seeking to make political capital from unsubstantiated rumour which could result in damaging an innocent person should be treated with the contempt they deserve. This comment is not directed at you Mr. ***** since you had the courage at least to identify yourself when making direct contact with me with your opinion. I was elected leader only last May and you will gather from this e-mail that I have no intention whatsoever of resigning. This administration was elected by the majority of voters to enact its’ manifesto for the benefit of the whole County. It is on track to do just that. Given the dire financial position of all Councils (and particularly small ones like ours) and the problems of managing rising demand with drastically reduced funding, it would be interesting to know what alternatives are proposed by anyone. I can assure you that despite lots of general moans, none has been forthcoming so far. If I can be of help in any future matters I would be very pleased to do so. Regards Tony Johnson Leader Herefordshire Council ajohnson@herefordshi re.gov.uk
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