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Posts posted by K.Butt

  1. Well to be perfectly frank and maybe a little naively if in this country I wanted something along the lines of Polish food I would go to a correctly named Polish shop and hopefully be successful in my mission.  I do not know if these so called Polish shops stock Polish food or not I have not frequented one!


    By the same token if I wanted Turkish food or even authentic Turkish delight I would go  to a appropriately named Turkish shop. Especially if they sold genuine Baklava. That is me and the way I do my shopping!  So as far as I am concerned it is my take on misrepresentation.  We are all entitled to our opinion you know!


    The shop that has opened where Friar Tuck was is that Polish Turkish or what?


    Just in case I need to shop there I would like to know what I am entering prior to going in!


    Friar Tuck old shop is still empty Denise, I just drove past?

  2. What are they misrepresenting?Surly you are not implying that to run a Polish food shop you must be Polish....


    Denise is not at all in my view but these people are obviously breaking the law in many areas and portraying themselves to be Polish as well as using Polish branding, so I would say they they are taking the pi*% myself!

  3. Think it's great.

    Why people think we should always build houses using bricks & exactly the same as every other is beyond me.





    This design is not bad, fresh looking with a large glass front on the top floor with large balcony I don't think the image does it justice, it will look nice in my view

  4. Have just caught up on the HVFB page - dear God is that the intelligence level of the 18-25 year old demographic? The bins are full, better leave it on the floor - Really??? no wonder things are going down the pan so fast. A lot of those commenting supporting the "enthusiasts" are the same ones that were supporting that idiot last year with his horse overtake (remember that?), so explains a lot really.


    Plus, they really need to learn the difference - enthusiasts don't drive like idiots, they look after their cars, and are more inclined to take them to properly organised shows and events that take place in appropriate surroundings, such as race tracks or aerodromes - not the local Halfords car park.


    As an example, my brother in law is in his mid 50's, drives a highly modified Subaru Imprezza which is stickered up McRae style - yet he doesn't drive like a lunatic, and enjoys the car scene by going to proper shows and meeting with other like minded owners. These idiots really shouldn't have a licence if they can't operate a bin properly. How much intelligence does it take?


    Absolute joke, that's about the limit of the intelligence of some of them.  :Surprised_32:

  5. Private car park or not action can be taken by the police. SECTION59 notices concern the use of a vehicle in a manner that cause annoyance, harassment or distress. Police issue a notice which is valid against the driver AND vehicle for 12 months. If the driver or someone else driving the same vehicle acts in a similar manner in the 12mths, the car is seized and a large release fee has to be paid PLUS the insurance company are told AND they do cancel the drivers insurance.

    So if this conduct effects you, report it to the police (be prepared to give a written statement) and I can assure you action will be taken.

    It's not about persecution of young (ish) drivers but about treating issues seriously and stopping this stupid and sometimes dangerous behaviour


    Thank you for this information. I was not aware of Section 59  :Thumbs-Up:

  6. They have already had a overhaul of the Benefit system that's why the Tories are called the nasty Tories.They are causing hardship to a lot of people why do you think food banks are open now. They needed to be overhauled but not the way they have gone about it.Try living on £70.00 a week for 3 people.And for Disabled parking spaces there is not enough and it makes me angry when people who are not disabled park in them.


    I do not agree that there are not enough disabled parking spaces, tbh I have never seen so many, nearly half the parking bays in Broad St are for disabled people. Regarding the benefits overhaul, I do not think it is fair to blame the Tories outright, they have find a balance, a lot of blame should be laid at the door of the not so genuine claimants and believe me there are thousands! You should target your frustrations at them and not the governments who are battling the colossal cost, which could be used in the NHS or schools etc

    l Have no issue paying taxing and supporting real genuine people who need help but it does make my blood boil when I am paying extortionate taxes for lazy sods and people who are making a mockery of the system and what it was designed for. Personally, I think they should do major checks on ALL claimants every 2 years, genuine people should welcome this and not have an issue with it.

  7. That is a challenge that I cannot see any politician wanting to take on.

    A complete overhaul of disability benefits?  That, right there, is a lost election!

    However needed it may be.


    You are not wrong with this statement and this is one of the issues, as soon as the government announce any type of benefit overhaul they start loosing votes and that is because there are more and more people on benefits, which also includes more and more fraudulent claimants unfortunately and that is why my taxes are constantly rising! 

  8. If you car is taxed I cannot see what the issue is. I understand that this parking is obviously designed for the shops but nothing stopping anyone parking here, unless there are restrictions in place which there do not appear to be.

  9. Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic have all refused to take these migrants and as far as I am concerned are protecting their borders which they have a right to do. You don't see many muslim terrorists active in these countries... The other reason is that the UK offers benefits! Which most of these other countries do not! Do you see a pattern forming here yet? Well done to all of these countries for standing your ground and refusing to be bullied by the idiot Angela Merkel. She has tried to appear to be a saviour and hero and it has backfired on her in Germany, now she want to distribute her guests all over the EU. Germany will face attacks next, mark my words some nutter refugee will start killing people before long



    Paul you were absolutely right with your comments back in May - Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic are among the safest countries to visit this summer (2016), funny that...



  10. It depends whether you want to base the list on the Herefordshire Council Wards or the City Council Parish Wards.

    The Racecourse Ward only relates to the City

    I would go by the County Council list as they are to my mind more relevant. After all the City Council has little powers as effectively a Parish Council.

    The County Council ward boundaries are clear on the Parish and Ward Maps webpage on the Herefordshire Council Website. Sorry can't do the link


    How many County Wards are there a lot more I am guessing. I am surprised at just how confusing this is

  11. I witnessed a man almost knocked to the ground by a cyclist yesterday morning, cyclist was riding on the footpath just by Saxty's he rode into a guy and just said sorry and carried on, the bloke was in a little shock, we asked if he was okay, he said yes but was expecting a bruised arm. 

  12. All of the Council garages have 6ft 6" doors,ok if you have a mini but any other vehicle you have no chance of getting in and out properly.

    Most are used for storage


    HH are still charging rent regardless of their content

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