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Misleading The Electorate?

Hereford Voice

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Councillors talk about transparency, but would you realise that Dave Greenow is a Conservative candidate for Hagley ward based on his letterhead which says ‘Independently minded’. Nowhere in his letter does he state he is a Conservative and there is a danger that some of the electorate will just see the “independently” word as an inference that he’s an Independent.


With Jonathan Lester being in the Hereford Times recently for using images which implied he was involved in certain projects, which was not the case, you would have thought they would have been more careful. Or perhaps they are having their hopes on people thinking they are Independent! Perhaps the Tories are embarrassed about being Tories now

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1 hour ago, Hereford Voice said:


Councillors talk about transparency, but would you realise that Dave Greenow is a Conservative candidate for Hagley ward based on his letterhead which says ‘Independently minded’. Nowhere in his letter does he state he is a Conservative and there is a danger that some of the electorate will just see the “independently” word as an inference that he’s an Independent.


With Jonathan Lester being in the Hereford Times recently for using images which implied he was involved in certain projects, which was not the case, you would have thought they would have been more careful. Or perhaps they are having their hopes on people thinking they are Independent! Perhaps the Tories are embarrassed about being Tories now

Is this the very same Dave Greenow that boasts about shooting over 15 dogs on his land, vile man!

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The same one that gave a false name and address and drove off after a crash in 2007, but later thought better of it. For failing to stop after an accident, Greenow was given a £300 fine and eight penalty points were put on his driving licence. For driving without due care and attention he was fined £200 and his licence was endorsed. Prosecution costs and a victim surcharge took the total Greenow must pay to £575. The local Con Ass said they fully supported him.

The same one who obtained planning permission for a new house in the open countryside, contrary to policy and contrary to officer recommendation, signed off by the planning committee's conservative chairman's casting vote.

It's just an independent way of behaving isn't it?!

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