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Hair Salon and Education Centre in Former Möben Shop

Hereford Voice

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Plans have been submitted for proposed hair salon (A1 use) that will occupy 30% of the building withan education and training centre (D3 use) for students of hairdressing to take up the remainder of the premises in the former Möben shop in Commercial Street Hereford.


Planning application P174605/F

Hopefully if these plans are passed it will encourage other businesses back to this forgotten area of our city.

The only negative here is that the rates are higher than the rent! 



The premises are available on a new effectively full repairing and insuring lease at £25,000 per annum exclusive, on terms to be agreed. Alternatively the freehold interest is also available for £245,000 plus VAT.


We are verbally advised by the Local Rating Authority that the whole premises are assessed for rating purposes as follows:

Rateable Value: £53,000 UBR (2017/18): 47.9p Rates Payable: £25,387 

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It will be good if these get passed we need new life put back into this area. I does not seem right that the rates and higher than the rent itself but rates are based upon set figures and it is what it is, as long as this is accounted for within their budget no problem. 

I wish them luck with their application and future business.

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