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Happy New Year.


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A very happy New Year to you all. Clearly, if you are a realist and have a grasp of what's about to befall our once great Country it's not going to be a very happy New Year for many who are dispossessed, bewildered, possessed and bereft of hope of ever climbing out of this man made dug fiscal hole that's sees everything we once held dear collapsing around us.

That said, if it's at all possible, I wish you well and hope that 2016 brings you and your loved ones happiness, prosperity and good measure of luck and good fortune.

We're all, every single one of us, in need of all the bloody luck and good fortune that can be harvested up to withstand the destruction of our society by this rotten Council Cabinet who are intent on buggering everything up.

Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year Bobby...2016 will be challenging for sure but we have to be positive! A couple of months ago I bit the bullet and quit the car, slashed the salary in half and now walk/cycle to work for a local Hereford company! I'm bloody sure the Councils increased taxes and additional precepts will make my life difficult so I will want to know where every bit of my contribution goes however one thing's for sure ...no more higher tax band for me mate. I would rather raise money for local charities and direct it to where I please!

MY predictions are for a flourishing city centre but not because of council contributions but more because of enterprising individuals hidden away amongst the Herefordian people.I believe that the Southern Relief Road will fail for now and the money lost but will return after an additional bridge over the Wye is signed off. No1.Ledbury Road will remain as will the Blackmarston School.

We will see the start of the rebuilding of the Old Town'bomb site' however there will be other changes that will not be to everyone's approval.

Good Luck everyone and best regards.


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