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Aylestone Voice

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Posts posted by Aylestone Voice

  1. Many people don't use buses because they are not quicker or more comfortable than their cars. Why use a bus when you have to sit in a queue of other vehicles?

    Have dedicated bus lanes and usage might improve. However if you look at Victoria Street for example a bus lane would just leave one lane for all the other vehicles?

  2. It was as pointed out an event preaching to the converted but I did leave after the first couple of questions.

    I am not convinced either way on a relief road

    But if I did let's say nail my colours to the "yes" point of view would I get the same comments on here that Mrs Edwards has received just because I do not agree with the established viewpoint? There appears to be little respect for opposing views? Perhaps that is to be expected.

  3. Whilst CCTV and better lighting may be a good idea I wonder how much of the natural vegetation would have to be removed for it all to work efficiently.

    I do not think that everywhere the public go can be covered by CCTV

    I don't believe that the CCTV is monitored so it would be a case of watching the tapes after the event. In this case the police appear to have caught the culprit anyway

    Sadly off topic - apologies

  4. For me, I don't think we should be making assumptions about what happened or seeking in some obscure way to blame the lack of CCTV for it. But then speculation and blaming someone else appears to be Hereford's stock in trade.

    Someone lost their life in a very unpleasant way and were alone when it happened

    What is vitally important is that the culprit is found and prosecuted

  5. Sorry if my post led you to believe I was in support - I could not find a tongue in cheek symbol!

    Actually I am not sure either way

    I believe that for the city to progress there is a need for new housing and new jobs. They are most likely to have to go on the edge of the city as apart from ESG there is little brownfield land available. That is unless you relocate Heineken and Cargill. That said when I last looked the Core Strategy did not propose new housing at Grafton, but at Three Elms Whitecross, Bullinghope and Holmer. And new housing needs access because as much as many would want the occupants will drive cars.

    I am not convinced that there will be enough support to get people out of their cars and I cannot see P&R/bus lanes working so perhaps a by-pass is needed and the SLR looks like it is the first phase with the rest to be built on the back of new housing.

    I am all for less cars on the road - I cycle every day 

    Actually reading your post again I cannot understand why you are so aggressive towards me. So I will say no more

  6. As referred to in the Freedom Church topic there are a number of regular posters who have disappeared

    I'm not sure if it was about the time of the IOC meltdown after the election or when Cardin threw his toys out of the pram.

    I wonder if they are:-

    - Planning their own new political party to fight in four years, or

    - Digging tunnels and building tree houses on the line of the SLR, or

    - Just following WirralIPC elsewhere, or

    - Locked in the cellar of The Commercial


    I do miss B47 though. He is as mad as a March hare but always amusing

  7. Ha!

    It was probably just a cunning plan by Herefordshire Housing/Council. Everybody knows they want to fell every tree in the County starting with these, but they know the huggers will get riled up. So the answer is build the new houses close so that when they fell the trees it will because the residents have objected to living in dark houses with leaves clogging up their gutters. The space will be used to widen the road so as to get the tree lined bus boulevard in.

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