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Aylestone Voice

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Posts posted by Aylestone Voice

  1. I would be happy if more people used GWW now rather than sat in their cars in Belmont Road. 

    But I agree that a tram or similar system is a good idea. It would however be vital that it ran alongside a footpath/cycleway. If that were to happen then it is likely that with the widening of the hard surface that many trees etc. would have to go and therefore the "tree huggers" and "wildlife enthusiasts" may need to be persuaded. Also you will have to consider things like a depot and turning for the trams and car parking for users at either end or midway.

  2. Dippy it was the same old stuff

    Smartie1 - the Council are against me and I am the victim again because they told me off for abusing a member of staff!

    Wirrall - everyone in the Council is crooked and IIRC there was something about Saville


    So you were well out of it. The only thing missing was Bobby47's input


    Colin did the right thing IMO

  3. John - thank you.

    If as you say the affordable housing provision in the Core Strategy is not large enough then presumably you have a ball park figure of what it should be?

    If you are only intending to provide for the needs of Herefordshire residents then presumably you will be discouraging inward migration? In simple terms the more houses there are then the cheaper they will be. So with limited new build the only people who will be able to move here will be those with significant money available - generally those wishing to retire? What about those who wish to move here to work - how will they compete in the high priced local market

    Also is it not the developers who when building open market housing also "cross subsidise" the building of affordable housing?

    Are you pulling up the drawbridge?

  4. At the Committee when the voting on the decision is tied the Chairman gets the casting vote.

    So in these rare cases he votes twice. The historic convention was that in the case of a tied vote the Chairman would use the casting vote in accordance with the Officer recommendation but that was abandoned some time ago.

    In the case of Cllr Greenow's application that would have been to refuse permission. The Chairman chose to use his casting vote to grant permission.

    What happened does appear legal

  5. Ubique - I do wish I lived in the country rather than in the city and up to my waist in litter!!

    The Council/BB are in a total mess I agree, but whether it is fly tipping or litter if people think that by just dumping it away from their property, in a bin or at the waste site it will be collected then even more money will be needed to tidy it up.

    What is need is more personal responsibility (fat chance in this society) or relentless investigation and prosecution - but then again that requires more of our resources to pay for it. The problem is there is no more money in the Shire Hall coffers

  6. As do many threads - this is turning into another slag off the Council/Balfour Beatty saga.

    "Why are they not cleaning up other peoples mess immediately"?

    There is a great deal of truth in the criticism but lets not forget that the thread started around the issue of how people just ignore their local environment.  If we just rely on the mess being cleared up by someone else then the dumping, be it tins or settees, is just going to continue.

    How do we educate the scum who dump stuff that they should not?

  7. Sorry - I was in a bad mood!

    But if you were to go through all the threads on here I would be surprised if there were many that were positive about where we all live.

    Most cover:-

    The Council does nothing good

    We want information just for the sake of it

    Hereford is going to the dogs

    Democracy is pointless

    The corporate system victimising individuals

    and so on!

    Hmmm - it seems my bad mood is continuing!!!

  8. The mural is to commemorate the role of the Herefordshire Regiment in their landings at Suvla Bay at Gallipoli in August 1915. There will be events to commemorate this later this year.

    Before you all pass comment on its "quality" why not wait until it is finished.

    Whilst the hoardings have been replaced it is unlikely that they would have been left graffiti/fly posting free for too long. Yes it would be much better if this site were redeveloped but even if work started today there would still be a hoarding there for some months.

    I believe the mural will both improve the appearance of the site and importantly bring to the attention of all of those in the city centre the significance of the courage  of Herefordshire residents 100 years ago.

  9. I do not know the details of the Balfour Beatty contract or the Highways agency in respect of litter but the other day there was a feature on, I think, Midlands Today about litter/fly tipping. A councillor from, I think, Coventry or Birmingham when asked about the mess said that as their income was severely reduced they had chosen to concentrate on services for children and old people rather than litter collection.

    These are the difficult choices that have to be made

  10. I was amused to see the LibDems asking people to sign a petition to end the Cabinet system when the Council are already looking into the alternative systems.

    I assumed it was just the bait to get people into their gazebo so as to try and persuade them to vote for them

    I think I saw their general election candidate Lucy Hurds lurking about. I heard her at a Civic Society meeting some time ago - in my view unelectable

    Mind you I think that about most politicians!!!

  11. Ah yes Green Knight - visit herefordshire are conspiring with Herefordshire Council about  a road for which neither is responsible!

    Megilleland - whilst your investigative work is much valued why did you contact visit Herefordshire rather than the Highways Agency?

    That said yes the whole county is a litter strewn mess and until people take personal responsibility it is likely to remain so

  12. The emergency services, valuable and essential as they are, do seem to take a perverse pleasure in clearing up rta's as slowly as possible. In this case one person with "minor" injuries went to hospital

    It seems that every inch of the road has to be inspected and every minute detail recorded

    What looks like a minor bump and the road closed for almost 3 hours

  13. Bobby - after reading some of your posts on there yesterday I did suspect that it was in the offing. I initially was amused that some of them thought you were part of the "Essex mafia" rather than along standing fan. But perhaps what you posted was just be a bit too blunt for them as most are of limited intelligence. Then tend to hunt as a pack. For me the mess they are in over the leases just demonstrates a lack of foresight but they always know best.

    Never mind just stay posting on here as we all appreciate your wisdom and wit

    My warmest regards to you (copyright - Bobby47)

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