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Everything posted by flamboyant

  1. And there lies the problem Megilleland 'proper debate and attention'. Decision makers need to make a concerted effort to establish all of the facts before they go casting votes, once those decisions are made and found to be flawed it's too late to say we weren't informed! Equally decision makers need to be mindful when denying they knew the facts before the decisions were made, because in my limited experience it will likely come back and bite you on the a.r.s.e!
  2. Paul I totally agree Bobby47 is a fearless legend!
  3. Cllr Kenyon when you say they may go back to the Bath Street option, how exactly could they get round the issues they have identified? Also isn't the bus station ear marked for something else so can be ruled out as an alternative?
  4. Before I foget again I love the title of this thread! New Black Bins, Max 4 Bags a Fortnight - f*** Off Brilliant !!
  5. Yep it's the usual disaster but the decision is made and you can moan all you like they will not change their minds they will plough on regardless! by the way whose this Michelle character who has suddenly appeared on FB?
  6. Dip you have to put your black bags in the black bin! Well that's what I was told when I rang the waste department! The lorries can't lift the bins! The lorries can lift recycling bins but at the moment they can't lift the new black bins until the company who collect the bins change the lorries. If you look at the lorries they only have aa lift on the recycling side, the lorries are split in two one side for recycling the other for black bags. The chap I spoke to said there are some lorries that only collect black bags and some that are split in two and collect both. He said that some areas have two lorries collecting one for recycling and one for black bags other lorries in rural areas are dual lorries that can collect both! I could be wrong but that's what I was told when I rang and asked! It's all very confusing!
  7. For real FANS only and can the rest of you stop meddling, Tony doesn't like it! http://www.herefordtimes.com/news/letters/11568411.Be_patient_as_we_work_towards_winding_up_petition/
  8. Welcome back Dip! I hadn't realised we were labelled medacious oddities I thought we were mendacious meddlers! Perhaps we are mendacious, meddling oddities?
  9. I hope your right! I have my fingers crossed very tightly!
  10. I am going to reign on everyone's parade and say what I believe will ultimately happen. The Fire Station will be built at Bath Street the Council have decided and they will plough on regardless of public opinion! They will be regrouping as we speak, Cllr Johnson has a plan and he won't deviate from it! I sincerely hope I am wrong and I really wish I could join the celebrations but until they start digging foundations elsewhere I'm urging people to stay vigilant!
  11. GrowlTiger that's common practice here in Hereford, I have read it's to attract the best candidate! Silly really because the best candidates here in Hereford are usually the ones who endear themselves to the Directors! There has just been an appointment at Herefordshire Council and I kid you not, you would not invite this person to supervise you crossing the road! However she makes all the right noises and will never be in a position to challenge someone above her because the only thing she knows how to do is how to suck up to Directors!!! It is stomach churning to hear, "oh what a truly wonderful idea", "you are amazing and so clever", "I wish I had your expertise", "can you mentor me I could learn so much from you". "That's a lovely suit you're wearing it looks so attractive on you". You have to see her in action it is comical! Some idiot just handed her a promotion worth a pretty penny but she is so bad she will make those above her stand out and look like they know what they are doing, she will be an excellent fall guy when the **** hits the fan! We don't check your qualifications here at Hereford just your ability to suck up! One of the agencies used here at Hereford is called The Geoff Hughes appreciation Society (GHAS) for friends facing redundancy! The agency keeps people on the pay role who faced redundancy years ago! There are people swanning around Herefordshire Council on huge pay packets with the most ridiculous job titles you ever heard of! They don't have any line management responsibilities but are still earning huge salaries long after their original job was made redundant but the GHAS always found a place for them! They don't actually do anything, you would be lucky to find them!
  12. Biomech, I think it's in the job discription, I also think there are courses you can attend on how to 'tell a lie about a lie to cover up a lie' I am not sure they know they are lying I think they have done it for so long they believe it's the truth!
  13. This is all very confusing! Sorry Hillbilly I can't help not sure anyone really understand it? We are not supposed to! Lol
  14. Scrooby Ltd are mentioned in one of the FOI requests (see below) Q4 Please detail any requests over the last 12 months for these leases to be transferred to a private company and the response from Herefordshire Council. A. The council received a request to assign the leases of the Blackfriars end and Merton Meadow end to Scrooby Limited on 29th May 2014. This request was subsequently withdrawn and so the council did not respond to it. Scrooby Ltd is a Company set up in July 2013 the Director is non other than Tommy Agombar.
  15. No problem Denise, excuse my spelling everyone I miss keyed! I need a bigger keyboard or glasses!
  16. Here's an easier link to follow, although it will need the Mighty Megilleland to interrupt because I habent a clue what it means! https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/media/7923851/hereford_football_ground_development-agreement.pdf The rest of the documents are here (good fund Denise!) https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/transparency-hufc
  17. Oh and why am I not suprised Cllr Bowens name cropped up in Cllr Kenyons post? On another note has anyone seen the new offices at the Shire Hall they are stunning no expense spared there! Tell me Cllr Morgan do you like your new carpet?
  18. Councillors Chris Chappell & Glenda Vaughan-Powell both read the threads it would be interesting to hear if they will support Cllr Kenyon?
  19. Brilliant Hillbilly, I am really pleased you're going to post more often. I am with out a doubt the biggest plonker on this forum so feel free to say anything you like and if I throw a tantrum go for my throat! I will likely deserve it! Seriously though that's good to hear we will hold you to it! If we don't see regularly posts from you we will stalk you! lol
  20. Lol Dip stay with me please I am trying to attract more posters if I have to sacrifice someone I choose you! The mighty Bobby would lynch me!! lol For those reading Dippy is not the monster that's me !
  21. Hillbilly I am a scary poster but my bark is worse than my bite you post what you like mate and if I ever shout you down shout back! I will s.h.i.t myself!! Seriously I do get angry and Dip and Bobby are always telling me off but trust me it's not personal it's just anger at the establishment! My warmest regards
  22. George Armstrong, it's nice to read your post and I totally agree debate is healthy! But there are valid reasons why posters choose anonymity, you only have to read the thread on bullying to understand that. If you have ever had the misfortune to be bullied then you can empathise with people who become targets of bullies, particularly disabled members of our society. In an employment context when your livelihood is at risk then it is understandable why people hide behind a pseudonym. Anonymity of posters affords people who are close to what is happening the opportunity to inform those debates with inside knowledge of what's really going on inside an organisation such as the Council. That freedom to inform will make organisations like Herefordshire Council think very carefully in the future. The more people that address these forums with what they know the sooner it will stop the hierarchy from behaving in a way they wouldn't want exposing to the public. I would urge anyone reading these posts with an inside knowledge of misconduct, malpractice or any other tale to tell, to register on the voice and disclose it to the wider audience. You might hold a piece of a puzzle when combined with someone else's piece tells a story or informs a debate that finally brings the whole house of cards crashing down. My warmest regards Mr Armstrong I hope you keep posting if only to appease Dippy!
  23. Chris Bull, make sure you keep us informed, I am sure it will be very interesting, if current form is anything to go by!
  24. Think they would prefer you to what till the cows come home! Lol
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