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M. Preece

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Posts posted by M. Preece

  1. The update i received in June is now four months out of date, there has been a further meeting that I could not attend as I was undergoing eye surgery to restore my sight which was a success.

    The next steering group meeting is on 6th Oct where I will request a full uodate of the Oval development to date, I will then send it to Admin or post it here myself.


    What happended at the meeting? Can we have an update please?

  2. I am not being funny here but I would not have Cllr Powell on here, she is completely out ot touch with everything and everyone, she is never wrong, yes she has done some good things over the years without question but in the last 12 months she has got into disputes in virtually every topic, often giving out the wrong information. If you are going make such statements you should at least make sure what you are saying is correct. Several members have tried to explain to her, that some of the details she has posted is wrong but then immediately she jumps down their throats! and goes off on one, saying that she was not informed or words to the effect but never once have I seen her appologise for mistakes she has made, never her fault, always someone else's, sorry but that is how I see it. Christ, we all make mistakes and at time we can be misinformed, sometimes something has been updated that we have missed, that's just life, but to claim everytime that she checks and double checks everything is just not true, becasue if it was we would not be seeing these continious errors.

    Rant over.... :Winky:  



    I was inquisitive about this,
    So I asked one of our refuse collectors this question today and he informed me that it would be more than his job is worth to look inside anyone's bin! he said that this is a load of baloney, simply because it would be considered an invasion of privacy, it is also against the law and they are VERY HOT on this sort of thing and it results in instant dismissal. The fact that I am a bin man does not give me the right to look into or through anyone's bin.

    I had a feeling his would be illegal.

    I never thought of it like that but yes I guess it would be illegal, good point
  4. Mr Preece, I have not corrected anyone but you think what you like. Personally it doesn't bother me what you or anyone else thinks.

    As I have said in a previous post I have a website of my own of which the finalisation pages are being created. I was asked by my constituents who appreciate what I do for them to create my own website before the election! but due to council commitments this is the first oportunity to grant their wishes.They have told me they are waiting to contact me on there!


    Mrs Preece actually.


    Councillor Powell you did correct someone here

    Colin, I have checked in regard to the brook, the Newton Brook starts at Kingfisher Rd and travels down Waterfield Rd to the the side of Carwardine green, once it goes under the main road by the Three Counties Hotel it becomes the Withy brook, which may seem unusual but remember being told this many years ago when I became a councillor by another Belmont Ward councillor!
    by suggesting this was actually the withy brook and not the newton brook as Colin James had illustrated. I am not being funny with you just pointing out, that making a statement like that is confusing to the other members. I think you need to point out as a councillor that you were actually wrong and infact it is the newton brook within the Glastonbury Close area.
  5. I have just come off the phone from speaking to Cllr Edwards, The Newton Brook and Withy Brook flows into each other further down stream and then goes into the River Wye. So in actual fact we are all right.

    It is just a little annoying when people post and Councillor you correct them as if they are wrong :Surprised_32:  but the information that you correct them with is actually wrong, like below you said,



    Once it goes under the main road by the Three Counties Hotel it becomes the Withy brook


    Which is actually not correct at all, Colin James was 100% correct with his original illustration (Newton Brook) so you were wrong all along, yes? all you did was to confuse everyone.

  6. Colin, I have checked in regard to the brook, the Newton Brook starts at Kingfisher Rd and travels down Waterfield Rd to the the side of Carwardine green, once it goes under the main road by the Three Counties Hotel it becomes the Withy brook, which may seem unusual but remember being told this many years ago when I became a councillor by another Belmont Ward councillor!


    So you stating that the brook within Glastonbury Close is actually Withy Brook then?

  7. Councillor Powell, what planet are you on?? YOU said I hide behind my avatar, look at the above quotes of yours!


    You were very quick to offer this so called confidential information (below)and no you are retracting it by claiming that it is confidential, how convenient!




    It's no wonder none of the other councillors want to come online here, getting into any dialogue with you is a nightmare!! You are quite often wrong and make statements that are incorrect, but always blame something else for your incompetence, such as "I was not informed" etc...

    I had the same thought?

  8. Withy brook is in Lower Bullingham not Belmont, near to Rotherwas.

    This whole area is a lot better now, I am pleased the you got it back to it's original state Colin. Good communication with Amey, worth all the effort.  :Cool_32:

  9. I called Hereford Housing this morning at 9.30am and attempted to contact Mr Peter Brown (CE) I was informed that he is away until Thursday, I was told that the person that I needed to speak with was Paula Kennedy, so I left a message for her to please return my call. By 3pm this afternoon nobody had come back to me, so I telephoned again.

    I was informed that they were working out the costs for The Oval and to expect a phone call.

    I have just received a phone call from Mr Paul Morey who informs me, that the full cost for the painting of The Oval is £26,500 inc VAT.


    I agree with Bill, a little more than I was expecting, seems a lot of money, and money that I feel could of been used better elsewhere.


    Thank you Colin for your perseverance, good to see that you will not be fobbed off. :Happy_32:

  10. The Vortex site still belongs to Herefordshire council, I spoke to Colin Birks Property Operations Manager this afternoon he advised the site WILL NOT be sold to anyone for the building of houses. He said the council was considering giving the site to the community, like they have done recently in Ross-on-Wye. Anyone who can bring a business plan to the table for a community centre they would consider, I advised I still had the initial business plan for a multi use centre, he said when I was back at council he would set up a meeting with me.

    So what happened at your meeting?

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