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St Francis Church

Frank Smith

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I have noticed that St Francis church has been closed for sometime, what is actually happening there does anyone know?

The St Francis Curch site has become part of the redevelopment of the Oval it will be pulled down to build a multi purpose hub for the community of Newton Farm and wider South Wye to use.


As a member of the Oval Redevelopment Steering Group I asked for a written update to put in my Newton Farm newsletter,which I have now received, I will send it to admin to post here!

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  • 2 months later...

The St Francis Church site has become part of the redevelopment of the Oval it will be pulled down to build a multi purpose hub for the community of Newton Farm and wider South Wye to use.


As a member of the Oval Redevelopment Steering Group I asked for a written update to put in my Newton Farm newsletter,which I have now received, I will send it to admin to post here!


Can you email me that update, or post it here so all can see please.

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Can you email me that update, or post it here so all can see please.


The update i received in June is now four months out of date, there has been a further meeting that I could not attend as I was undergoing eye surgery to restore my sight which was a success.

The next steering group meeting is on 6th Oct where I will request a full uodate of the Oval development to date, I will then send it to Admin or post it here myself.

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  • 1 year later...

The update i received in June is now four months out of date, there has been a further meeting that I could not attend as I was undergoing eye surgery to restore my sight which was a success.

The next steering group meeting is on 6th Oct where I will request a full uodate of the Oval development to date, I will then send it to Admin or post it here myself.

Do we have an update?

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Bill, The only update I can give is that Herefordshire Housing Ltd (HHL) are still in negotiation with the diosese to buy the church, if successful it will be pulled down and a community hub to replace it. There is a steering group meeting on 10th Sept which I and the other Belmont Cllrs are members, Cllr Edwards is the chairman of the group. I am hoping for an update being brought to this meeting.

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  • 2 months later...

The update i received in June is now four months out of date, there has been a further meeting that I could not attend as I was undergoing eye surgery to restore my sight which was a success.

The next steering group meeting is on 6th Oct where I will request a full uodate of the Oval development to date, I will then send it to Admin or post it here myself.


What happended at the meeting? Can we have an update please?

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At the consultation day 22nd Oct at Three Counties Hotel it was announced that HHL is still negotiating with the head of the church ( St Martins) to buy the St Francis church, it will be pulled down to build 11 houses on the site, the hub is now being built at the Oval.


So are the planning on building 11 houses on the site of the church and more houses on the green behind the police station then?

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