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We all pay our licences right? For what, the 100s of channels we have; the five or 6 BBC channels? No just two. That's right I did say 2. BBC1 & BBC2, that's it. The others content are available on the Internet, which does not require a licence. Agreed that some content from 1 or 2 is available but after the programme has aired the show. Some are not available at all.

Now the Beeb want to cut the service without listening to Joe Public who pay for it and a few heavyweight MPs are wading in too. Please have a read and sign. Can you also share this petition with your friends. Thankyou.


Have a look at this:



The BBC might not be perfect - but it belongs to the British people, not the government. So it should be up to us to decide on its future.


The government asked the public for their views on the BBC - but now it’s trying to ignore them. It looks like the government doesn’t like what it heard from the public.


Can you call on your MP to make sure our views on the BBC are heard? If every MP feels the pressure of hundreds of their local constituents, it’ll be impossible for them to stay silent. Check out the petition here:






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Not sure what you are saying here, a licence is paid to watch TV as it is being broadcast. that includes any TV channel including ITV, Sky one or any other channel that is being transmitted live, be it over the internet,. satellite or terrestrial. The fact that the TV licence supports the BBc is a different thing.

If you watch any of the BBC TV channels via freeview, Sky, Freesat or live on Iplayer you need a TV licence, the only channel that is going to go online only is BBC3.

I am not sure what they are doing to BBC3 online, if it will still be like it is now but online or be like a catch up service.


You can view any catch up service without a TV licence, in fact I went for 3 years without one and only got one last year because I was home a lot, but once my TV licence comes to the end again in the next couple of months I will not be renewing it.

My view on the BBC is that it is a antique, out of date and that the TV licence should be abolished and the BBC should either go subscription of adverts, or both.

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I stand corrected, I'm so out of touch with this nowadays. It's only really David Attenbrough stuff that I watch.


A contradiction in terms.

"The licence fee is not a payment for BBC services (or any other television service), although licence fee revenue is used to fund the BBC."


And it's not covered by consumer law.

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 David Attenbrough. yeah good stuff, about the only few things that is good that comes from the BBC these days. There was talk about changing the the TV licence  to a media tax, where we all pay it even if we don't watch or have a TV, which I think is a bit unfair, they got one in Germany, and was going to have one in Ireland, but it have been put off for some reason. 


A lot of people gets the wrong info about the TV licence, I was told by someone a couple of years ago that because I have a computer I had to have a TV licence. I watch very little TV to be honest, normally Netflix or Sky now.


There was some talk of the news channel going online, but I don't think that is going to happen at the moment.

You are right in that the government want to destroy the BBC or what is left of it anyway and if people want to support the BBc then all well and good, I just think there needs to be a different way.

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Hello everyone.


I think the Beeb has its plus points but the one area which really annoys me is local radio. Can anyone else put up with H&W for longer than five minutes? And what's with their news?!?!?! Iraqi terror attacks, US politics, anything in London but very little from around here.

If I wanted national/international news I'd go elsewhere so why don't they tell us anything about the shire?

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The BBC are moaning that they don't get enough funding so they are cutting back on output. The ain't too happy either about having to fund free licences for old people.


However they are minted in my opinion. As far back as 10 years ago they were paying Radio 2 DJ Steve Wright £440,000 a year for spinning a few discs in the afternoon. The radio output is good but a lot of it is just stuff that everyone is doing. 


The licence fee isn't very expensive but people should have the choice to pay it or not. Especially as the BBC have got next to no sport on anymore. I know it has MOTD but that is just highlights in a graveyard slot.

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I am sure that when "they" work out the cost of a TV licence there will be an "X" factor added to take into account the " old people ! "

Funding the free TV licence cost the Govt. £608 Million in 2013/14. That's about 20% of the BBC budget. The BBC pick up that tab from 2020.

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Roger , nothing I can do about that , it wasn't my decision to let " old people " have a free to licence at 75 . ( after I had paid for a tv licence for 55 years .

If the Govt really wanted to save money perhaps one of the items they could without much trouble or outburst from " old people " is scrap the £10 Christmas bonus for each person drawing a State Pension ! Perhaps you have the time to research what that would save the Country . ( apologies Colin for going off Post - just going to have my cocoa and retire - nothing more to say on this subject)

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