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Bloody Blair and his Far Away Eyes!


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I see the liar has emerged from his burrow! God only knows why Milliband has beckoned this tap dancing devil of a man with the Far Away Eyes to tip up at Sedgefield and tell us all why we should not even consider leaving the European Union and to place our waning trust in the runt of the Milliband litter. The bloody cheek of it!

Bloody man! Bloody Blair! Him and his Far Away Eyes that moreorless imply that he and only bloody he has had a blessed vision from the Almighty and only he can deliver us all from our bloody misery.

The Barstard! Mark my words, this evangelical bloodstained souless preacher who's private letters to George bloody Bush we shall never read, prays nightly to the God that slew Kane and Able that he can be gifted the Stigmata.

He'd bloody love that wouldn't he. The deaths of thousands on his hands and the prostitution of all things that we all hold dear gifted the bloody marks of the Stigmata. My God! Imagine Blair with his Far Away Eyes gazing lovingly into the camera as we all sit back and watch in awe as he takes on the sins of the world and before our watching eyes he bleeds before us.

The mans mad! Yes! Completely detached from reality and digested by his own egotistical thoughts that he and Bush were right to launch their shock and awe attack upon a bunch of people that never ever bothered me.

There's only one outcome for this former Right Honourable Member of Parliament and it's the Courts of Justice at The Hague. I just hope that I live to see the day this false prophet is made to face the enormity of his crimes against humanity. The Barstard!

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Whoever had the bright idea to wheel out Phony Tony, and thought it would be a vote winner, needs to be given a slap around the back of the legs with a wet Hereford Times.




There can't be many folks who are still oblivious to the chaos and destruction he oversaw whilst in office.


If only David Milliband had won that leader of The Labour Party vote..... things could have looked an awful lot better. Surely nobody can trust a man who was so willing to stab his own brother in the back......

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Blair's a real bad un with marriage problems/Milliband is not bad but just weak/Cameron - no words can describe him.  So now we are scraping the bottom of the barrel Clegg/Farage and Bennett.  


Will it be a case of eenie meanie mo catch a xxxxxxxxxxx by his toe or what is the answer = import Sturgeon and Lloyd

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Tony Blair every time I hear his name sends me into a rage spitting feathers & blaspheming curse that man for making me do that!

But just like a bad penny you can be sure come election time he will show up to give us his two pennies worth of bol.locks!……well I've got a couple of words for you Blair F.u.c.k O.f.f!!!!

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@ Cambo. You and me both, mate!


Get yourself a copy of Jonathan Meades' excellent collection of essays entitled 'Museum Without Walls', in which he lays in mercilessly to the Blairs (describing Cherie as 'that gurning hag') and predicting that they will one day 'meet their Ceausescu moment' in the cellar of their house in Connaught Square!

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Blair guilty of Iraq let us not forget that.  But also guilty of the Foot and Mouth fiasco.  Many people will probably only remember the money it cost the country and the people who benefitted magnificently from it.  But oh the tremendous suffering of the animals and the people who were involved was unbelievable. Only people who were involved in farming at the time will know the true price of that.  

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Blair's a real bad un with marriage problems/Milliband is not bad but just weak/Cameron - no words can describe him.  So now we are scraping the bottom of the barrel Clegg/Farage and Bennett.  


Will it be a case of eenie meanie mo catch a xxxxxxxxxxx by his toe or what is the answer = import Sturgeon and Lloyd

It's true to say that these girls have had more of an impression on English politics than our own pathetic handful though I did enjoy the Greens recent party political!

Blair the ultimate Teflon man with religious coat and a rucksack full of cash courtesy of the lecture circuit. It was said that as a growing up politican he would do just about anything to move forward within the party but I guess that's how it is....politics.

Blair & Bush signed off on a contract which eventually started the destabilization of both the Middle East and North Africa cracking job boys.


I know where my local vote is going but nationally there aren't so many options however the only smile I can offer is in the knowing that you can stick as many blue conservative flags in your fields of plenty but you only get one vote!!!

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