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Everything posted by megilleland

  1. Save the River Wye! Demand moratorium on all new poultry units in Powys Kate Bull started this petition to Powys County Council Every summer now, the River Wye is turning a putrid green and its delicate ecology is being destroyed by algae blooms that are caused by effluent from poultry farms flowing into it. If this goes on, we will lose everything that we treasure about the Wye. It will turn a horrible, ugly green every time it gets sunny. The fish will go, and they will be followed by our kingfishers, our dippers and our herons. It is very, very worrying. There are now 116 intensive poultry units (IPUs) in Powys, each raising more than 40,000 birds. With an estimated 8.5 million chickens on permitted units in the county, that is 64 times more chickens than people. Powys County Council and Natural Resources Wales have a legal responsibility to protect Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) such as the Wye. They have, however, been apparently unwilling to use the existing laws to protect the river from the damage caused by a proliferation of poultry units in the county. When granting planning permission, the Council has consistently refused to consider the impact of new poultry developments individually and cumulatively on the local environment, including the county's rivers and water courses. Enough is enough. We call on Powys County Council to instate an immediate moratorium on planning permissions for new or extended poultry units in the county until the full environmental - and community - impacts of those we already have can be assessed and reduced. Sign petition here.
  2. The Hereford City Youth Council are making a map of Hereford showing some of the youth facilities in Hereford and we need your help. We have created a list of some of the youth facilities in Hereford but we know we have missed some. If you know of any more youth facilities we would like to know. Here is what we have so far: - Hereford SkatePark, Holmer Road - The Core Roller Skating, Foley Trading Estate - Close House Youth Centre, St Peters Close - Hereford Canoe Club, Castle Green - No Wrong Door, Commercial Rd - Green Spider Climbing, Rotherwas - Boulder Barn Climbing, Holmer trading est - BMX track, Westfaling St - The Loft Cinema, West Street - Newton Farm Skatepark, - Halo Swimming Pool, Bishops Meadows - Halo Leisure Centre, Holmer Rod - MFA Bowl, Station Approach - Courtyard Theatre, Edgar Street - Bishops Meadow If you have any youth facilities that we could put on the map, please email TheYouthCouncil@herefordcitycouncil.gov.uk with the name of the youth facility/facilities and what street the youth facility is on by Tuesday 22nd September 2020. We look forward to seeing what facilities you can help us to add to the map The Hereford City Youth Council
  3. It's not working in Berlin Berlin reports rise in fatalities as new bike lanes fail to keep cyclists safe (extracts) A coronavirus-related drop in traffic and new protected bike lanes have failed to make Berlin’s roads safer for cyclists, as the German capital reports a four-year record in fatalities. A woman run over by a right-turning articulated lorry in the district of Reinickendorf on Friday became Berlin’s 14th official cycling fatality of 2020 – more than twice as many as the six recorded in 2019. In Berlin, district authorities spent the early days of lockdown building more than 14 miles of pop-up bike lanes, separated from car lanes by traffic beacons, to help cyclists stick to physical distancing. But according to Siegfried Brockmann, an accident researcher for the German Insurance Association, the coronavirus crisis has mainly reduced the number of passengers on public transport, while the number of cars on the city’s roads has risen back to normal levels or higher. Widening cycle paths not only failed to address those areas where accidents were most likely to occur, but could also have had an adverse effect, Brockmann suggested. “If I speed up the cycling traffic, that doesn’t make it safer,” he said. “Two thirds of accidents involving but not caused by cyclists occur at crossings, turnings or on property driveways – and so far authorities have failed to come up with solutions to reduce the risk.” Articulated lorries were involved in six of the 14 accidents resulting in cycling fatalities in Berlin this year. In a further incident, which was not officially recorded as a traffic accident, a journalist, 35, waiting at a traffic light, was run over by a lorry when its driver lost control of the vehicle.
  4. One month on and the waste is still there, although it may disappear in the next two weeks. Muir have now got their contractors cutting the grass verges under their assumed responsibility and are doing a good job. Disappointed that no one from the above organisations has replied on the situation only to acknowledge my complaint, but this seems to be the future way of working. No one on the ground to inspect the area like they used to, so assume all these managers are now sofa workers. Noticed and showed the contractors the state of the trees around Muir Housing - one half dead, branches cut off trees and left on ground so the grass can't be cut and it looks as if someone has deliberately cut the bark and injected a substance into another. Such a shame our local councillor has also failed to react. If anyone wants to talk about sorting this mess out I am always available at the house being a 24hr carer.
  5. There are 600 total parking spaces with 31 disabled and 22 parent & toddler spaces With the ground floor entrance car park adding nothing to the development I always felt that it should have been landscaped into a social area ie small open air events, water features, grassed areas, walkways to Merton Meadow and Blackfriars Rose Gardens and Coningsby Hospital Museum. How many cars can be parked in the multi-storey?
  6. Received this email from Jesse Norman MP today 12th August 2020. As they say all publicity is good publicity. The only good news is that a bypass is possible and that it should go east as Jesse submitted to the Department of Transport and Herefordshire Council years ago Dear Martin, As you may have seen, I was delighted to welcome the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, to Hereford yesterday as he visited the County Hospital and the site of the new Hereford Medical Centre. It was fantastic for him to see the work being done to replace the old hutted wards with new builds, with the PM even getting his hands dirty with some plastering work in the new units. But I was also extremely pleased to show him the site of the new Medical Centre, which will bring five GP services across Hereford city under one roof with some brilliant new facilities. The centrepiece of his visit was the announcement of £2 million in new funding for the Hospital A&E Department, alongside the previous £23 million for the new build. This, combined with the £9 million for the new Medical Centre, will make a huge difference to healthcare in the County. Finally, it was great that he was able to make the time to meet lots of staff, and to recognise all their hard work to keep us safe in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. He got a terrific reception from everyone, and was clearly delighted by the visit. A big day for Herefordshire! With all good wishes, as ever, Jesse _____________ This goes back 10 years at least 26th November 2011 Jesse Norman MP, Hereford, believes east is best road route 14th January 2016 Change of direction sought by MP Jesse Norman in link road and bypass debate
  7. Yes, but the aim of cycle lanes is to encourage people to get out of their cars and the false security they create will no doubt catch some people lacking awareness. It's not unusual to see the younger element cycling along with no hands on the handlebars, wearing headphones listening to music and texting on their mobiles. Not a very good mix with all this traffic racing to get nowhere.
  8. Just hope no one opens their car door across a cyclist - could be quite nasty.
  9. This Indian Lady takes a while to spell it out, but it’s all there; T’s crossed, i’s dotted. Everything is connected. NewsBreak 81 CONFIRMED COVID 19 Plandemic a Known, Live “Training & Simulation Exercise” under World Health Organisation
  10. Another week gone by - everyone hoping I'm going to take it all up the tip. Still nothing from Muir Housing, Cllr Hunt or BBLP. Notice that some people have taken to cutting the lower branches off the lime trees in between the houses in Muir Close and of course have left the debris where it fell. Maintenance what's that? And to think we pay Muir a "No service charge" and council lax. No chance of catching Covid19 up here - you don't see anyone in "authority", although we had a police van and two police cars with six police officers attending an incident for a couple of hours in one of Muir's properties.
  11. In The Daily Telelgraph - 5th August 2020 It's alright planting new trees where there is space, but no one maintains them. On Newton Farm trees are blocking light from their gardens and houses, with some people now cutting off the low hanging branches and leaving the rubbish on the ground. With little road sweeping, litter, graffiti, blocked drains and weeds growing in the kerbs, our street are in keeping with their surroundings - ie neglected and blighted.
  12. In The Guardian 6th August 2020 England's planning reforms will create 'generation of slums' Boris can move quickly when there is money to be made. Robert Jenrick's got form in helping out his friends developing sites in London. Wait for the free for all with the developers, the council and housing associations building everywhere, especially on the open spaces enjoyed by residents. More blight for the future as these bodies can't look after what they have already got. Interesting to hear the Civic Society views on this one.
  13. Some people can't wait for action. From yourherefordshire.co.uk The council meeting tomorrow should be lively.
  14. Still no action from anyone. Herefordshire Housing (Connexus) have dropped out of the running as replied above. I wonder who going to move it first - most probably me as usual. I'll try and fit it in while being a 24 hr carer - it gives me a bit of fresh air.
  15. BBC Local News 30th July: Free hospital parking to come to an end Free parking at hospitals in Herefordshire comes to an end on Saturday. It will affect the car parks at the County Hospital in Hereford as well as the community hospitals in Bromyard, Leominster and Ross-on-Wye. The free car parking was introduced at the start of coronavirus lockdown in March.
  16. Extraordinary meeting, Council - Tuesday 4 August 2020 2.00 pm Watch this meeting live on the Herefordshire Council YouTube Channel
  17. Your enquiry has been logged in our system and will be allocated for inspection based on current priorities and an assessment made if work is required. If you have an queries please call 01432 261800. Your reference numbers are provided below to assist you. Herefordshire Council Ref: Balfour Beatty Ref: 11089501 Thank you for contacting Herefordshire Council. Just waiting for Cllr Hunt to respond and then they will all have acknowledged my complaint, but no action to date.
  18. Extraordinary meeting, Council - Tuesday 4 August 2020 2.00 pm Title of report: Motions on notice Report by: Solicitor to the Council Classification Open Key decision This is not an executive decision. Wards affected Countywide Purpose To consider a notice of motion concerning an urgent matter. Recommendation THAT: the motion below is debated and determined by Council. Motion (Proposed by Councillor Jim Kenyon, Seconded by Councillor Jonathan Lester) We ask that the temporary infrastructure measures brought in across the county to encourage cycling and walking be debated at the full Council meeting on 4 August 2020 and in light of the debate the executive is asked to reconsider its decision to implement the temporary measures. Reason for urgency As the changes to the road network may have an adverse effect on the day to day activities of businesses and residents it is important that this matter is debated at the next council meeting. Appendices – none Background papers – none identified Looks like they have got second thoughts.
  19. The Guardian - Sun 26 Jul 2020 Coronavirus outbreak at Shropshire caravan park confirmed Twenty-one new cases of Covid-19 have been identified at the site in Craven Arms The council fears the number of cases at the site, which is in the town of Craven Arms, will continue to rise before infection control measures start to take effect. All residents at the site who have come into contact with one of the people who have tested positive have been asked to self-isolate with their households for 14 days. The 21 people who tested positive for coronavirus were asked to self-isolate for at least seven days from the time they started showing symptoms or from when they received their positive test result. A testing centre has now been set up on a nearby business park, and everyone living on the site has been offered a test. The centre will be open for the next two weeks between 10.30am and 3.30pm and those living nearby can book a test online via NHS Test and Trace or by ringing 119. A playground close to the caravan park has also been closed to help reduce social contact and the risk of transmission.
  20. Important tax news for businesses and individuals: HMRC Making Tax Digital to continue rollout in 2022 Financial secretary to the Treasury Jesse Norman said: “We are setting out our next steps on Making Tax Digital today, as we bring the UK’s tax system into the 21st century. Making Tax Digital will make it easier for businesses to keep on top of their tax affairs. But it also has huge potential to improve the productivity of our economy, and its resilience in times of crisis.” There are currently 1.4 million firms signed up to the MTD programme – a figure which the government said includes 30% of the sub-£85k-turnover businesses that have not yet been mandated to do so. A total of six million VAT returns have been filed digitally by these companies. The programme will be extended to all businesses and then to individuals, government has announced HM Revenue and Customs has unveiled plans for the completion of the rollout of the Making Tax Digital programme, with the scheme being incrementally extended from 2022. As of the beginning of the 2020 fiscal year on 1 April 2019, firms with turnover in excess of the £85,000 threshold have been required to file their quarterly VAT returns via the digital platform. From 1 April 2022, all VAT-registered companies must switch to Making Tax Digital, regardless of the value of their sales. And, one year later, the programme will be extended to any individuals filing self-assessment income tax returns for annual business or property income in excess of £10,000.
  21. At the top of Westfaling Street HR4 0JG. Entrance between the Scout Hut and Quay House Medical Centre.
  22. Latest batches of masks have arrived.
  23. I received this email yesterday from a friend: Hi Martin I know it was a while ago but many thanks for the photo you sent to us on the 19th June and it has took me all this time to say thank you and to say the view from Jacky's room with the garden is first class. I have been looking after Vivienne over the last 6 weeks. We possibly mentioned during the phone conversation before receiving your email that Vivienne was under the weather with loss of appetite smell and taste, dry cough, no energy and out of breath but no pain anywhere. During this time and since Vivienne could not do anything other than sit around and sleep in the daytime but not at night, so I was full time (and still are) house husband. (MG - At this point I decided she had Coronavirus, but apparently not) Subsequently she managed to get an appointment with her doctor after I kept on to her and was sent for for a blood test and chest X-ray, resulting in being given a weeks course of antibiotics which did nothing. The x - ray by the way showed some "slight" shadowing on each lung which was put down as congestion and blood tests questionable but no cause for alarm and it was arranged for a further blood test in two weeks. After the second blood test we had a phone call the next day from the surgery to say Vivienne was to report to A&E immediately. However, we insisted to seeing the doctor before we went and it transpired that her Kidney function was out of control and that her Lungs were infected. Vivienne then spent 6 days at Kettering hospital under going many tests. She was transferred last Friday at 6.00am to the Renal Unit at Northampton with the cause of her illness being diagnosed as Vasculitus. A virus that attacks vital organs usually through the small veins and arteries and immobilises your immune system. This is said to be a rare disease and it is not known how you get it. I am pleased to say she feels in her self like back to normal but is under intense treatment to stabilise her and get her back to full lon term health. Sorry we haven't replied before but I am sure Vivienne will phone you when she is back home which maybe this weekend with back up by nurses visiting and telephone consultations etc. We sincerely hope Jacky is improving further with your care and that you are bearing up and apologies for a late response. Our sincere best wishes to you both Vivienne & John How many of these Covid cases other than flu and Influenza could be Vasculitus?
  24. So if you are computer literate you can work from home. Looks like we are going to have a bunch of sofa sitting bureaucrats. So all the offices become redundant after spending millions on them, but you can guarantee there will plenty of expenses going in for home office equipment. Doctor's surgeries going the same way - the personal approach is being dismantled for technological changes saving a couple of billion quid. So far Coronovirus has cost us £195 billion (up to 9th July) and Jeff Besoz the world's richest man, can take home in one day £10bn to add to his fortune.
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