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Posts posted by Alex

  1. This morning on Barton Road I was walking with my son, who was on his way to school.

    We were two abreast, as would be normal.

    I became aware of a cyclist right behind us on the pavement. The bell rang once. I ignored it. The bell rang again. Still I ignored it. The bell rang incessantly for a third time, at which point I looked over my shoulder and told the cyclist (a mature lady) that I was not deaf.

    She told me not to be rude.

    I said I wasn't being rude and she accused me of raising my voice, which I had not done.

    Eventually, she rejoined the road and went past.

    This afternoon I encountered a cyclist coming towards me on the same bit of pavement as I walked home.

    The lady dismounted and walked past me.

    Think I'm happy to share the pavement with sensible and considerate cyclists who don't take the Mick (and don't tinkle their bell at me!).


    Glad that you stood your ground, the only thing I would of done differently was to tell them this is a footpath.

  2. This article in this weeks Hereford Times just goes to show how bad the problem has become.


    So someone else that not only thinks it is acceptable to ride of a footpath they have the stupidity to make a video about themselves doing it to.


    Ha ha yes I was just reading this, quality.

  3. I haven't got an agenda. All I have is an abundance of common sense and a willingness to share it with you all. Would it be a safe and wise parenting decision to get the children onto their pedal cycles and journey across the Wye bridge, around Tesco Island and back again and remain on the roads?

    If the answers 'No', and it should be, then it follows that riding on the footpath is a sensible and understandable decision given the poor infra structure we in the City enjoy. Surely you can grasp that. It's not a particularly high brow intellectual point I'm making.

    The answer is in an ideal place cyclists shouldn't ride on the pavement. But they do and I can see why they do it.

    I'd rather see pedal cycles riding sensibly on pavements, giving precedence to pedestrians by showing some consideration and even getting off their cycle than I would seeing people put themselves in harms way and riding a bike upon our City roads when the route is chocker block with cars, wagons, vans and buses, all with the potential to flatten you.


    Utter rubbish! No you would not a child out near or onto a busy road anyway let alone on a bike, so your argument is flawed. It is not difficult to grasp, the law is the law, some people think they can do what they like if it suits them. Ironically these same law abiding cyclists are usually the ones wearing head cams  :Angel:

  4. Prove it!


    You are just guessing in order for your argument to suit your agenda.


    I am with you on this Frank.


    So, lets challenge this crap about I don't feel safe so I choose to ride illegally on footpaths. My wife was out the other night at her friends having drinks, when she decided to come home it was late and dark, she could have chosen to get in her car and drive home because she said she would have felt safer and she had only had a couple of glasses of wine but instead decided to leave the car at her friends and walk home. 


    The law is the law.


    So some are happy to break the law when it suits them then.

  5. Last Saturday morning I was listening to the Graham Norton radio show on BBC Radio 2 . He was interviewing a man who's name escapes me . This man was Gay and explaining how he " came out " During his explanation he used the words Faggot and Queer . It did flash through my mind that they were not words I would use in this day and age but I presume that as the person who used the words was Gay it was acceptable - becomes quite confusing for somebody who had attended more courses on PC than you can shake a stick at .



    I fond it all rather strange, nobody likes the N word but black people call other black people the N word all the time, what is that all about?

  6. This is one thing that does annoy me. I have read Frank Smith's post to and the police need to do more. Police target the easy target motorists all the time and it is about time they clamped down on other road users. Only yesterday I saw someone riding a bike over the Vicky bridge almost knocked a couple over, they actually had to stop because cyclists didn't 

  7. I wonder why a Spanish person would carry out such atrocities? 


    No doubt we will be told the usual "we all stand together against terrorists" I agree with Katie Hopkins on this one, Candles and Hashtags do bugger all.


    Some Muslim brainwashed **** I expect but hey, I best not jump to conclusions eh. Has Mrs Merkel condemned this attack yet I wonder?

  8. Just leave the poor woman be. She's not doing anyone any harm. Leave her alone. Some of you can be so cruel. The worrying thing is you've absolutely no control of it or any idea just how harsh it can read.


    This poor woman is not doing anyone any harm is she bobby47? she has been charged with using threatening or abusive words causing harm or distress at Jessica’s Sweet Shop in Eign Gate, Hereford on June 1. 


    She will face trial on that charge in November. 

  9. Finally! She has been removed, but I see BB were there clearing up all the mess she left behind. There was some plastic pipes that looked like 3 m guttering, I have no idea where they came from and an old trolly of some sort and some boxes by the look of it as well as other items of card and general rubbish, I guess we are paying to clear up her mess. 

  10. That's nice, inciting violence against a woman who appears to be mentally ill. Regardless of the rights and wrongs of her case your post is despicable. Next time you get the urge to speak your brain and share the benefits of your wisdom via keyboard do us all a favour and don't bother.


    I couldn't give a toss what you think matey, she was sticking her middle finger up to people in the traffic only yesterday and was also seen having a pi*%, so she ain't no angel, so please don't paint her as a victim already without knowing the facts. All the do gooders are all to quick to play the "victim" card, and I ain't buying it, she is a pain in the arse, she has been offered help and refuses it, so I am not entirely sure what she actually wants? I came past at 6am this morning and the amount of crap and rubbish building up is a bloody joke, unless they move her it will encourage more victims to join her.

  11. It would be nice if our tunnels and subways were kept this good. How long did it take to get the subways lights fixed? No CCTV in any of ours in Hereford even though there have been several recent attacks in the past couple of years. We had a murder in the one near Lidl on Whitecross Rd and still nothing changes. Fair play to Poland they have it sussed by the look of things. I am going to Krakow next month so I will see for myself, can't wait.

  12. I will laugh my head off is someone pissed up gives her a good slapping, stupid cow, what does she want? I have read the police statement and there seems to be no pleasing this nutcase. I agree with some other members that she is making a right mess with all sorts of crap building up, it won't be long before something happens to either her or a motorist, motorcyclist, lorry driver or bus, mark my words.

  13. Well I'm a Glastonbury goer and I certainly ain't.....Like quite a lot who go  Eco Warrirors.What utter nonsense


    But the majority are!  I have been visiting the festival for more than 10 years and have attended 4 times. Glastonbury is famous for it's attraction of these people but now strangely, I see more and more festival goers trying to distance themselves from this article, funny that.

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