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Adrian Bridges & Phil Edwards Plan New Car Park


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Can you understand why valuable sites are sold by this county at such give prices?

My Herefordshire home cost me an arm and leg and will take many years to pay off.

If you have a minute can you please explain to the unenlightened (moi).

I know the developer does a deal and it is quid pro quo but if no-one "gave" land away then alternatives scenarios could be that the developers would go out of business or pay the going rate (plus perks e.g a new little road for the county).  

Negotiating contracts in Herefordshire council is a tough old business and anyone in it is surely paid a good packet?!  Enough remuneration to surely do a good job or be replaced by someone who can. 


Is it not that simple?

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If you have a minute can you please explain to the unenlightened (moi).

I know the developer does a deal and it is quid pro quo but if no-one "gave" land away then alternatives scenarios could be that the developers would go out of business or pay the going rate (plus perks e.g a new little road for the county).  


Is it not that simple?

Yes it is quite simple as far as the private sector is concerned. Public assets, already owned by the ratepayers, are being given away and turned into profits for the benefits of their shareholders. Money realised from the market value of building land should be returned to the ratepayers in improved, safeguarded projects that benefit the locality. Oh I forgot the Tories tell us that under the Localism Act we can bid for these assets which we already own. That's how simple it is.

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Thanks megilleland.  


It's all gobbledegook and double speak to remove money from all our pockets efficiently.


I guess I was having a dig at the council officers who are not appearing to get the best deal and the "vortex" local public assets are disappearing down!


Oh how I wish we council tax payers could get a look at their performance agreement reviews and have a meddle and a say!  I fear the relevant backs are well and truly covered. 

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The reality is we have all paid for this and continue to pay for it therefore we own it and as far as i am concerned it cannot be legal to give away land for nothing funding from central government drastically reduced and we give away an asset for nothing i would be happy if the development was done by local builders who then source their materials from a local source keeping the money within the county and not outside developers .

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