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    𝗣𝗢𝗦𝗜𝗧𝗜𝗩𝗘 𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗗 | Ready For The Hereford City Zipper ?

    Hereford Voice
    By Hereford Voice,

    This brand new electric city bus services launches this weekend with the first official service running from Saturday!


    The official launch is tomorrow, showcasing the new buses with a soft launch in the afternoon.

    We are excited to see this new free service running.

    𝗕𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗞𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗡𝗘𝗪𝗦 | Cabinet approves investment in housing for children in care.

    Hereford Voice
    By Hereford Voice,

    Scheme will ensure vulnerable children are looked after in safe and high quality homes


    Cabinet has today approved an investment of up to £6.3 million across five years, to commission registered residential homes for children and young people in the care of the local authority.

    The project will see the provision of two two-bedroom properties in Herefordshire, expected to open in early 2025.

    The smaller homes will provide a family-based environment for up to four children and young people aged 11 - 18 with a range of needs.

    In comparison to other care provision options the scheme is expected to provide better value for money over the five year period and is one of a range of initiatives to increase the availability and type of provision for children in the care of the council.

    Councillor Ivan Powell, Cabinet member for Children and Young People, said:

    “Today’s decision means Herefordshire Council will be able to provide care and support for up to four children and young people in the county. Not only will this ensure that our vulnerable children are looked after in safe and high quality family style homes but it will also mean that they can benefit from remaining close to their local community.”

    The council will now begin the process of contracting a single supplier for the service.

    Herefordshire Food Alliance Achieves Bronze Award From Sustainable Food Places🥉

    Hereford Voice
    By Hereford Voice,

    Over 85 diners enjoyed a 3 course meal at The Bookshop Hereford in the last of three “100% Herefordshire” Autumn Feasts on Tuesday 14 November.


    As well as great local food they were treated to a surprise announcement that the County has achieved a Bronze award from Sustainable Food Places - recognising the collaboration and hard work that’s gone into all areas of the food system in Herefordshire, from food banks through community gardens to restaurants and farming.

    The dinner included nose-to-tail lamb from Wye Organic who are pasture-fed certified farmers near the River Wye. Diners heard of the importance of good soil and diverse pasture and enjoyed a foraged salsa verde alongside, with cheesy cauliflower and carbon positive potatoes.

    Dessert was a nutty meringue with Kelsmor Dairy ice cream, farmers Mark and Susan were also dining so came armed with reinforcements for the extras! In all, more than 16 local suppliers were involved in the event and the vast majority of all the courses was sourced from within the county, from farms using methods that support Herefordshire countryside and rivers.


    Rebecca Tully, Herefordshire Food Alliance

    We’ve been blown over by how popular this dinner was - we were squeezing people in every corner! It’s been joyous connecting with all the producers, and heartening knowing how many people want to enjoy proper local food that builds nature and our rivers.

    The Bronze Award is a recognition that working together is making an impact - we hope we can put many more suppliers of great local food on the map!

    Dorian Kirk, The Bookshop

    It was great to work with so many high quality local producers, we were glad to use our skills to build their profile - and also to see our beautiful space so full of people who care just as much as us about sustainable food.

    Kitty Stainsby of Wye Organic, Pasture-for-Life certified Lamb served in the main course.

    I love selling my food directly to those who are going to eat it - such a great opportunity to get to know how their food is produced, to ask questions and to connect with farming. I am so proud of how I farm and the wonderful food we produce and have been so excited to be involved with this feast - 100% Herefordshire and 100% river friendly, just like us!

    Richard Tyler, Diner

    The food was SO scrummy and the atmosphere truly wonderful!

    Matt Pearce, Director of Public Health

    Herefordshire Food Alliance has shown just what can be achieved when creative and committed people work together to make healthy and sustainable food a defining characteristic of where they live. While there is still much to do and many challenges to overcome, Herefordshire Food Alliance has helped to set a benchmark for other members of the UK Sustainable Food Places Network to follow. We look forward to working with them over the months and years ahead to continue to transform place’s food culture and food system for the better.

    Ross-on-Wye Town Council appoints new Town Clerk

    Hereford Voice
    By Hereford Voice,

    Ross-on-Wye Town Council is pleased to announce the appointment of Mrs. Carla Boyles as the next Town Clerk, succeeding Mrs. Sarah Robson, who is stepping down at the end of this year after eight years of dedicated service.

    Pictured: Left to right: Sarah Robson and Carla Boyles

    Carla brings a wealth of experience and a commitment to public service in this important role, which she has demonstrated in her role as Deputy Town Clerk to the Town Council over the last two years.

    As Town Clerk, Carla will play a crucial role in ensuring the efficient functioning of local services within the town and as a key point of contact for the community and other stakeholders.

    The external recruitment process was managed by Herefordshire Association of Local Councils to ensure a robust and independent procedure.

    Carla states: “I am honoured to be appointed as the new Town Clerk and look forward to working with councillors, staff and the community for the benefit of Ross. I would like to thank Sarah for being a fantastic mentor to me over the past two years.”

    Cllr Linden Delves, Chair of the Council’s Personnel Sub-Committee said: “I’d like to thank Sarah for her hard work over the last eight years and I'm delighted to see Carla take on the very important role of Town Clerk. I'm looking forward to working with her in her new role as we continue to deliver valuable local services.”

    The Town Council wishes to express its gratitude to the outgoing Clerk, Sarah Robson and wishes her well in her future endeavors.

    Leominster Fire Station Show Devastation Caused From House Fire In Leominster.

    Hereford Voice
    By Hereford Voice,

    On Saturday morning, our crew were turned out to a fire in a residential area of town. On approach to the incident, it was clear that this was a well developed house fire.

    402139116_366048829156477_6808706263228499158_n.thumb.jpg.bdd22c03b4cf4f388010dea7358f2362.jpg 402047858_366048835823143_5674111135414260796_n.thumb.jpg.de71eccecab13644130fb621e30266b7.jpg

    "The crew of four set to work quickly, rapidly deploying a breathing apparatus team to tackle the fire using door entry equipment, hose reel jets and ladders, to stop it spreading to other attached properties.

    After entry was gained, the BA team located the seat of fire in a rear bedroom and set to work extinguishing it. Supporting crews at this incident were provided by Hereford Fire Station and Leintwardine Fire Station. The Leominster crew went back to the fire ground twice through the night to re-inspect the property, and dampen down any hotspots present.

    As the pictures show below, this fire has had an absolutely devastating impact on the occupier and their family, highlighting the importance of having working smoke alarms installed"

    Source | Images Courtesy Of  Leominster Fire Station 

    📣 𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗗 𝗡𝗘𝗪𝗦 | Herefordshire Council signs ground breaking cross border partnership.

    Hereford Voice
    By Hereford Voice,

    Herefordshire Council has signed a ground breaking agreement with three other English and Welsh local authorities today (10 November).

    The Marches Forward Partnership became a reality at an official event held at Hay Castle on the Welsh and English border.  The new partnership sees Herefordshire Council join forces with Shropshire Council and Monmouthshire and Powys county councils, to take on some of the big challenges they all share.

    The four local authorities will now work even more closely together with both UK and Welsh governments to progress this exciting cross border collaboration.

    This will include working jointly to secure funding support from both governments as well as with a wide range of other partners to unlock more investment and explore new approaches to make major projects that benefit the Marches region become reality.  


    Covering 80% of the English/Welsh borderland, the local authorities have similar characteristics and geography as well as an overriding mutual ambition for the region as a whole.  The Partnership provides a unique commitment to work cross border, cross country and cross party on major projects that are in the overall best interests of the region.

    Transport, skills and housing, alongside energy, climate change, tourism and digital connectivity are high on the agenda, all common issues for the area’s population of almost 750,000.  By working together the four local authorities hope to deliver cross border successes and unlock millions of pounds for identified initiatives that support the Marches rural economy and green growth.

    Leader of Herefordshire Council, Cllr Jonathan Lester, said: “This partnership offers a great opportunity to work with our neighbours on issues that are common to us all.

    “While all the councils will continue to run for the benefit of their residents, the partnership provides a really helpful framework for collaboration on areas where we can get the most benefit and make the biggest difference by working together.

    “These are very early days but we’ve already started discussion around what we would like to achieve and will be moving at pace to turn these ambitions into actions.”


    📣 𝗟𝗢𝗖𝗔𝗟 𝗡𝗘𝗪𝗦 | West Mercia Police Launch Operation Calibre

    Hereford Voice
    By Hereford Voice,

    Op Calibre, a national initiative to tackle personal robbery, launches this week in Herefordshire, Shropshire and Worcestershire.


    It’s a national week of police intensification dedicated to taking action against personal robbery, and sharing crime prevention advice to help you keep your belongings safe when you’re out and about.

    Anyone can become a target of robbery and offenders often target some of the most vulnerable people in society, including children.  The threats and extreme violence that may be used can be incredibly traumatic for victims.

    This week-long operation aims to disrupt and target habitual offenders to take them off the street.  It’s not just about enforcement though; there is also a big focus on education, engagement and prevention.

    Detective Chief Inspector Ross Jones said: “Thankfully, rates of personal robbery are low in our area and are continuing to decrease.  This isn’t something we take for granted though and officers work day and night year-round to tackle this highly traumatic crime.

    “This week of intensification gives us the opportunity to target habitual offenders who are intent on committing crime.   

    “Tackling robbery requires a multi-faceted response. We can’t do it alone, which is why as part of our prevention work we continue our ongoing engagement with partners such as schools, charities and retailers.  This gives us the opportunity to offer advice to those who are most at risk of becoming a victim, as well as to educate and engage with those who may be at risk of committing this type of crime.

    “We’re sending a message to those who think it is ok to commit a robbery and inflict violence in our communities: we will not tolerate this. You will end up facing significant consequences and we will catch you.”

    Below are some simple steps that you can take to reduce your risk of becoming a victim:

    You are less likely to be targeted if you look confident. Move with purpose and try to be aware of your surroundings.

    Plan your route and think about what to take with you, especially if you’re going somewhere you haven’t been before. Keep to busy, well-lit streets, walkways and paths which are more likely to be covered by CCTV. Only take licensed taxis or minicabs booked by phone or a mobile phone app.

    Keep your mobile phone and valuables out of sight. If you’re using your phone it’s more likely to be snatched from your hand as you’re not paying attention to your surroundings, so look around you.

    Never leave a mobile, any other device, wallet or purse on the table of an outdoor café, pub or restaurant. Same goes for any jewellery you might be wearing – keep it covered when walking down the street.

    Finally – and this is so important to remember – if you’re threatened with violence, don’t risk your personal safety. Property can be replaced, you can’t.

    Further information on protecting yourself from street robbery can be found on our website- How to protect yourself from street robbery | West Mercia Police

    Anyone who has been a victim of robbery should report it to the police on 101 or by reporting it online.  In an emergency, and where is crime is taking place now, always call 999.

    If you have any information about a burglary or any crime but don’t feel comfortable speaking to police, you can speak to the independent charity Crimestoppers. It is 100% anonymous, they never ask your name, and they cannot trace your call or I.P address. You can contact them online or by calling 0800 555 111.


    Hereford Voice
    By Hereford Voice,

    The New Hereford Electric Zipper Buses Coming Soon To Hereford! 


    Ever wondered how we're ushering in a new era of eco-friendly commuting in Hereford? It's all thanks to the remarkable Government Funding that's electrifying our city, quite literally! Let's take a journey into the heart of this initiative and explore the empowering impact it holds for our community.

    What is the Government Funding?

    The Government, recognising the importance of sustainable transportation, has allocated significant funds to support our city's green transition. This financial boost is not just an investment; it's a vote of confidence in a cleaner, greener future for Hereford.

    More information:


    How Will It Benefit Hereford?

    Eco-Friendly Commuting: The funding enables the introduction of state-of-the-art Electric Zipper Buses, minimising harmful emissions and reducing our carbon footprint.

    Accessible Transport: It ensures the creation of a comprehensive network, connecting key areas of Hereford. This means more accessible transportation options for everyone!

    Economic Growth: By embracing sustainable practices, Hereford is not only nurturing the environment but also fostering economic growth. The initiative creates jobs, stimulates innovation, and supports local businesses.

    Why It Matters to You?

    Cleaner Air: Reduced pollution means fresher, cleaner air for us all to breathe, promoting better health and well-being.

    Cost-Effective: FREE Eco-friendly transport reduces long-term costs associated with environmental damage, leading to savings for taxpayers and residents alike.

    Future Legacy: By supporting this initiative, you're contributing to a legacy of sustainability, ensuring a vibrant, green Hereford for generations to come!

    Your Role in the Green Revolution:

    Spread the word! By understanding and appreciating the significance of Government Funding, you can inspire others to support eco-friendly initiatives. Let's create a Hereford where clean energy propels us forward, together!

    Every ride on the electric Zipper Bus is a step toward a cleaner, greener Hereford. Let's ride this wave of change and make our city a beacon of sustainability!

    Source | Hereford City Council

    Hereford's Famous Gilbies Bar & Bistro Closes Down

    Hereford Voice
    By Hereford Voice,


    A message on their Facebook page said;


    It is with great sadness that we’ve made the decision to close the doors at Gilbies. We’ve spent 7 years serving our wonderful customers, but the combination of COVID, my own ill health, the rising cost of supplies and utilities, along with the declining footfall to the city have left us with little choice than to make this devastating decision.

    We’d like to take the opportunity to thank our regulars, our staff & our families for your unwavering loyalty & support.

    Customers with existing bookings should have heard from us this week, but please get in touch if you haven’t"

    Sad news to read that this famous Hereford Bar has sadly closed.

    Designs agreed for Leominster High Street and Corn Square improvements

    Hereford Voice
    By Hereford Voice,

    Plans for improvement work to Leominster High Street and Corn Square have taken a further step forward as the preferred design is agreed and work set for work to start in January 2024


    The High Street, Iron Cross, Victoria Street and Corn Street in Leominster will be enhanced with attractive surfacing, improved paving, wider pavements and raised tables at the major junctions making it easier for pedestrians. Corn Square will also be resurfaced in materials which will make the square more aesthetically pleasing and in keeping with its historic setting.

    The proposed new timeline for these street works will see Corn Square and Leominster Town Centre remain open throughout the Christmas trading period and minimise disruption to residents and businesses at one of the busiest times of the year for the town.

    Councillor Graham Biggs, cabinet member for Economy and Growth said:

    We’re acutely aware of the pressures faced by small businesses across Herefordshire and where possible we will always seek to minimise the impact of street works especially at peak times such as Christmas. I would like to thank Leominster Town Council and all of those involved in delivering this scheme who have worked tirelessly to secure a commitment which will see the proposed street works delayed until January 2024 to allow full access to Leominster Town Centre throughout the Christmas trading period. Under this administration the Council will always act to support businesses and promote the local economy wherever possible and we will be offering to meet with local businesses to see how we can support their Christmas plans going forwards.

    Original proposals had included the pedestrianisation of Corn Square to allow for events, and a reduction of traffic entering the High Street during the day. Due to feedback received during the consultation earlier this year there will be no immediate changes to the current parking or traffic arrangements. We can confirm that no formal decision on this has been taken by Herefordshire Council and nor will it be until a full consultation with residents, businesses and local stakeholders has taken place.

    Plans for the improvement work will be available to view at Leominster Town Council Offices, Tourist Information Centre, 11 Corn Square, Leominster, HR6 8YP and on the Herefordshire Council website

    The tender for this work is now live online. We value expressions of interest from local businesses 


    Planning Application For New Signs At The Volunteer Inn

    Hereford Voice
    By Hereford Voice,

    A planning application has been submitted by STAR PUBS AND BARS for new signage at the Volunteer Inn located in Harold Street Hereford.


    Proposed erection of illuminated and non-illuminated signs to the exterior; sign a - repaint existing letters in gold with dark green returns, sign b - one new double sided pictorial panel to existing post sign illuminated by linolites, sign c - three new amenity boards, two fixed back to back on post, sign d - two new lanterns to entrance, sign e - four new led floodlights to replace existing

    Planning Application P233243/A

    📣 𝗟𝗢𝗖𝗔𝗟 𝗡𝗘𝗪𝗦 | £8 Billion Announced To Fix Potholes!

    Hereford Voice
    By Hereford Voice,

    £2.2 billion for local authorities in the West Midlands and East Midlands which includes Herefordshire.


    Redirected HS2 funding to resurface more than 5,000 miles of road across the country, improving journeys for all.

    Millions of people will enjoy smoother, safer and faster road journeys thanks to the biggest-ever road resurfacing programme to improve local roads.

    Today (17 November 2023), Transport Secretary Mark Harper has set out the allocations of an £8.3 billion long-term plan, enough to resurface over 5,000 miles of road across the country over the next 11 years. It’s one of the key cornerstones of Network North to improve journeys for all.

    Across England, local highway authorities will receive £150 million this financial year, followed by a further £150 million for 2024/2025, with the rest of the funding allocated through to 2034.

    Each local authority can use its share of the £8.3 billion to identify what local roads are in most need of repair and deliver immediate improvements for communities and residents. This is divided as:

    £3.3 billion for local authorities in the North West, North East and Yorkshire and the Humber

    £2.2 billion for local authorities in the West Midlands and East Midlands

    £2.8 billion for local authorities in the East of England, South East, South West and, for the first time in 8 years, London

    We’ve already confirmed £5.5 billion up until 2024/25, for England outside London, which includes the £200 million announced by the Chancellor at the Budget in March. Today’s £8.3 billion nationwide boost comes on top of that and extends until 2034, providing long-term certainty to local authorities and helping to prevent potholes from coming back in the future.

    The funding also comes on top of the local transport, road and rail budgets allocated at the last Spending Review and in addition to what local authorities were already expecting for the next decade.

    Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, said:

    For too long politicians have shied away from taking the right long-term decisions to make life easier for hardworking families – tackling the scourge of potholes being a prime example.

    Well-maintained road surfaces could save drivers up to £440 each in expensive vehicle repairs, helping motorists keep more of the cash in their pocket.

    This unprecedented £8.3 billion investment will pave the road for better and safer journeys for millions of people across the country and put an end to the blight of nuisance potholes.

    Transport Secretary, Mark Harper, said:

    Most people travel by road and potholes can cause misery for motorists, from expensive vehicle repairs to bumpy, slow and dangerous journeys. Our £8.3 billion boost to repair roads across the country shows that we’re on the side of drivers.

    Today’s biggest-ever funding uplift for local road improvements is a victory for all road users, who will enjoy smoother, faster and safer trips – as we use redirected HS2 funding to make the right long-term decisions for a brighter future.

    According to the RAC, smoother, well-maintained road surfaces could save drivers up to £440 each in expensive vehicle repairs from pothole damage, helping motorists keep more of the cash in their pocket.

    This £8.3 billion boost is particularly important when considering that, according to a survey from the AA, fixing potholes and investing in roads maintenance is a priority for 96% of drivers. These funds can also help boost road safety and encourage active travel, as smoother road surfaces will make it safer and easier for cyclists to use roads with greater confidence.

    RAC head of policy, Simon Williams, said:

    Drivers’ biggest bugbear of all is the poor condition of local roads, so the fact the government has found a significant additional pot of revenue should give councils the certainty of funding they need to plan proper long-term road maintenance, something we have been calling for many years.

    We hope local authorities will use the money in the most effective way possible by resurfacing the very worst roads, keeping those in reasonable condition in better states for longer through surface dressing and filling potholes as permanently as possible wherever necessary.

    This should in time go a considerable way to bringing our roads back to a fit-for-purpose state and saving drivers hundreds of pounds in the process from not having to fork out for frustrating repairs to their vehicles.

    To increase transparency and ensure the £8.3 billion leads to an increase in the number of roads being resurfaced, local authorities will be required to publish information on their websites on a regular basis explaining how they are spending the funding in their area.

    The measure is a key part of the government’s Network North plan, with money redirected from HS2 instead going to improve the daily transport connections that matter most to people.

    It builds on tough regulations announced in April this year to crack down on utility companies causing pothole pain with botched streetworks, through stricter inspections and costs for the worst offenders – backed by further measures in our Plan for drivers announced just last month.

    These include £70 million to keep traffic flowing, updating 20mph zone guidance for England to help prevent inappropriate blanket use and measures to speed up the rollout of electric vehicle charging.

    Edmund King OBE, AA president, said:

    Perilous roads blighted by potholes are the number one concern for drivers and a major issue for bikers, cyclists and pedestrians.

    So far this year, the AA has attended more than 450,000 pothole-related breakdowns. The damage caused can be a huge financial burden for drivers but is also a major safety risk for those on 2 wheels.

    The £8.3 billion plan can make a considerable difference in bringing our roads back to the standards, which road users expect, especially if councils use the cash efficiently to resurface our streets. As well as safer roads, eliminating potholes gives confidence to people wanting to cycle and instils pride of place within local communities.

    Network North will see £36 billion invested in hundreds of transport projects and initiatives across the country, and includes the extension of the £2 bus fare cap in England to the end of December 2024, as well as over £1 billion to improve bus journeys in the North and the Midlands.

    Rick Green, Chair of the Asphalt Industry Alliance, said:

    This additional funding is good news for local authorities in England and is much needed to help them tackle the backlog of repairs.

    We have long been calling for surety of funding over the long-term and the fact that the DfT has committed to this money being available over the next 11 years should allow highways teams to implement more efficient works to improve local road conditions and enhance the resilience of the network once they have details of their allocation.

    This long-term investment will also help give the asphalt supply chain confidence to further invest in plant upgrades, materials innovation and technical advancements to support the development and delivery of lower carbon roads in line with the government’s net zero ambitions.

    See a breakdown of the funding allocations for local highways maintenance by authority.

    Further information

    The £8.3 billion funding is equivalent to resurfacing 5,157 miles of road. This is based on sector data suggesting an approximate cost of £1 million to resurface 1km of road. £8.3 billion would, therefore, allow 8,300km or 5,157 miles of road to be resurfaced.

    Netflix Will Be Filming At Hereford’s Christmas Lights Switch-On!

    Hereford Voice
    By Hereford Voice,

    Netflix are filming in Hereford for documentary, thanks to our lovely friends at Sunshine Radio for letting us know! Ho ho ho


    Come and enjoy the festive fun in High Town for the annual Christmas Lights Switch On.

    The Hereford Christmas light’s switch-on display takes place in High Town from 3pm until 5:30pm this Sunday 19 November.

    The event by Hereford City Council, Sunshine Radio & Outstanding Education, will be packed full of festive fun, including live music. Ho ho ho

    If you are unable to attend, do not worry, you can watch the whole event LIVE on our HEREFORD LIVE 24/7 HD Camera https://hfd.news/HerefordWebcam

    A superb panoramic view of High Town Hereford hosted by our good friends at WorkHere: Community Workspace, Hereford

    Body found in search for missing Shropshire man

    Hereford Voice
    By Hereford Voice,


    West Mercia Police have confirmed that a body was found on (Tuesday 15 November) in a woodland near Church Stretton following searches for a man who was reported missing on Sunday 29 October.

    As of Tuesday a formal identification had not yet taken place but it is believed to be that of 56-year-old Christopher Jiggins.

    Plans To Move The Library To Maylord Orchards Ditched In Favour Of The Shire Hall

    Hereford Voice
    By Hereford Voice,

    New Hereford library and learning centre one step closer according to Herefordshire Council.


    The development of a new library and learning centre for Hereford has taken a step further forward following a Cabinet decision to locate it at Shirehall.

    Hereford library is currently in a temporary location at Friar St, after moving out of the Broad St building to make way for the £18m redevelopment of Hereford museum.

    While a previous decision had been for the new library and learning centre to be sited at the Maylord Orchards Centre, Herefordshire Council’s Cabinet requested that the Shirehall also be explored as an option.

    The business case for Shirehall considered by Cabinet (Thursday 26 October) set out how the building would be capable of providing a significantly larger footprint and an increase in shared workspaces than Maylord Orchards, while bringing a hugely valuable heritage asset back into community use.

    The proposals outline how a modern library would provide space for people of all ages while being flexible enough to also hold events and community space. The lower area would accommodate a digital skills lounge with dedicated PCs for public use/digital workshops, a fully equipped sensory room and a ‘maker-space’ for members of the public to use equipment that may not be available to them at home.

    As a result of the decision today, a request will now be made to the Stronger Towns Board for the funding previously allocated, by the Government as part of the Stronger Towns Fund, to the Maylord Orchards library project to be reassigned to the Shirehall project. Following this a proposal will be put to Full Council for additional funding to be added to the capital programme for essential building works.

    Councillor Harry Bramer, cabinet member for community services and assets, said:

    “Hereford’s Shirehall is a landmark building that’s at the heart of the City’s heritage. Siting the new library and learning centre in this prominent venue will bring it back into use for the whole community. It offers many options and opportunities for how we could use the space to benefit people of all ages.”

    “While we recognise the proposals are still subject to funding agreements, we’re excited that this decision is taking another step towards the creation of a modern, inspiring library and learning space for Hereford – to provide a first-class library and learning centre to match the quality of the City’s new museum that’s currently in development.”

    📣 𝗕𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗞𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗡𝗘𝗪𝗦 | Jesse Norman Resigns From Government

    Hereford Voice
    By Hereford Voice,


    In a post on his Twitter account the MP wrote;

    "Very grateful to the Prime Minister for accepting my resignation. Having laid the ZEV mandate and framed the Automated Vehicles Bill, this is the right time to step down. Looking forward to more freedom to campaign on the River #Wye and other crucial local and national issues!"


    Grapes Tavern For Sale At Auction

    Hereford Voice
    By Hereford Voice,

    Hereford's iconic Grapes Tavern is up for sale with Savills with a guide price £210,000


    A Grade II Listed circa 17th century public house within a busy city centre location.

    By order of the LPA Receivers KROLL

    To be sold via online auction on 21 November 2023. 

    The Cathedral City of Hereford lies approximately 50 miles south west of Birmingham and 35 miles west of Cheltenham.

    An historic and attractive city, the property benefits from a prominent corner position at the junction with Church Street

    The immediate area is made up of an impressive array of boutique independent traders including clothes shops, coffee shops and delicatessens.

    𝗖𝗛𝗥𝗜𝗦𝗧𝗠𝗔𝗦 | Here It Is! The John Lewis Official Christmas Advert For 2023

    Hereford Voice
    By Hereford Voice,



    #HerefordVoice | #JohnLewisChristmasAdvert | #Christmas

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