Agree with Aylestone Voice.
Not fair to blame the Council really on this one, being the first time it has been held.I believe to hire events on areas like this, permission is needed form Balfour Beatty, of course the Council are their paymasters though.
Don't believe for one minute it is illegal to temporarily cordon off a small area of land of public open space.
Comparing it with the Food Festival is also daft.
The organisers do (just) seem to have delivered on what they advertised, but the whole event does seem overpriced and of poor quality.
I would hope that BBLP note public feeling regarding this, and not allow it to return. Instead BBLP could advertise/promote/facilitate to the local community that King George is available for use for events.
I remember when the South Wye Big Event used to take place, that was always a good event.