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FREE Advertising for Local Businesses Throughout December

Hereford Voice

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Supporting Local Business: 


'Free Advertising' on our Social Media platforms with Hereford Voice throughout December covering the whole festive period. 

This applies to all local businesses, retailers, pubs, restaurants, events etc.. send us your adverts and include your posters, PDF's, special offers and competition prizes and we will do the rest...

Our paid sponsors will also gain an extra months advertising FREE!

We aim to promote as many local businesses as possible however, we are expecting a high demand, so this offer is subject to availability on a first-come first-served basis and we cannot guarantee to publish all adverts received.

Please send us you your advert, poster, pdf, prize etc via messenger or email sales@herefordvoice.co.uk

'Keep It Local' #HerefordVoice #HerefordLocal

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