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Ice & Snow - Take it Slow

Colin James

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It always amazes me that people find it necessary to drive in this weather.  Obviously those that are due to work need to make the effort but do the others really need to?   I heard the dot.com ladies set out this morning and very early too - good girls!  


Well the bus driver could of been on his/her way back from a trip and could of been driving before the snow started, you know what they say about assumptions... :) But yes generally do not need to go out in their vehicles in this weather unless it is a must.

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Obviously I was not referring to the bus driver. As soon as I posted my comment I just knew someone would misunderstand my musings.  I should have added I hope the people who are working today are safe and will get home safely 


You see what happens when I assume too lol 

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Going to be -10 Monday morning about 0500hrs . That will make the roads very slippery plus of course it's a pain having to scrap car windows BUT it's important to do it properly , see far to many vehicles being driven along the road with a little peep hole to view out of .

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Lots of free mistletoe from fallen branches along side the train tracks at the back of Grosmont grove.

Do not underestimate the weight of snow. Even more trees and stuff to come down I guess with the freezing temperatures. Even the snow hurts when it falls from the tree onto ones head!





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@Ubique - the whole car is a good idea. I saw a fairly new Audi yesterday going through town, all the snow cleared from the passenger side of the bonnet so the child in the passenger seat could see out (obviously in a child seat) but the driver was peering through a letterbox between the 4" of snow on his bonnet and the bottom of the sunvisor!


Oh, and no need for fog lights either - it's not foggy!!!!!

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