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Easter Egg Hunt


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Can someone contact a Moderator? Probably they can find/post the link! :tongue_32:

Very good Roger!

I don't have the inclination or time for FB. I heard word by physically talking to people, so I'd like to share this family event with others, who run their lives by what is happening on FB.

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We have an event on Easter Sunday at Belmont Community Centre, a High Tea and Fun Quiz from 3 pm to 5 pm.  I am unable to upload the poster at the moment but will email it to Colin and ask him to attach.


We are also going to be holding an event for younger Children in Connection with the River Festival.  More details to follow and it will be on the date of the River Festival.

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We are also holding a children's teddy bear picnic at Belmont Community Centre on Saturday 26th March 2016 from 3 pm to 5 pm. Tickets are available for £3 per child, prior to the event and can be purchased at the Centre.


Tickets include games and a picnic.  A poster to follow... It would be fantastic if local children could attend and support the event.


Don't forget to bring your Teddy.

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