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Plans for 75 Dwellings in Marden Refused

Hereford Voice

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On 11/09/2018 at 13:24, Denise Lloyd said:

This will no doubt go to Appeal.  Interesting that one of reasons is that 75 houses will take it over the number of houses proposed in the Core Strategy for Marden.  One rule for one village etc etc ............

I could not see the reason for the refusal other than what you have written, I agree, this is will probably go to appeal

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Meanwhile in Leominster:

6th September 2018 Hereford Times


Developer pulls out of plan to build over 400 homes in Leominster

Keepmoat Homes were in line to build 414 homes at Barons Cross Camp in Leominster after a reserved matters application was passed in January this year.

The scheme would have seen the development of 311 homes for private sale, 54 for affordable rent and 49 for shared ownership occupation.

Keepmoat was formally appointed as Herefordshire Council's development partner in January this year to help the council act on ambitious housing and growth plans in Hereford and the wider county.

A spokesperson for Keepmoat Homes said: “Following extensive discussions with our partners, including the land owner, we made a decision earlier this year not to move forward the proposed new development in Leominster as the site was no longer commercially viable for us. Keepmoat Homes remains committed to its partnership with Herefordshire Council and to the development of other sites across the county.”


Cllr Liz Harvey says in comments:

This all seems a bit odd. Especially as Keepmoat have been promised 40m of public money over the next 2 years by Herefordshire Council in a development 'partnership' deal which is supposed to speed up the delivery of housing in Herefordshire.

How can Keepmoat say the development is financially unviable for them when they are only being asked to deliver 25% affordable housing in Leominster rather than, say, the 40% target required in Ledbury and Ross and 35% required in Hereford City?

What's going on, could somebody please explain?

Seems these large concerns involved with the Council are only in it for the money. Get the deal signed off and sit back.

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