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Everything posted by flamboyant

  1. Has anyone every met with Sebastian Bowen? You have to keep waking him up when you're talking to him, are these people for real!!!
  2. Jim Kenyon smashed Tupsley! Well done Jim!
  3. Blimey if they go Tory we really are doomed!
  4. John Norris is out! Anyone from Freedom Church in?
  5. No Dippy there is Birch and Bircher. Sebastian Bowen is Bircher
  6. Can't find the Bircher result, anyone know?
  7. Glenda will be gutted I'm sure of that! The split in wards did her no favours since half her supporters are now under a different ward! Newton Farm will soon be gutted when they realise the mistake they made!
  8. I'm gutted about Glenda and she's not even my ward!
  9. Please tell me this is a very bad ****ing dream!
  10. How's Glenda doing? Did Sebastian Bowen get in?
  11. Can someone explain how the Leader of the Council is elected? Did Tony Johnson have to stand down before the elections, so effectively there is no Council Leader until after the elections?
  12. Is anyone else out there a bit nervous? I will be gutted if the CONservatives get the Hereford vote and damage our Council further!
  13. My mistake Dippy, some parish councils were uncontested so remained in office. If they were contested then they would be up for election hence why you had three votes whilst others only had two to contend with.
  14. Sorry Dippy I'm with Victor on this one. One yellow one white no green one! Perhaps someone could explain why you had three votes in your area I'm sure there's a reason.
  15. I've just cast my votes! My polling station was extremely busy queued up outside for 15 minutes and as I drove back down the Road there were dozens of people walking up the road. The girl at the polling station said its been manic all day. IOC got my vote but I will be policing you, so don't let me down! I would still like an answer to Dippys question! Good luck Councillor Vaughan Powell if you were my local Councillor you'd get my vote on the plus side you have my sisters and her hubbies!
  16. Forgive me TWG but not sure I ' accussed' IOC of being Morally corrupt? I think you will find I said. "Are we about to dump one morally corrupt and devoid party for another?" It's a question? I'm a fan of IOC but I will hold them to account regardless of any allegiance I may have. As for lurking here at this critical time, I think it's imperative all prospective Councillors are keepin an eye on public opinion. As I said the response is a possible vote winner! My warmest regards
  17. No response to Dippys question, now there's a suprise. I am disappointed by the apathy of some of the members on the voice. To an outsider looking in, it would appear you are happy to not have the answer to the question put to IOC and of course the Conservatives. I expected more support in calling for a response? It is inherent for people to believe that one party have more morals than another to justify the choices we make, however a lack of response sends alarm bells ringing in my head. Are we about to dump one corrupt and morally devoid Party for another? You can't build on unstable foundations and once you deviate from the right path there is no getting back on track. I don't know about everyone else but the party I will follow and the only party that has any hope of leading our County out of the quagmire we find ourselves in is one that responds to questions from the electorate. IOC your manifesto mentions openness and honesty you are falling at the first hurdle. The answer to the question posed is a simple yes or no, it's also a potential vote winner so I am confused as to why there hasn't been a response from either party? Are we really all in this together, or is it one rule for them and another for us?
  18. Well if someone from the IOC doesn't find the time soon they are going to lose votes so I would have thought it was Important to find the time to let the public know their stance on the back pay! Starting with mine. We all know IOC Keep a watchful eye on the voice so we were to busy out canvassing ain't really gonna wash!
  19. GreenKnight, what a kind and generous thing to do. I am also unable to get to into town but really do appreciate the sentiment. Thank you.
  20. I wish you the best of luck. When and if you get there and you're sat around a table with other Councillors, when you're presented with a load of bollocks written by Senior Managers and peddled as the next great innovation in saving money. You look very careful at that document before you vote it through because trust me all is not what it seems!
  21. GreenKnight, you do know I was being facetious? Sorry!
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