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Posts posted by Mick

  1. I was at the post office early this morning and noticed these WEEDS! I have no words...



    How tall? how long they been here?


    What I find very strange is that thousands of pounds of public money is spent on

    'Brand New Shiny Notice Boards' (That I am sure nobody reads) yet, within only 4 metres of one of these notice boards we have MASSIVE weeds that nobody has botherd to have removed? Hmmm oh well, maybe it's just me...


    I see this weed is now more like a tree and was never removed! This was published almost 2 years ago!!

  2. That's pretty cool, I really like that and at least you would know what's happening instead of ALL the lights sitting on red at a junction with no one being able to go (cough Broadleys)


    The only downside I could see is that it would encourage.... rushing.... if you knew how long there was left on green as people approached


    I think you get that now anyway.

  3. I had a look this morning, nobody from the public there, only me. Interesting to see their idea's but I did express that I preferred the eastern route but this has clearly been dismissed by the sound of it. I was told exactly the same as what M Preece has written above, they are telling us that there are far too many problems and obstacles going east and planning would never be passed.  :Hmm:

  4. I got a problem with you .You can't go around calling people names how would you like it ,just drop it.She does a lot for the community I know she gets things wrong sometimes we all do.If you want to help the tennants just do it yourself.Glenda has been helping the tenants and residents of Newton Farm for years now and she is doing a good job.You will find out how hard it is working with HHL yourself.So stop slagging off other people and just get on with it.


    I agree, you are going about this totally the wrong way by name calling, this is so unprofessional, not a good start if you are wanting to be taken serious. I really do admire what you are trying to do, but to be fair to ANY councillor not just councillor Powell, their work is not limited to just HH tenants, maybe you should direct your frustrations more at them? 


    I do not have a problem with you or what you are trying to do because its very generous of you to give up any of your time to help people, but name calling, quoting codes of conduct and basically telling someone that they are useless is unfair and unnecessary, the respect you earned in your initial approach, suggestions and good idea's could be destroyed in a second with such comments, which would be a shame after the hard work that you are clearly putting into this. You will probably come back and tell me that you do not care if you have lost respect from people blah blah blah but you need the support of the local people especially if you are going to stand for election at some point again.


    All that I am saying is that it is easy to point a stick but in reality CVP has a good record and is well respected for her hard work over the years and that goes for all the councillors that give up their time to help others, so how about backing off with the insults and direct your frustration at putting a sensible plan together and I will be one of the first to support you if the ideas are good.

  5. smartieno1, please take this in the manner in which I have written it (with good intend). I admire you for trying to help these residents and I appreciate that you have a personal interest because of your friend but surely this has to go through the correct channels and procedures followed otherwise chaos will follow and this will become even more confusing and frustrating for the tenants. The local people have voted and a councillor has been elected, this has to be the channel for the residents if they are unhappy with HH.


    Stand for election when the time comes but until then you have to keep out of this and leave this to go through the channels in place. I think you are a little too confrontational and need to take a step back.


    Please take this as a compliment. 

  6. Two observations here ...


    1. Northbound traffic in the right lane of the bridge trying to get a right turn into St. Nicholas Street would have to take pot luck with the free flowing southbound traffic entering the bridge. Compounded by restricted views caused by cars turning tight into Barton Road. The junction is already a headache for shunts so that would never happen. Probably got the potential for a crash as well for unrestricted right turns into Barton Road.


    2. Free flowing slip road traffic into Whitecross Road, which is cutting across northbound A49 traffic, seems to be an accident waiting to happen. I see the letter does not suggest suggesting turning off the northbound A49 light by Steels so traffic entering Whitecross Road will have to take a chance with northbound cars either speeding up before the light goes red. Or chancing it as they go green. There was a nasty fatal accident at that very junction a few years ago with a combination of a vehicle going into Whitecross with a northbound A49 vehicle so I can't see that ever happening either. Sorry I can't immediately see a news link to that one. 


    But I generally accept when all the lights go out then everything seems to work better! 


    We all passed our driving test didn't we? It's called giving way its never an issue when the lights break down so I don't see it being an issue if a trail goes ahead.

  7. A well written letter and well explained too, I am totally behind this campaign and the sooner the HA and or Herefordshire Council are the better! They have NOTHING TO LOOSE lets give the lights out a trial, I have always supported Colin's initial idea and now you have formed this group even better!

  8. Hi Sophie and welcome to HV


    OMG this is quite disturbing, I am sure one of our Councillors may be able to offer some advice, it might pay to have some CCTV, I know that's not ideal but it my help. Quite often sick people like this are very cunning and will just add poison to clumps of food and just drop it randomly, cats will just smell food and eat it, so bowls probably will not be used.

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