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Belmont Rural Parish Council Overwhelmingly Object to the Lidl Planning Application

Hereford Voice

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Councillors from the Belmont Rural Parish Council Overwhelmingly Objected to the Lidl Planning Application to Demolish the Three Counties Hotel and Build Supermarket.


This evening we attended the Extraordinary Meeting of the Belmont Parish Council at The Kindle Centre.

There were about 50-60 local residents many who gave their concerns, including employees of the Three Counties Hotel who pointed out that Lidl have given wrong information suggesting that there is only 18 people employed at the hotel, when in fact there are over 30 said one employee.

The Parish Council agreed and will be sending their objections to the planning department before the end of the day tomorrow, which is the deadline for residents to submit any letters, whether in support or as an objection. (The Parish Council can only object or support as an advisory and they cannot actually reject the application itself, that is controlled by the Planning department).

You can submit your comments in just a few minutes, simply be completing this form 👉 https://bit.ly/3vgx6jE

Our petition 👉 https://chng.it/bWYtFHb78S is great and has over 980 signatures but the more INDIVIDUAL COMMENTS AND LETTERS submitted will carry much more weight in planning terms.

Belmont Rural Parish Council Website | https://belmontrural-pc.gov.uk from 

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This application relates to the Tesco premises in Belmont, lying on the south-western
fringes of Hereford. It seeks planning permission for a temporary storage container to
be sited each year from November to January. It is proposed that it be located on land
within the delivery yard to the north-west of the superstore, which is accessed from
Abbotsmead Road. It would have an area of 28sqm, stand 2.7m tall and comprise the
appearance of a shipping container albeit be internally fitted out as a refrigeration unit.
A previous application (073649/F), for the installation of two temporary refrigerated
storage units, was refused on the grounds of highway safety.

Relevant Site History: 073649/F - Installation of two temporary refrigerated storage
units – Refused on 21st December 2007

Tesco Supermarket, Abbots Mead Road, Belmont, Hereford, HR2 7XS

Some comments from the above report well worth a read.

Transportation –
No highways objections – no conditions required

Environmental Health Officer –
I would advise that over the years we have had numerous complaints from local
residents about noise caused by various sources at this supermarket. This premises
is in a very sensitive location being located at very close proximity to residential
development. The positioning of these temporary refrigeration units provides another
possible source for the generation of unacceptable noise whilst they are in position. I
note from neighbour representations that this has been raised as a concern and I
would concur with this view. There is no mention in the application as to what level of
noise will be generated or as to how any unacceptable levels will be mitigated. I would
therefore recommend that this application is refused unless an acoustic survey is
provided that demonstrates what level of noise will be produced and if this level is
unacceptable what mitigation measures will be put in place to ensure that noise from
them will be adequately controlled. I would recommend that the acoustic survey uses
the methodology provided by BS 4142:2014 Methods for Rating and Assessing
Industrial and Commercial Noise (as amended A1:2019), however it should also
specifically consider low frequency noise and vibration.


If Tesco couldn't put two temporary containers on their site, I can't see how the council can approve a 
large supermarket just down the road.

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On 07/05/2022 at 19:21, megilleland said:

This application relates to the Tesco premises in Belmont, lying on the south-western
fringes of Hereford. It seeks planning permission for a temporary storage container to
be sited each year from November to January. It is proposed that it be located on land
within the delivery yard to the north-west of the superstore, which is accessed from
Abbotsmead Road. It would have an area of 28sqm, stand 2.7m tall and comprise the
appearance of a shipping container albeit be internally fitted out as a refrigeration unit.
A previous application (073649/F), for the installation of two temporary refrigerated
storage units, was refused on the grounds of highway safety.

Relevant Site History: 073649/F - Installation of two temporary refrigerated storage
units – Refused on 21st December 2007

Tesco Supermarket, Abbots Mead Road, Belmont, Hereford, HR2 7XS

Some comments from the above report well worth a read.

Transportation –
No highways objections – no conditions required

Environmental Health Officer –
I would advise that over the years we have had numerous complaints from local
residents about noise caused by various sources at this supermarket. This premises
is in a very sensitive location being located at very close proximity to residential
development. The positioning of these temporary refrigeration units provides another
possible source for the generation of unacceptable noise whilst they are in position. I
note from neighbour representations that this has been raised as a concern and I
would concur with this view. There is no mention in the application as to what level of
noise will be generated or as to how any unacceptable levels will be mitigated. I would
therefore recommend that this application is refused unless an acoustic survey is
provided that demonstrates what level of noise will be produced and if this level is
unacceptable what mitigation measures will be put in place to ensure that noise from
them will be adequately controlled. I would recommend that the acoustic survey uses
the methodology provided by BS 4142:2014 Methods for Rating and Assessing
Industrial and Commercial Noise (as amended A1:2019), however it should also
specifically consider low frequency noise and vibration.


If Tesco couldn't put two temporary containers on their site, I can't see how the council can approve a 
large supermarket just down the road.

This is interesting. The council should refuse this, got to be most crazy idea this year

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