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Planning Refused for Costa Coffee

Hereford Voice

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Planning permission was refused for a Costa Coffee to be located on a Retail Park on Holmer Road Hereford with concerns over lack of parking.

Cafe 1.jpg


Full details of decision below:

THE COUNTY OF HEREFORDSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL hereby gives notice in pursuance of the provisions of the above Acts that PLANNING PERMISSION has been REFUSED for the carrying out of the development described above for the following reasons:

1 The proposal would have insufficient parking and this would result in indiscriminate parking to the detriment of highway safety. In addition a lack of an allocated delivery vehicles unloading area would be likely to exacerbate this. The proposal is contrary to Herefordshire Local Plan – Core Strategy policies SS4 and MT1.
1 The Local Planning Authority has acted positively and proactively in determining this application by assessing the proposal against planning policy and any other material considerations and identifying matters of concern with the proposal and discussing those with the applicant both at pre-application stage and during the consideration of the application. However, the additional supporting information has not overcome these concerns and has been found that it is not possible to negotiate a satisfactory way forward and due to the harms which have been clearly identified within the reasons for the refusal, approval is not possible


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  • 2 months later...

I thought that this application had been refused? Unless I missed another application, but I cannot find any other however, Costa have applied for new signage now, 


Display of 1no 3d internally illuminated Costa letters, 2no internally illuminated fascia signs and 2no branded parasol

so I assume planning was eventually passed? See Here

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6 hours ago, Colin James said:

I thought that this application had been refused? Unless I missed another application, but I cannot find any other however, Costa have applied for new signage now, 

so I assume planning was eventually passed? See Here

This has probably been submitted by mistake.
Have just read the very in depth report that was made for Whitbread about the application for a unit at this location.
For this to be refused with the excuses as to why seems very odd to me.Why would a company go to extreme lengths and discussions including a pre application and response back from the planners to then be told
at the planning meeting it goes against Herefordshire Local Plan – Core Strategy policies SS4 and MT1.


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Well if the planners don't want it in Holmer Road, tell Costa that it would look very good in front of Hereford Station (and sales-wise probably a better location, given the hundreds of college students who come out of there every morning).

The vast areas of un-planted  or turfed soil in front of this fine listed station are an absolute disgrace. Only a couple of months or so and visitors to the Three Choirs Festival will be arriving.

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  • 1 month later...
On 07/05/2018 at 10:40, Colin James said:

I thought that this application had been refused? Unless I missed another application, but I cannot find any other however, Costa have applied for new signage now, 

so I assume planning was eventually passed? See Here

Have just looked at the advertising consent and it has been withdrawn

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