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In Trouble At Work? Hit your employer with some well-chosen words...


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As central government employer protection intensifies, employment rights diminish, and aggressive, uncontrolled public sector scams gather pace into 2015, be prepared for the worst.


More and more of us are finding we have to defend ourselves or our 'service users' against malpractice, dishonesty, abuse, callous treatment and lack of senior officer accountability.  In fact a perverse and cruel response is becoming 'par for the course' if you're an honest individual who causes problems for your employer by publicising their crooked activity or who makes an internal complaint in good faith.


In this "brave" new frontier of 'business needs' versus 'public service', here are a few phrases I put together when Cheshire West and Chester Council came gunning for me back in 2007 - 2009.


I won this particular battle, but lost my job, and my ability to continue my career as a lighting designer / engineer became ground down and permanently diminished.  Patronage, old friends, back-scratching, favours and petty vindictiveness ensured this specialist livelihood came to an abrupt end.


If you come up against this kind of crookedness in 2015, and chances are you may do if you're still clinging on for grim death at Herefordshire County Council, here's a few polished phrases that can be used to make stupid, bullying managers pause, scratch their bonces, and lurch firmly onto the back foot.


A word of warning.  These MBA badge of honour wielders will utterly despise you - and seek to destroy you even MORE - when the penny drops you're 100 times cleverer than they are.



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This is very impressive work Paul. Well done lad. Thank you for taking the time to dig this blog up from the depths of the WIIT archives. It'll be of help to some poor soul who suddenly finds that they and only they were the cause of the problem as they quickly realise that opening their mouths and saying, 'this ain't right' was the most stupid thing that they could ever have done.

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Paul some excellent quotes and phrases, many relate to my own circumstances. 'Attacking the messenger' and branding them a troublemaker is all too often the preferred defence for most organisations. What I find particularly infuriating is they convince themselves they are justified in doing so, affording Directors more credibility than staff who rank lower in the organisation. The Director's telling the truth because he's higher up the food chain? I know very few Senior Managers with any integrity, in fact I know not one. They would label people like you and I as obsessive because we refuse to allow the lies to go unchallenged.


For example if I reported a problem to the Leader of Herefordshire Council, who then publicly denied ever having been told. Do I sit back and leave the lie unchallenged, in which case I become the liar or do I challenge the lie and risk being labelled an obsessive trouble maker?


The other thing you invaribly find is the number of people who will stand behind Senior Managers and Directors because they are protecting their own interests and they absolutely believe they are justified in doin so. The people with the most power always have the most foot soldiers. No one is going to stand behind a lone voice trying to right a wrong doing that affords them no benefit, whistleblowers are despised, morality closed the door when it left the room!

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  • 2 weeks later...



Hopefully someone will be able to sign post a Worcester paramedic to this thread.


He spoke out last week on Midlands Today, about the amount of patients on trollies in the corridor, and how procedures such as putting in cannulas (needles) amongst others, are taking place in non clinical areas.


Move forward seven days, and he is back talking to Midlands Today, having been banned form both Worcester Royal and Redditch hospitals.


Unison say this is clearly victimising a whistleblower.


The paramedic had stated to hospital management, his intention to speak about the issues, prior to the television interview.

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He also told his line manager and the suggestion is that he was encouraged to do so. I just hope he is not going to be made a scapegoat. West Midlands Ambulance Service response times can suffer if their vehicles are held up at the Emergency Department though they can't publicly be seen to take issue with hospitals so why not use a maverick paramedic.

I feel sure that the relationship between frontline ambulance crews and ED staff is solid because they are both under the same pressures. The argument and frustration lies with upstairs.

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I would also like to add that I am sure that both the Care Quality Commission and Patients Association will be made aware of the statement made by the Trust outlining the reasons why they felt it necessary to request a ban on this paramedic attending its Emergency Departments.

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The email shown, states that his area support officer (who is a good bloke) had written to the CEO of Worcester Royal, saying "You knew what he was going to say, and you told him to say it."


WMAS have also stated that they will deploy this paramedic as usual.


 I hope that they continue this stance, and don't bow to pressure.


I am sure that with 26 years frontline experience under his belt, if he has seen things which he felt compelled to report, these issues need investigating and rectifying. Not playing the blame game.

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Doug is a good bloke Dippy. An old fashioned area manager up from the ranks in the days before graduate paramedics.This guy has had huge support after all there were no lies told and I'm just staggered at the over reaction by the CEO. The NHS is an emotive topical subject and gets reaction so whistleblowers here can now guarantee attention. Sadly the same reaction cannot be replicated for those standing up against wrongs in local government which is a sad reality and actually I admire these people more.

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Spot on comment there, Green Knight.


 Local government need to remove their heads from the sand, and start to acknowledge the seriousness of the many issues and concerns that are legitimately raised by their staff. Papering over the cracks, and pretending all is well, is condoning what has happened/is happening.


Treating staff who raise problems as being the problem, does nothing to resolve them.

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